9:00 AM
Rare Particle Production in Relativistic Particle Collisions through Entanglement
Rene Bellwied
(University of Houston (US))
9:30 AM
Lattice thermodynamics at finite chemical potential from analytical Continuation
Jana Guenther
(Regensburg University (Germany))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Recent results on the properties of strongly interacting matter from first principles
Claudia Ratti
(University of Houston)
11:00 AM
QCD Equation of State and Hadron Resonance gas
Peter Petreczky
9:00 AM
Quarkonia regeneration and dissociation within a Langevin framework
Carsten Greiner
(University of Frankfurt)
9:30 AM
QCD critical point, fluctuations and hydrodynamics
Misha Stephanov
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Nuclear modification factors of strange and multi-strange particles in pPb collisions with the CMS experiment
Hong Ni
(Vanderbilt University (US))
11:00 AM
PHENIX results on collectively in small systems
Weizhuang Peng
(Vanderbilt University (US))
9:00 AM
Quarkonium in A-A collisions with ALICE
Audrey Francisco
(Subatech, IN2P3-CNRS (FR))
9:30 AM
The role of correlations in disentangling between heavy-flavor energy-loss Models
Pol Gossiaux
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Open heavy flavour production in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE
Martin Andreas Volkl
(Eberhards Karls Universiy Tubingen (DE))
11:00 AM
Event topology reconstruction in the CBM experiment
- Prof.
Ivan Kisel
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9:00 AM
Studying jet formation in the medium with help of correlation and jet shape observables measured by the ALICE experiment
Eliane Epple
(Yale University)
9:30 AM
Inverting the mass hierarchy of jet quenching effects with prompt b-jet Substructure
Ivan Vitev
(Los Alamos National Lab)
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Azimuthal correlations of longitudinal structure at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV with ALICE
Saehanseul Oh
(Yale University - BNL)
11:00 AM
Recent PHENIX results on high-pT pi0 and eta production in Cu+Au and U+U collisions
Murad Sarsour
(Georgia State University)
9:00 AM
sPHENIX - a new jet detector at RHIC
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee (US))
9:30 AM
PHENIX Flow Results from the d+Au Beam Energy Scan
Darren McGlinchey
(Florida State University)
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
Particle production in high energy collisions: from low to high pT
Jamal Jalilian-Marian
(Baruch College)
11:00 AM
Lévy analysis of two- and three-particle Bose-Einstein correlations with PHENIX
Mate Csanad
(Eotvos University, Budapest)
6:00 PM
Reception dinner
5:30 PM
Cluster and hypernuclei production within PHQMD
joerg aichelin
6:00 PM
Electromagnetic emissivity of hot and dense matter
Elena Bratkovskaya
6:30 PM
System size dependence of particle production in EPOS
5:30 PM
Overview for PHENIX Spin Results
Murad Sarsour
(Georgia State University)
6:00 PM
Study of the confinement-deconfinement transition in dense medium by means of lattice two-color QCD
Andrey Kotov
6:30 PM
Overview of low pT photon results from PHENIX at RHIC
Takao Sakaguchi
5:30 PM
Latest results on quarkonium production from CMS
Dong Ho Moon
(Chonnam National University (KR))
6:00 PM
PHENIX Measurements of Bottom and Charm Quark Production
Timothy Rinn
(Iowa State University)
6:30 PM
Recent results on hard processes in p+Pb, Pb+Pb, and photon-photon collisions from the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
Laura Brittany Havener
(Columbia University (US))
5:30 PM
Latest Minimum Bias and Underlying Event Measurements with the ATLAS Detector
Valentina Cairo
(The State University of New York SUNY (US))
6:00 PM
PHENIX results on jet modification with pi0 and photon-triggered two particle Correlations
- Mr
Tyler Danley
(Ohio University)
6:30 PM
Direct photon production at low pT in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 2.76 and 8 TeV with ALICE
Nicolas Schmidt
5:30 PM
Pseudo-rapidity dependence of anisotropic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Christian Bourjau
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
6:00 PM
Black-disk asymptotics of unintegrated dipole gluon distribution
- Dr
Raktim Abir
(Aligarh Muslim University)
6:30 PM
New analytic solution of (linearised) Balistky-Kovchegov equation
Mariyah Siddiqah
(Aligarh Muslim University)