George Tzanakos
(University of Athens)
14/06/2010, 09:00
Lee Grodzins
14/06/2010, 09:10
Stephen Parke
14/06/2010, 09:50
Jose Valle
14/06/2010, 11:00
Patricia Vahle
(William & Mary)
14/06/2010, 11:30
Osamu Sato
14/06/2010, 12:10
Richard Van de Water
14/06/2010, 14:30
Georgia Karagiorgi
14/06/2010, 14:50
Takashi Kobayashi
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
14/06/2010, 15:10
Ken Heller
14/06/2010, 15:35
Jun Cao
(IHEP Beijing)
14/06/2010, 16:30
Alain Blondel
(Departement de Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire (DPNC))
14/06/2010, 16:50
Mary Bishai
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
14/06/2010, 17:20
Sacha Kopp
(University of Texas at Austin)
14/06/2010, 17:40
Vittorio Palladino
(Univ. & INFN Napoli, Italy)
15/06/2010, 09:00
Ken Sakashita
15/06/2010, 09:20
elena wildner
15/06/2010, 09:40
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
15/06/2010, 10:00
Nigel Smith
(CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
15/06/2010, 11:00
Alberto Guglielmi
(Istituto Nazionale de Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
15/06/2010, 11:30
Mitchell Soderberg
(Yale University)
15/06/2010, 11:50
Takuya Hasegawa
15/06/2010, 12:10
Mu-Chun Chen
(UC Irvine)
15/06/2010, 14:30
Joshua Klein
(University of Pensylvania)
15/06/2010, 14:50
Frank Calaprice
(University of California - Irvine)
15/06/2010, 15:10
Yasuo Takeuchi
15/06/2010, 15:30
Anatael Cabrera Serra
(University of Oxford)
15/06/2010, 16:30
Meng Wang
(Department of Physics - University of Regina)
15/06/2010, 16:50
Kyung Kwang Joo
(Department of Physics-Chonnam National University-Unknown)
15/06/2010, 17:10
Adam Bernstein
(Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
15/06/2010, 17:30
Werner Rodejohann
(MPIK Heidelberg)
16/06/2010, 09:00
Maura Pavan
16/06/2010, 09:20
Michelle Dolinski
16/06/2010, 09:45
Kengo Nakamura
16/06/2010, 10:10
Ruben Saakyan
16/06/2010, 11:00
Marik Barnabe’-Heider
(MPIK Heidelberg)
16/06/2010, 11:25
Thomas Thümmler
16/06/2010, 11:50
Donato Nicolo
(Pisa University and INFN)
16/06/2010, 12:15
Venya Berezinsky
(INFN Gran Sasso))
16/06/2010, 14:30
Dariusz Gora
16/06/2010, 15:00
Justin Vandenbroucke
16/06/2010, 15:30
Elisa Resconi
(MPIK Heidelberg)
16/06/2010, 16:30
Gisela Anton
16/06/2010, 17:00
Petros Afentoulis Rapidis
(Institute of Nuclear Physics-Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos)
16/06/2010, 17:20
Spencer Klein
(LBNL & UC Berkeley)
16/06/2010, 17:40
Luis Alvarez-Ruso
18/06/2010, 09:00
Omar Benhar
(INFN Roma)
18/06/2010, 09:30
Morgan Wascko
(Blackett Lab.High Energy Phys.Group-Imperial College-Unknown)
18/06/2010, 09:50
Martin Tzanov
(University of Colorado)
18/06/2010, 10:10
Leslie CAmilleri
18/06/2010, 11:00
Deborah Harris
18/06/2010, 11:20
Angelo Nucciotti
18/06/2010, 11:50
Fedor Simkovic
(Comenius University)
18/06/2010, 12:10
Carlo Broggini
(INFN Padua)
18/06/2010, 14:30
Yvonne Wong
18/06/2010, 15:00
Pasquale Di Bari
18/06/2010, 15:30
Christopher Mauger
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
18/06/2010, 16:30
Masato Shiozawa
18/06/2010, 17:00
Lothar Oberauer
18/06/2010, 17:20
Alan Bross
18/06/2010, 17:40
Boris Kayser
18/06/2010, 20:00
Christian Cardall
19/06/2010, 09:00
Alessandro Mirizzi
(Max Planck Institut (Munich))
19/06/2010, 09:30
Mark Vagins
19/06/2010, 10:00
Joseph Formaggio
19/06/2010, 11:00
Robert Svoboda
(UC Davis)
19/06/2010, 11:20
John Vergados
19/06/2010, 11:40
Janet Conrad
19/06/2010, 12:00
Raju Raghavan
(Virginia TECH)
19/06/2010, 12:20
Rabindra N. Mohapatra
19/06/2010, 14:30
Gianfranco Bertone
19/06/2010, 15:00
Kunio Inoue
19/06/2010, 15:30
Nikolai Tolich
19/06/2010, 15:40
Eligio Lisi
(INFN Bari)
19/06/2010, 16:30
Hamish Robertson
(Univ. Washington)
19/06/2010, 17:10
Piotr Mijakowski
(University of Warsaw / A.Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)
This work presents a search for a signal from diffuse dark matter annihilation in atmospheric neutrino data of Super-Kamiokande-I, -II and -III. We focus on the signal arising from a diffuse source of dark matter annihilation in the Milky Way halo. We consider the scenario with dark matter particles annihilating directly to two neutrinos, equally to all flavors. In such a case, resulting...
