CERN Neutrino Platform Pheno Week 2023

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map
Gabriela Barenboim, Vedran Brdar (CERN), Julia Gehrlein (CERN), Pilar Hernandez, Patrick Huber, Joachim Kopp (CERN), Stephen Parke (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Silvia Pascoli (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)), Thomas Schwetz

"Neutrino physics is largely the art of learning a great deal by observing nothing." This quote attributed to Israeli physicist Haim Harari, while not doing justice to modern neutrino detectors for which event pile-up is an actual issue, nevertheless illustrates the fascination exuded by the lightest of all (known) fermions.

The goal of the CERN Neutrino Platform Pheno Week 2023 is to bring together those who share this fascination around the world. The focus of the workshop will be primarily on phenomenology and theory and will cover the following topics:

  • long-baseline oscillations 
  • short-baseline physics 
  • models of flavor 
  • neutrinos at the LHC (FASERν, SND@LHC)
  • neutrino interactions and cross-sections 
  • physics beyond the Standard Model (including neutrinoless double beta decay)
  • neutrino astrophysics / neutrino astronomy
  • neutrino cosmology
  • ...

Confirmed speakers include Asli Abdullahi, Akitaka Ariga, Adi Ashkenazi, K.S. Babu, John Beacom, Alexey Boyarsky, Luis Alvarez-Ruso, Basudeb Dasgupta, Enrique Fernandez-Martinez, Kohta Murase, Serguey Petcov, Noemi Rocco, Kai Schmitz, Eleonora di Valentino, Wenjie Wu, and Xunjie Xu

Format: the workshop will be in hybrid format (in-person + Zoom). In-person attendance will be limited to around 80 participants. 

Registration: There is no registration fee. Applications to attend in-person and/or give a talk will be open until February 12, 2023. For online-only participation, also later applications will be considered. If you are interested in giving a talk, please register before January 15th, indicating the proposed title, as we will begin reviewing talk requests after that date.

Travel support: limited funds are available to support some participants' expenses.

