6th General Meeting of the LHC EFT Working Group

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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General meeting of the LHC EFT Working Group 

There will be a joint session with LHC Higgs WG during their 20th annual workshop on Wednesday afternoon. The corresponding Zoom link is https://cern.zoom.us/j/65534194643?pwd=OHcrOThZdVdRdHBDWklGeTRxK0dZZz09 for this session.

To subscribe to the WG mailing list, click here

    • 14:00 15:30
      Area reports: Joint session with LHC Higgs WG (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1276727/sessions/508583/#20231115) ACHTUNG: SEPARATE ZOOM: https://cern.zoom.us/j/65534194643?pwd=OHcrOThZdVdRdHBDWklGeTRxK0dZZz09 503/1-001 - Council Chamber

      503/1-001 - Council Chamber


      Please note that the Zoom room for this session is https://cern.zoom.us/j/65534194643?pwd=OHcrOThZdVdRdHBDWklGeTRxK0dZZz09
      Show room on map
    • 18:30 20:00
      Refreshments 500/1-201 - Mezzanine

      500/1-201 - Mezzanine


      Show room on map
    • 09:40 11:10
      Experimental reports 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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    • 10:40 11:10
      coffee break 4/2-011 - TH common room

      4/2-011 - TH common room


      Show room on map
    • 11:10 11:40
      Experimental reports 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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    • 11:40 13:10
      Theory reports 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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    • 13:10 14:20
      Lunch break
    • 14:20 15:40
      Area reports: Fit and related systematics - Area 4 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


      Show room on map
      • 14:20
        Area 4: Update on EFTWG fitting exercise (10'+5') 10m
        Speaker: Kristin Lohwasser (University of Sheffield (GB))
      • 14:35
        Area 4: Report on LHC reinterpretation forum workshop (10'+5') 10m
        Speaker: Ken Mimasu (University of Southampton)
      • 14:50
        Area 4: A practical framework of EFT fits with published likelihoods (20'+5') 20m

        Recently there has been rapid increase in the number of full statistical models (or "likelihoods") published by the experiments. Most are based on the HistFactory (pyhf) format and published in HEPData. This allows theorists and others to reproduce and combine measurements with the same gold standard as the internal experimental results. However, these are mainly from SUSY and exotics searches and working with EFTs is more complicated because quantum interference effects lead to changes in the signal template (via the dependence of the differential cross-sections and phase-space dependent selection efficiency on the EFT parameters). In this talk I will propose a simple, lightweight framework that would extend current likelihood publishing to overcome these challenges and enable 'exact' EFT fits (i.e. with the same level of detail as the internal experimental fits and combinations).

        Speaker: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
      • 15:15
        Area 4: Introducing the FAIROS-HEP Research Coordination Network (5'+5') 10m

        The US National Science Foundation has funded a 3-year "Research Coordination Network" called FAIROS-HEP. FAIROS-HEP aims to foster the adoption of practices and cyberinfrastructure to enable reuse and reinterpretation of high energy physics (HEP) datasets. The network has funds to support international workshops and to contribute directly to cyberinfrastructure components such as INSPIRE, HEPData, etc. A specific aim of FAIROS-HEP is to aid in developing a framework for EFT global fits as conceptualized by the community through meetings such as the LHC EFT WG. The purpose of this talk is just to announce the project and the availability of funds for participants to attend dedicated workshops and targeted contributions to cyberinfrastructure components.

        Speaker: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
      • 15:25
        Area 4: Plans & Discussion 10m
    • 15:40 16:10
      Break 30m 4/2-011 - TH common room

      4/2-011 - TH common room


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    • 16:10 17:50
      Area reports: Observables - Area 3 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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    • 09:00 10:10
      Area reports: Predictions & Tools - Area 2 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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      • 09:00
        Area 2: Update on EFT prediction note 15m
        Speaker: Alberto Belvedere (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 09:20
        Area 2: Update on common format & toolchain for SMEFT parameterisations (STXS) 15m
        Speakers: Eleonora Rossi (University of Oxford (GB)), Ken Mimasu (University of Southampton)
      • 09:40
        SmeftFR v3 - a tool for creating and handling vertices in SMEFT to the 1/Λ^4 order 25m

        SmeftFR v3 [Comput.Phys.Commun. 294 (2024) 108943, 2302.01353, https://www.fuw.edu.pl/smeft/] enables derivation of Feynman rules for interaction vertices from the dimension-5, dimension-6, and (so far) all bosonic dimension-8 SMEFT operators. Obtained Feynman rules allow for consistent numerical or symbolic calculations in SMEFT (e.g., in Madgraph or in FeynArts) to the 1/Λ^4 order in the EFT expansion, including dimension-6 squared and dimension-8 terms, which is a novelty in the literature. In my talk, I will discuss some of the most important new features of SmeftFR v3, such as choosing among and using one of the predetermined input schemes, including one for the CKM matrix. I will also describe examples of its usage and some possible applications.

