Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


from Monday 25 September 2017 (08:50) to Tuesday 26 September 2017 (18:50)
TRIESTE (128-129)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
25 Sept 2017
26 Sept 2017
Intro and Rationale - M. Viel & F. Perrotta (until 09:05) (128-129)
ASTROPARTICLE (until 11:00) (128-129)
09:15 Takeshi Kobayashi - Cosmology with Light Scalars   (128-129)
09:35 Viviana Gammaldi - Indirect dark matter searches   (128-129)
09:55 Mihael Petac - Phase-space distribution of DM and its importance for indirect detection   (128-129)
10:10 Riccardo Murgia - Dark matter at small scales: a general approach   (128-129)
10:25 Thomas Jacques - Future CTA constraints vs Colliders and Direct Detection   (128-129)
10:45 Riccardo Munini - The GAPS Experiment to Search for Dark Matter using Low-energy Antimatter   (128-129)
11:00 --- COFFEE BREAK ---
TECHNOLOGY (until 12:20) (128-129)
11:30 Luca Tornatore - Astrophysical codes migration towards exascale era   (128-129)
11:50 David Goz - Power efficient software acceleration using programmable logic in the Exascale Era   (128-129)
12:05 Veronica Baldini - From ESPRESSO@VLT to HIRES@ELT: Instrument Control Software and Electronics developed at INAF-OATs   (128-129)
COSMOLOGY - CMB and early universe (until 11:05) (128-129)
09:00 Lasma Alberte - On equivalence principle in scalar-tensor theories   (128-129)
09:20 Andrei Khmelnitsky - Cosmological Collider Physics   (128-129)
09:40 Davide Poletti - Constraining B-modes with the POLARBEAR experiment.   (128-129)
10:00 Nicoletta Krachmalnikoff - The problem of Galactic foregound in the measurement of CMB B-modes   (128-129)
10:20 Giuseppe Puglisi - contamination to CMB polarization: a 3D model for CO molecular line emission   (128-129)
10:35 Alessandro Davoli - Displaced Vertices from Pseudo-Dirac Dark Matter   (128-129)
11:05 --- COFFEE BREAK ---
CHEMICAL EVOLUTION AND STARS (until 12:55) (128-129)
11:35 Gabriele Cescutti - Probing the nature of the First Stars   (128-129)
11:55 Guglielmo Costa - New stellar evolution models with rotation   (128-129)
12:10 Valeria Grisoni - Modelling the chemical evolution of the Milky Way thick and thin discs   (128-129)
12:25 Lorenzo Gioannini - The Galactic Habitable Zone: the effects of metals and dust   (128-129)
12:40 Alessandro Trani - Circumnuclear gas as probe of supermassive black hole presence   (128-129)
GALAXY FORMATION (until 15:50) (128-129)
14:00 Chiara Feruglio - The ALMA view of the life cycle of galaxies   (128-129)
14:20 Milena Valentini - On the effect of galactic outflows in cosmological simulations of disc galaxies   (128-129)
14:35 Eda Gjergo - Simulating Galaxy Clusters with Dust Formation and Evolution   (128-129)
14:50 Anna Zoldan - Size and specific angular momentum: dynamical properties in semi-analytic models   (128-129)
15:05 Jingjing Shi - The Angular Momentum of ETGs and LTGs   (128-129)
15:20 Liz Xie - Size evolution of central and satellite galaxies   (128-129)
15:35 Jean-Philippe Fontaine - The Radial Tully Fisher relation in Dwarf Galaxies   (128-129)
15:50 --- COFFEE BREAK ---
HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (until 18:00) (128-129)
16:10 Lara Nava - Gamma-Ray Bursts at high and very high energies   (128-129)
16:30 Thomas Gasparetto - CTA science   (128-129)
16:45 Giorgio Calderone - QSFit: Automatic analysis of optical AGN spectra.   (128-129)
17:00 Gor Oganesyan - Radiative processes in gamma-ray burst prompt emission   (128-129)
17:15 Davide Miceli - GRB observations with MAGIC   (128-129)
17:30 Marta Trini - Search for neutrinos at the Pierre Auger Observatory   (128-129)
17:45 Gasper Kukec - Multivariate analysis approach to ultra high energy cosmic ray mass composition   (128-129)
19:30 CENA in CENTRO   (128-129)
COSMOLOGY - LSS (clusters/IGM) (until 17:15) (128-129)
14:30 Alex Saro - Cosmology with clusters of galaxies   (128-129)
14:50 Anirban Roy - Observing Patchy reionization with CMB-S4   (128-129)
15:05 Eleonora Villa - Theoretical systematics in galaxy correlations beyond LCDM   (128-129)
15:25 Tommaso Ronconi - Cosmology with voids: a look at the underdense side of the Large Scale Structure   (128-129)
15:40 Emiliano Munari - Finding galaxy clusters in Euclid. A challenge among the cluster finders   (128-129)
16:00 --- COFFEE BREAK ---
16:30 Manuel Colavincenzo - Covariance Matrices with Euclid   (128-129)
16:45 Isabella Carucci - Cosmic neutral hydrogen as large scale structure tracer   (128-129)
17:00 Andrej Obuljen - High redshift cosmology with 21cm intensity mapping   (128-129)