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
A challenging requirement for a Neutrino Factory with a highly
directional neutrino beam containing ~10^{21} neutrinos/yr is a target
technology which can be used with a proton beam of power levels on the
order of 4 MW. We describe our concept for a target system which can
operate at such beam powers and thereby generate the intense muon
beams the eventual decay of which produces the...
Yanchang LIN
(The University of Hong Kong/The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment expects to determine the neutrino mixing angle θ13 with a sensitivity of sin^2(2 θ13)=0.01 in a three-year run. Eight three-zone cylindrical Anti-neutrino Detector (AD) modules with Gd-doped Liquid Scintillator are arranged in two near halls and a far hall. In the outermost zone of each AD, 192 PMTs are mounted in the Mineral Oil (MO). The stability of...
oleg egorov
(Insitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
O.K. Egorov,
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia
We present a calculation of A-dependence DD phenomena after neutrino interaction with nuclei, using two gluon exchange in connection with Nikolaev-Zakharov-Zoller (NZZ) model...
Gregory Keefer
(Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
LLNL and SNL have been exploiting the unique characteristics of reactor antineutrinos for nearly a decade in an effort to develop an independent means of monitoring fissile material diversion for reactor safeguard programs. Recently, we have constructed a less intrusive and mobile detector, which can be deployed at any nuclear reactor complex. It is designed to be operated above ground,...
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
The Neutrino Factory produces high-energy neutrino beams with a well-defined flavour content and energy spectrum from the decay of intense, high-energy, stored muon beams. The muon storage rings include long straight sections that are directed toward neutrino detectors that are sited several thousand kilometers away. This poster defines the muon-beam requirements and describes the...
Alexis A. Aguilar-Arevalo
Juan Carlos D'Olivo
It is shown that the Magnus expansion for the evolution operator,
when implemented in the adiabatic basis, provides a convenient
formalism to find approximate solutions to the problem of three
neutrino oscillations in a medium with an arbitrarily varying density.
This method allows us to incorporate in a simple way the Earth
matter effects on the transition probabilities for neutrinos...
Karsten Heeger
(University of Wisconsin)
The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment is designed to measure the last unknown neutrino mixing angle with a sensitivity of sin22θ13<0.01 by measuring the flux and spectrum of reactor antineutrinos at varying distances from the Daya Bay nuclear power plant. The experiment will use eight identical liquid scintillator detectors with 20-ton target mass each at distances ranging from 0.3-2 km...
Reyco Henning
(U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The {\sc Majorana Demonstator} will field an array of approximately 60 kg. of high-purity germanium crystals. Some of the crystals will be enriched in the double-beta decaying isotope. The {\sc Majorana Demonstrator} will search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay mode, as well as light WIMP dark matter. The primary experimental challenge is the reduction and estimation...
Masahiro Shibata
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) is an accelerator based long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. The experiment aims to discover the appearance mode and precisely measure the disappearance mode. A high intensity muon neutrino beam is produced at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) and measured with a 50 kt water Cherenkov detector, Super-Kamiokande, 295 km from...