  • Abbaslu Saeed
  • Adam Smetana
  • Adi Ashkenazi
  • Adriano Cherchiglia
  • Afroditi Papadopoulou
  • Ahmed Ali
  • Akitaka Ariga
  • Akshay Chatla
  • alaa salah Afifi
  • Albert De Roeck
  • Aleena Rafique
  • Alexander Argüello Quiroga
  • Alexander Bonilla Rivera
  • Alexey Boyarsky
  • Alexey Petrov
  • Alon Faraggi
  • Alvaro Duenas
  • Aman Gupta
  • ameh james adah
  • Ana Maria Trzeciak
  • Andrea Caputo
  • Andreas Trautner
  • André Steklain
  • Animesh Chatterjee
  • Anirban Majumdar
  • Ankit Bhagat
  • Ara Ioannisian
  • Arnab Bose
  • Ashutosh Kumar Alok
  • Ashwani Saraswat
  • Asli Abdullahi
  • Asmaa Abada
  • Balasubramaniam K M
  • Basudeb Dasgupta
  • Beatrice Jelmini
  • Bei Zhou
  • Bhavya Bhavya
  • Bhuvaneshwari Kashi
  • Bikash Kumar Das
  • C.S. Lim
  • Caner Unal
  • Carlo Giunti
  • Carlos Argüelles
  • Christopher Thomas Macias
  • Claudia Hagedorn
  • Claudio Salvadore
  • Cristina Benso
  • Damiano Fiorillo
  • Darius Jurciukonis
  • Dat Tran
  • Devin Gaughan
  • Dietrich Bodeker
  • Dimitrios Papoulias
  • Dongwoo Kang
  • Edward Wang
  • Eho Pascal Douako
  • Enrique Fernandez-Martinez
  • Farhana Zaidi
  • Filippo Resnati
  • Francisco Martínez López
  • Gabriela Barenboim
  • Gabriela Lichtenstein
  • Gandhi Raj
  • Garv Chauhan
  • George Parker
  • Gh Saleh
  • Giulia Lupi
  • Graham Van Goffrier
  • Gustavo C. Branco
  • Heinrich Päs
  • Henrique Brito Câmara
  • HIBA P
  • Huma Haider
  • Ibrahim Mirza
  • Iffat Ara Mazumder
  • Ina Sarcevic
  • Innes Bigaran
  • Ivan Esteban
  • Ivan Martinez Soler
  • Jack Franklin
  • Jim Kneller
  • Jim Talbert
  • Joachim Kopp
  • Joao Penedo
  • John Beacom
  • Jordi Capo Torres
  • Jorge Gallego Veguillas
  • Jose Bernabeu
  • Josu Hernandez
  • Juan Rojo
  • Julia Gehrlein
  • Kai Schmitz
  • Kevin James Kelly
  • Khursheed Alam
  • Kiran Sharma
  • Labh Singh
  • Leonardo José Ferreira Leite
  • Luca Stanco
  • Lucas Magno Dantas Ramos
  • Luis Alvarez Ruso
  • Luis Miguel Motilla Martinez
  • Manal Alsairafi
  • Mandou Epse Nchare Memouna
  • Manibrata Sen
  • Manoranjan Dutta
  • Marco Grassi
  • Marcos Vinicius dos Santos
  • Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo
  • Maria Manuela Saez
  • Marina Cermeno
  • Mario A Acero
  • Mario Lamprea
  • Matheus Hostert
  • Mauro Mezzetto
  • Mehran Dehpour
  • Michal Rigan
  • Michele Tammaro
  • Miguel Escudero Abenza
  • Miha Nemevšek
  • Mikhail Smirnov
  • Motie Iman
  • Muzaffer Tarik Günes
  • Nandadulal Ghosh
  • Nibir Talukdar
  • Nikhil Krishna Thachaparambil
  • Nilay Bostan
  • Ninetta Saviano
  • Nuria Rius
  • Olga Mena
  • Orlando Peres
  • Oscar Zapata
  • Pablo Martínez-Miravé
  • Pablo Samuel Barham Alzas
  • Patrick Bolton
  • Pedro Dedin Neto
  • Pilar Hernández
  • Pilar Iváñez Ballesteros
  • Prathamesh Kadam
  • Priya Mishra
  • Purushottam Sahu Sahu
  • Rachik Soualah
  • Rafaela Rodrigues Rossi
  • Rahul Musale
  • Ramandeep Dewan
  • Rashid Karam
  • Rasmi Enrique Hajjar Muñoz
  • Rebekah Pestes
  • Ricardo Gomes
  • Riya Gaba
  • Roger Kapp
  • Rosa Poggiani
  • Rostan Hydrice Holder NDEBOLO
  • Rugaya Ali Dafalla Ali
  • Rémi Faure
  • Sabya Sachi Chatterjee
  • Sahar Safari
  • Sam Carey
  • Samiran Roy
  • Sergio Palomares-Ruiz
  • Serguey Petcov
  • Serhan Tufanli
  • Shashank Mishra
  • Shawn Westerdale
  • Shiqi Yu
  • Shouvik Roy Choudhury
  • Shruti Chaurasia
  • Simone Marciano
  • Soumita Pramanick
  • Soumyajit Datta
  • Stefan Antusch
  • Stephen Dolan
  • Stephen King
  • Stephen Parke
  • Stéphane Lavignac
  • Surender Verma
  • Suyash mehta
  • Swapnil Singh
  • Takuya Morozumi
  • Thomas Hambye
  • Thomas Joseph Holvey
  • Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
  • Tiago Lopes
  • Ting Cheng
  • Todorovic Natasa
  • Tristan Schefke
  • Ulrich Mosel
  • Upendra Upendra Sen Chakma
  • Vaibhav Omble
  • Vedran Brdar
  • Virendra Kumar
  • Vishvas Pandey
  • Vivek Banerjee
  • Vivek Kumar Srivastava
  • Volodymyr Takhistov
  • Víctor Bresó Pla
  • Waleed Abdallah
  • Wenjie Wu
  • Wenna Pei
  • Xabier Marcano
  • Xun-Jie XU
  • Yago P Porto Silva
  • Yannis Georis
  • Yu Seon Jeong
  • Yu-Dai Tsai
  • Yue Zhang
  • Yuejia Zhai
  • +105