Data Science @ LHC 2015 Workshop
The LHC experiments have been producing the largest amount of complex data. 100TB/s of real-time data analyses and analyses of 100 EB of data are anticipated and planned for. The field of data science beyond statistical methods has been producing advanced, intelligent methods for data analysis, pattern recognition and model inference. This workshop will engage the two communities towards cross exchanges and applications that can forge accelerated progress in big basic science questions.
Some of the topics that will be addressed include cutting edge pattern recognition methods for elementary particle identification; intelligent detectors that learn from their failures and self-adjust to increase their performance efficiency; fast reconstruction of charged particle tracks; high-rate event selection algorithms that learn to select rare physics processes; advanced data techniques that can guide discovery and other challenges that can profit from advanced computational methods and resources.
The workshop includes plenary presentations, tutorials and hands-on hackathon-type of ML exercises as well as directed and undirected discussion and brainstorming time.
Subscribe to the participants mailing list for discussions on the topic and announcements before and during the workshop by sending email to:
Follow the workshop official account @DataScienceLHC . Feel free to tweet using the recommended hash tag #DSLHC15
The workshop will take place at CERN, it is open to anyone with an interest on Data Science application to High Energy Physics. There are no fees but registration for attendance in person is necessary for organization purposes. Registration for non-CERN users is prerequisite in order to gain access to the CERN site during the workshop.
Registration is closed at this time. However, the event will be in video conference and on CERN webcast.
For accommodation and access to CERN as well as laptop registration, check the registration page
- Adam Elwood
- Adinda de Wit
- Adrian Bevan
- Akshay Katre
- Albert Puig Navarro
- Alejandro Gomez Espinosa
- Alexander Zamyatin
- Alexei Klimentov
- Allen Egon Cholakian
- Amithabh Shrinivas
- Ananya Ananya
- Andre Georg Holzner
- Andrea Coccaro
- Andrea Bocci
- Andrea Giammanco
- Andrew Hard
- Andrew Lowe
- Andrey Ustyuzhanin
- Andrzej Siodmok
- André David
- Anjishnu Bandyopadhyay
- Anna Zaborowska
- Arash Jofrehei
- Avishek Chatterjee
- Balazs Kegl
- Balazs Ujvari
- Balint Radics
- Ben Couturier
- Bhawna Gomber
- Bianca-Cristina Cristescu
- Bohmer Felix
- Bornheim Adi
- Borun Chowdhury
- Caterina Doglioni
- Catrin Bernius
- Cecile Germain
- Chao Wang
- Christian Contreras-Campana
- Christian L. Müller
- Christian Ohm
- Christos Leonidopoulos
- Clemens Lange
- Cristiano Alpigiani
- Daniel Hay Guest
- Daniel Kudlowiez Franch
- Daniel Meister
- Daniel Patrick O'Hanlon
- Daniela Bortoletto
- Daniela Paredes
- Daniele Bonacorsi
- Darren Price
- David Rousseau
- Davide Castelvecchi
- Demis Hassabis
- Demouth Julien
- Devdatta Majumder
- Dirk Duellmann
- Donghee Kang
- Dustin Burns
- Eamonn Maguire
- Ece Akilli
- Eduardo Rodrigues
- Eilam Gross
- Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
- Elli Papadopoulou
- Ellie Dobson
- Emma Tolley
- Farbin Amir
- Federico De Guio
- Federico Ferri
- Federico Preiato
- Florencia Canelli
