The 34th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics
The Langley Resort Fort Royal
The 34th edition of the Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics will be held March 25th-31st, 2018 in the The Langley Resort Fort Royal, located in Deshaies, Guadeloupe. As with previous years, the workshop will bring together scientists from all fields of nuclear physics for engaging and friendly exchanges of ideas. Much emphasis will be on the recent LHC and RHIC heavy ion results, but advances in the ongoing and future programs at FAIR, FRIB, NICA and JLab will also be featured.
The meeting will start with a welcome reception on the evening of Sunday, March 25th. The workshop program will commence on Monday morning and run until Saturday noon. We recommend you arrive on Sunday, and leave the following Saturday afternoon or Sunday. Talks will be as usual 25+5 minutes, there will be no parallel sessions. If you are interested in presenting your work, please fill out the registration form prior to the registration deadline. After the program committee has met, we will confirm your talk via individual invitations. We will also work with the talks committees of all relevant experimental collaborations to again provide a well rounded and interesting program.
Sincerely, Joerg Aichelin, Elena Bratkovskaya, Rene Bellwied, Anthony Timmins
Andrey Kotov
Anthony Robert Timmins
Audrey Francisco
Carsten Greiner
Christian Bourjau
Christine Nattrass
Claudia Ratti
Darren McGlinchey
Dong Ho Moon
Elena Bratkovskaya
Eliane Epple
Genis Musulmanbekov
Haiwang Yu
Hong Ni
Ivan Kisel
Ivan Vitev
Jamal Jalilian-Marian
Jana N. Guenther
Joerg Aichelin
Klaus Werner
laci mak
Laura Brittany Havener
Mariyah Siddiqah
Martin Andreas Voelkl
Mate Csanad
Mikhail Stephanov
Murad Sarsour
Naveed Jan
Nicolas Schmidt
Peter Petreczky
Pol Gossiaux
Raktim Abir
Rene Bellwied
Saehanseul Oh
Sarah mbombo
Soumya Mohapatra
Takao Sakaguchi
Timothy Rinn
Tyler Danley
Valentina Cairo
weizhuang peng