openlab-Intel software tools workshop 2015

from Thursday 9 July 2015 (09:00) to Friday 10 July 2015 (17:00)
CERN (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
9 Jul 2015
10 Jul 2015
09:00 Introduction and technicalities - Pawel Szostek (CERN)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
09:15 Intel architectures roadmap - what software developers need to know about advancements in hardware - Mr Georg Zitzlsberger (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
09:45 Parallel Programming concepts - Mr Zakhar Matveev (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
11:15 --- break ---
11:30 Effective compilation with Intel C++ Compiler - Mr Georg Zitzlsberger (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
09:00 Intel VTune Amplifier training - Mr Georg Zitzslberger (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
10:30 --- coffe break ---
10:45 Code vectorization using Intel Compiler and Intel Advisor - Mr Georg Zitzlsberger (Intel) Mr Zakhar Matveev (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
12:00 --- lunch break ---
13:30 Code Modernization - use cases - Mr Hans Pabst (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
14:00 Intel Performance libraries (MKL, TBB, OpenMP4 and extensions) - Mr Hans Pabst (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
15:00 Hands-on lab: MKL, TBB, OpenMP and Compiler - Mr Hans Pabst (Intel)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
17:00 Wrap-up of day 1 and Q&A   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
12:00 --- lunch break ---
13:30 Hands-on lab: improving vectorization techniques with Intel Compiler and Intel Advisor - Part I - Mr Zakhar Matveev (Intel Corporation) Mr Georg Zitzlsberger (Intel Corporation)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
14:30 Hands-on lab: improving vectorization techniques with Intel Compiler and Intel Advisor - Part II - Mr Zakhar Matveev (Intel) Mr Georg Zitzlsberger (Intel Corporation)   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)
16:30 Wrap-up, Q&A and follow-ups   (Wed room 13, Thu room 11)