- Foreman-Mackey Dan
- Francesco Guescini
- Francesco Lo Sterzo
- Francesco Spano
- Francisco Anuar Arduh
- Frank Deppisch
- Frederic Alexandre Dreyer
- Fuquan Wang
- Gabor Boros
- Geoffrey Nathan Smith
- Georg Zobernig
- Georgios Krintiras
- Georgios Krintiras
- Gergely Devenyi
- Giacomo Artoni
- Gianfranco Bertone
- Gilles Louppe
- Giovanni Punzi
- Greeshma Koyithatta Meethaleveedu
- Gregory Dobler
- Guenter Duckeck
- Harinder Singh Bawa
- Head Timothy Daniel
- Hongtao Yang
- Ian Fisk
- Ian Michael Snyder
- Igor Altsybeev
- Iosif-Charles Legrand
- Ivan Glushkov
- Jack Wright
- James Catmore
- James K
- Jared Vasquez
- Jean-Roch Vlimant
- Jeffrey Wayne Hetherly
- Jesse Heilman
- Jitendra Kumar
- Joaquin Hoya
- John Apostolakis
- Jonathan Shlomi
- Joschka Lingemann
- Jose David Ruiz Alvarez
- Josh Bendavid
- Jovan Mitrevski
- Judita Mamuzic
- Juerg Beringer
- Juergen Schmidhuber
- Karel Ha
- Karim El Morabit
- Katharine Leney
- Khristian Kotov
- Konstantinos Karakostas
- Kyle Cranmer
- Kyle Martin Tos
- Laser Seymour Kaplan
- Lashkar Kashif
- Leonardo Cristella
- Levente Torok, Phd
- Lily Asquith
- Lorenzo Bianchini
- Lorenzo Moneta
- Lucian Stefan Ancu
- Luke de Oliveira
- M Spiropúlu
- Maciej Pawel Szymanski
- Marc Schoenauer
- Marcel Rieger
- Marco A. Harrendorf
- Marco Meoni
- Marco Rovee
- Maria Girone
- Marie Lanfermann
- Marilyn Marx
- Mario Lassnig
- Mariyan Petrov
- Matteo Negrini
- Maurizio Pierini
- Mauro Donega
- Mazin Woodrow Khader
- Messmer Peter
- Michael Kagan
- Michela Paganini
- Michelangelo Mangano
- Michele Floris
- Miguel Vidal Marono
- Mikael Kuusela
- Mikael Mieskolainen
- Mirena Ivova Paneva
- Mirkoantonio Casolino
- Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed
- Nan Lu
- Nikola Lazar Whallon
- Nikos Karastathis
- Olaf Nackenhorst
- Oliver Maria Kind
- Olivier Bondu
- Olivier Mattelaer
- Othmane Rifki
- Pablo De Castro Manzano
- Panagiotis Spentzouris
- Paolo Calafiura
- Patricia Rebello Teles
- Patrick Koppenburg
- Patrick Rieck
- Pedro Vieira De Castro Ferreira Da Silva
- Peter Elmer
- Peter Sadowski
- Philip Chang
- Pierre Baldi
- Pietro Vischia
- Pooja Saxena
- Qi Zeng
- Rachel Yohay
- Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
- Raghava Varma
- Reina Coromoto Camacho Toro
- Renato Aparecido Negrao De Oliveira
- Riccardo Iaconelli
- Riccardo Russo
- Richard Wilkinson
- Robert Roser
- Roberto Ruiz de Austri
- Roth Gunter
- Ruchi Gupta
- Rui Zhang
- Russell Woods Smith
- Ryan Heller
- Sabine Kraml
- Samuel James Greydanus
- Samuel Meehan
- Savannah Thais
- Savvas Kyriacou
- Sean Flowers
- Sean-Jiun Wang
- Sergei Gleyzer
- Sezen Sekmen
- Shawn Williamson
- Shih-Chieh Hsu
- Sijin Qian
- Simeon Bamford
- Simone Amoroso
- Soren Stamm
- Stefano Mattei
- Steven Alkire
- Steven Randolph Schramm
- Suchita Kulkarni
- Tamas Almos Vami
- Tanmay Sarkar
- Thorben Quast
- Tibor Kiss
- Tobias Golling
- Tobias Tekampe
- Tom Stevenson
- Tomo Lazovich
- Tova Holmes
- Tuan Mate Nguyen
- Tyler Henry Ruggles
- Valentin Volkl
- Valentin Y Kuznetsov
- Valerio Ippolito
- Vincent Alexander Croft
- Vincenzo Innocente
- Virginia Azzolini
- Vitaliano Ciulli
- Vittorio Raoul Tavolaro
- Vladimir Gligorov
- Wells Wulsin
- Wen Guan
- William Dmitri Breaden Madden
- Wooyoung Moon
- Xabier Cid Vidal
- Xiangyang Ju
- Xiaohu Sun
- Yasaman Fereydooni
- Zongchang Yang