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Overview of the the Jet energy scale session
o Calibration schemes
o Factorized corrections
o Tests and systematics
Inputs to jet reconstruction:
o towers
o topo-towers
o clusters
Pile-up offset correction
Jet corrections: Relative Eta correction across the calorimeter
* Description of technique (traditional, 2D), event selection, trigger
* Performance at the EM scale, after cell-density, after local hadron
* Validation + pile-up effect
* Systematic uncertainties
Jet corrections: Absolute response
* Corrections based on MC
o Simple pT-Eta correction
o Jet-moment corrections
* Corrections based on Data
o Z/gamma+jet balance
o Missing pT fraction (MPF)
* Extrapolation to high Pt
Jet corrections: Out-of-cone corrections
* EM scale, H1 and LC jets
* Systematic uncertainties
* Etmiss consistency
Jet corrections: configurations with close by jets
* Present status and future strategy
Jet corrections: Order of corrections
Closure tests
* W-mass constrained in top pairs
* gamma/Z-balance
* Drell-Yan pairs
* Jet shapes : Data-MC comparison
Jet energy resolution improvement after calibration
* Jet vertex fraction event-by-event pile-up correction
* Layer energy fraction corrections
* Track-based response corrections
Methodology to establish a systematic jet energy scale uncertainty