        Speaker: Michal Ryczkowski
    • 10:10 10:40
      coffee break 4/2-011 - TH common room

      4/2-011 - TH common room


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    • 10:40 12:00
      Area reports: Benchmark Scenarios from UV Models - Area 5 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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      Conveners: Peter Stangl (CERN), Sandra Kortner (Max Planck Society (DE)), Shankha Banerjee
      • 10:40
        Summary of Area 5 activities and new directions 15m
        Speaker: Peter Stangl (CERN)
      • 10:55
        Matching 2HDM onto Effective Field Theories in ATLAS (15' + 5') 20m
        Speaker: Andrea Visibile (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
      • 11:15
        Matching database + new framework for matching repository (20' + 5') 25m
        Speaker: Juan Carlos Criado (University of Granada)
      • 11:40
        One Loop Effective Action up to Dimension Eight: integrating out heavy scalars and fermions (15' + 5') 20m

        I will discuss the computation of effective action after integrating out heavy scalars and fermions respectively up to dimension eight. The result is very universal. The generic expressions for the effective operators up to dimension eight are computed for the first time and applicable for any UV model. At this current situation when we are looking more precise calculation beyond dimension six, these will be very useful and effective.

        Speaker: Joydeep Chakrabortty (IIT Kanpur)
    • 12:00 13:20
      Lunch break 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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    • 13:20 14:50
      Area reports: EFT formalism - Area 1 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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      • 13:20
        Higher-order corrections in SMEFT (20'+5') 25m
        Speaker: Anke Biekoetter (JGU Mainz)
      • 13:45
        Positivity constraints (20'+5') 25m
        Speaker: Mr Marc Riembau Saperas (CERN)
      • 14:10
        SMEFT vs HEFT: multi-Higgs phenomenology (15'+5') 20m

        This article studies the production of multiple Higgs bosons from longitudinal vector boson scattering in the context of effective field theories.
        The equivalence theorem is employed for a clearer understanding of the $WW\to n\times h$ dynamics.
        In this approximation, the Higgs dynamics is determined at lowest order in the general Higgs Effective Theory (HEFT) by the flare function $\mathcal{F}$, which provides the $WWh^n$ effective vertices.
        We find that the amplitudes can be written in a very compact way for the production of two, three and four Higgs bosons.
        However, when mapped to the Standard Model Effective Theory (SMEFT), we find a strong suppression in the production of multi-Higgs states.
        Non-SMEFT scenarios that allow the flare-function to deviate from the correlations required by SMEFT can avoid this feature and have cross sections orders of magnitude larger.
        We provide some phenomenological comparisons between HEFT and SMEFT cross sections and exclusion plots for models assuming the SMEFT scenario. For the computation of these cross sections we provide various specific codes which we have made publicly available to the community.

        Speaker: Javier Martínez Martín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid & IPARCOS)
      • 14:30
        Geometry of EFTs (15'+5') 20m

        Lagrangian terms of an effective field theory (EFT) are commonly organized as an expansion in terms of the EFT power counting. Field space geometry reorganizes these terms in a more efficient way, allowing the direct generalization of some known results to a resummed tower of operators containing higher-order terms, such as the renormalization group equations at one- and two-loop order, some scattering amplitudes, decay widths and electroweak precision observables.This geometric approach also gives a basis independent formulation which can be interpreted with different EFT power counting parameters, helping us select the most appropriate EFT (with faster convergence) for phenomenology studies, such as the Standard Model EFT vs the Higgs EFT.
        The purpose of this proposal to the LHC EFT working group is twofold:
        1) Fully generalize the formalism to arbitrary EFTs by including derivative terms and particles of higher-spin (fermions and vectors). Ideas to deal with the former include Lagrange spaces and jet bundle geometry, while the latter is straightforward and requires an extension of the field space to supermanifolds.
        2) Facilitate the adoption of these techniques in phenomenology studies, allowing to deal with more compact expressions in terms of the geometrical objects, which makes the calculations with higher-dimensional operators trivial.

        Speakers: Julie Pagès, Julie Pagès (University of California, San Diego)
    • 14:50 16:05
      Area reports: Area reports - Area 6 4/3-006 - TH Conference Room

      4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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