Markus Röhling
(Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Tübingen)
The Double Chooz Experiment is a reactor neutrino disappearance experiment which aims at a precise measurement of the neutrino mixing angle theta_13. It will consist of two identical detectors, one in near and one in farther distance to the two reactors. The target of the detectors are two liquid scintillator filled acrylic vessels.This Poster will show in detail the construction of the far...
Carlos Alberto Gomez Tarazona
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Dr
Rodolfo Alexander Diaz Sanchez
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
We calculate the contribution of a charged Higgs boson to the anomalous magnetic moment of the neutrino, where the charged Higgs comes from a two Higgs doublet model with the standard gauge group, in which we consider right-handed Dirac neutrinos in the spectrum. We determine the parameter space in the mixing angles and couplings that maximizes such a contribution for them to be observable in...
Catalina Espinoza
(IST-Centro de Fisica Teorica de Particulas, Lisboa, Portugal)
The next generation of long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments will aim at determining the unknown mixing angle theta(13), the type of neutrino mass hierarchy and CP-violation. We discuss the separation of these properties by means of the energy dependence of the oscillation probability and we consider an hybrid setup which combines the electron capture and the beta+ decay from the same...
Claudia Rusconi
(università dell'Insubria - INFN sez. Milano Bicocca)
The CUORE (Criogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) experiment will search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te with the bolometric technique, with an expected sensitivity of about 50meV on the neutrino effective mass.
CUORE-0 is the first CUORE tower, that will be assembled and operated in the near future in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. In this poster, the...
marco andrea carrettoni
(INFN - universita` milano-bicocca)
Cuoricino was an array of 62 bolometric detectors whose main purpose was to study a limit on neutrinoless double beta decay ("0nuDBD") of 130Te.
Such rare process is a powerful probe for two of the main uncovered questions concerning neutrinos: their Dirac/Majorana character and their mass hierarchy.
We present the main steps of Cuoricino data analysis: starting from raw pulses and ending...
Sergio Di Domizio
(INFN and Universita' di Genova)
CUORE is a bolometric experiment currently under construction at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy.
Its main purpose is the search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Te-130.
Thanks to its big mass, excellent energy resolution and very low background, it also offers the possibility to investigate other rare processes with unprecedented sensitivity.
CUORE comes after...
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, IFIN-HH Bucharest ROMANIA)
The possibility of detecting solar neutrinos by coherent scattering on high Debye temperature monocrystals such as sapphire is presented and discussed. Preliminary experimental results estimate that 0-430 keV solar neutrinos flux produces observable torque for a high-sensitive torsion balance. Our experiment gives a result for the diurnal force as predicted by Weber's theory of enhanced solar...
Alan Poon
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
MAJORANA is a tonne-scale 76Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay
experiment with the goal of probing the Majorana neutrino mass in the
inverted mass hierarchy scenario. The experiment must meet the
stringent requirement of fewer than 1 background count/(keV tonne yr)
in the 4-keV region around the Q value of 2039 keV. The Collaboration
is building a ~60-kg prototype, the MAJORANA...
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
The Neutrino Factory is the most powerful of the proposed facilities to search for CP violation in the lepton sector via neutrino oscillations. It delivers a well known beam of electron neutrinos and muon-antineutrinos from positive muon decay (electron-antineutrinos and muon neutrinos from negative muon decay) produced in the straight sections of the storage rings in which the muons are...
Kevin O'Sullivan
(Stanford), Dr
Liang Yang
(SLAC), Dr
Tim Daniels
(University of Massachussets)
The next generation double beta decay experiments aim to probe the
Majorana neutrino mass at or below 10 meV. To reach this sensitivity the detectors need to be ton or multi-ton scale and their radioactive backgrounds of the detectors also need to be further reduced. The Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO) collaboration is developing a strategy for positively identifying the Ba-136 daughter...
Daniel Supanitsky
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares - UNAM, Mexico)
JEM-EUSO is a mission intended to detect the fluorescence light produced by the secondary charge particles generated by ultra high energy cosmic rays interacting in the Earth atmosphere. It will be installed in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) of the International Space Station. The very large exposure of the telescope is ideal for the detection of high energy neutrinos. The information...
Yoshiyuki Fukuda
(Miyagi University of Education)
A large volume radiation detectors using a semi-insulating Indium Phosphide (InP)
photodiode have been developed for Indium Project on Neutrinos Observeation for
Solar interior (IPNOS) experiment. The volume has achieved to 20 mm^3, and this
is world largest size among InP detector observed gamma-rays at hundred keV region.
