9:00 AM
Introduction to Collider Physics
Dieter Zeppenfeld
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
Introduction to Higgs and EW precision physics
Andreas Hoecker
9:00 AM
Introduction to Collider Physics
Dieter Zeppenfeld
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
Introduction to Higgs and EW precision physics
Andreas Hoecker
9:00 AM
Introduction to Higgs and EW precision physics
Andreas Hoecker
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders & Monte Carlo Tools for Collider Physics
Peter Skands
9:00 AM
Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders & Monte Carlo Tools for Collider Physics
Peter Skands
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
Dark Matter: model building, direct, indirect and collider signatures
Neal Weiner
9:00 AM
Introduction to QCD phenomenology at hadron colliders & Monte Carlo Tools for Collider Physics
Peter Skands
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
Jet physics
Gavin Salam
9:00 AM
Top quark physics
Fabio Maltoni
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
BSM physics
John Terning
9:00 AM
Top quark physics
Fabio Maltoni
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
BSM physics
John Terning
9:00 AM
The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis ATLAS
Gustaaf Brooijmans
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
BSM physics
John Terning
9:00 AM
Tools for the New Physics
Fawzi Boudjema
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
The search for Supersymmetry
Tilman Plehn
9:00 AM
Tools for the New Physics
Fawzi Boudjema
10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
The search for Supersymmetry
Tilman Plehn
2:30 PM
What have we learnt from the Tevatron for the LHC
Yuri Gershtein
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
Discussion/question session and student presentations
Marco Zaro
Alejandro de la Puente
Snezana Nektarijevic
Joshua Berger
2:30 PM
What have we learnt from the Tevatron for the LHC
Yuri Gershtein
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
Discussion/question session and student presentations
Andrea Bangert
Ryan Gavin
Chiu-Tien Yu
Joan Antoni Cabrer
2:30 PM
Dark Matter: model building, direct, indirect and collider signatures
Neal Weiner
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
Discussion/question session and student presentations
Lea Gauthier
Clara Salas
Arsham Farzinnia
Oriol Domenech
2:30 PM
Jet physics
Gavin Salam
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
MadGraph Tutorial
Tim Stelzer
2:30 PM
The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis CMS
Filip Moortgat
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
Discussion/question session and student presentations
Evelyn Schmidt
Andrew Larkoski
Alexandra Carvalho
Adrien Carmona
Ennio Salvioni
9:00 PM
Student party
2:30 PM
The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis CMS
Filip Moortgat
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
MadGraph Tutorial
Tim Stelzer
2:00 PM
Flavour physics and CP violation at LHC
Yossi Nir
3:30 PM
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4:00 PM
Discussion/question session and student presentations
Yonit Hochberg
Yasuhiro Yamamoto
Diane Cinca
Florian Goertz
6:00 PM
Boat excursion
2:30 PM
Flavour physics and CP violation at LHC
Yossi Nir
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
MadGraph Tutorial
Tim Stelzer
2:30 PM
The road to discovery at LHC/data analysis ATLAS
Gustaaf Brooijmans
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
Discussion/question session and student presentations
Diogo Buarque Franzosi
Suchita Kulkarni
Itay Nachshon
Marthe Teinturier
2:30 PM
Physics case for future accelerators
Michelangelo Mangano
4:00 PM
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4:30 PM
Discussion and question session
Marek Schoenherr
Sandeepan Gupta
Mika Vesterinen
Bryan Zaldivar Montero