This detector was desined to measure the scintillation light...
Nikolay Rukhadze
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
Investigation of double beta decay processes (EC/EC, β+/EC, β+ β+) of 106Cd was performed at the Modane underground laboratory (4800 m w.e.) using a low-background spectrometer TGV-2 (Telescope Germanium Vertical). The detector part of the TGV-2 is composed of 32 HPGe planar type detectors with the sensitive volume of 2040 mm2 x 6 mm each. The total sensitive volume of detectors is as large as...
Peter Dijkstra
(Innovation Centre for Advanced Sensors and Sensor Systems (INCAS3), Assen, The Netherlands)
Developments in the fields of chemistry and material science provide new components which could improve the performance of liquid scintillation antineutrino detectors e.g. used for the monitoring of nuclear reactors. These compounds can ensure more efficient, stable, and safer operation of these detectors.
Current detectors have issues regarding size, toxicity, flammability, quantum...
Takayuki Tanaka
(Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory)
We perform the indirect WIMP search using upward going muons(upmu) in Super-Kamiokande. We used from SK-I to SK-III dataset(3149.2 days) for this analysis. This search was done for the direction of the Sun and Galactic center. For the search of the Sun,no significant event excess was observed, and limit of WIMP induced upmu flux and limit of SD cross section was obtained. For the search of the...
Celso Nishi
(UFABC, Santo André, SP, BRAZIL)
It is shown that intrinsic neutrino flavor violation invariably occurs when neutrinos are created within the SM augmented by the known massive neutrinos, with mixing and nondegenerate masses.
The effects are very small but much greater than the naive estimate or the branching ratio of indirect flavor violating processes such as
within the SM.
Hideki Watanabe
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
The Double Chooz Experiment aims at the measurement of the only not-yet-determined neutrino mixing angle θ13 using neutrinos from the commercial nuclear reactors in Chooz, France. Precise measurement of this angle is highly important in order to direct the formulation of unification theory and moreover, the feasibility of future leptonic CP violation parameter observation. Liquid scintillator...
Sebastian Fischer
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
S. Fischer(a), M. Sturm(b), M. Schlösser(a), R.J. Lewis(c), B. Bornschein(b),
G. Drexlin(a) and H.H. Telle(c)
a Institute for Experimental Nuclear Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
b Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe, Institute for Technical Physics,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
c Department of Physics, Swansea University, United Kingdom
The aim of the...
Brian Moazen
(Louisiana State University)
The Low-Energy Neutrino Spectroscopy (LENS) experiment is designed to precisely measure the fluxes of low-energy solar neutrinos via charged-current reactions to achieve a precision test of solar physics and the MSW-LMA flavor-conversion model through the fundamental equality of the neutrino fluxes and the precisely known solar luminosity in photons. The LENS collaboration is currently...
Liangming Hu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
The experimental tool for LENS is charged-current capture of a neutrino on 115In, with prompt emission of an electron and delayed emission of 2 gamma rays that serve as a time and space coincidence tag. The detection medium is liquid scintillator loaded with Indium. The LENS experiment requires approximately 10 tons of Indium to be loaded into 100,000 liters of organic scintillator, prepared...
Szymon Manecki
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)
LENS is a low energy solar neutrino detector that will measure the solar neutrino spectrum above 115 keV, >95% of the solar neutrino flux, in real time. The objective is to measure the model independent inferred solar neutrino luminosity, test the current LMA-MSW oscillation model, probe the temperature profile of solar energy production, as well as search for active-sterile neutrino mixing...
Jean Racker
(Departament d’Estructura i Constituents de la Matèria and Institut de Ciencies del Cosmos, Universitat de Barcelona)
We study the possibility of generating the observed baryon asymmetry via leptogenesis in the decay of heavy Standard Model singlet fermions which carry lepton number, in a framework without Majorana masses above the electroweak scale. Such scenario does not contain any source of total lepton number violation besides the Standard Model sphalerons, and the baryon asymmetry is generated by the...
Loredana Gastaldo
(Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg)
The analysis of calorimetric spectra of beta or electron-capture decay isotopes with especially low Q-value represents a very attractive method to determine the electron neutrino and antineutrino mass. The most suitable isotope in the beta decay branch is the 187-Re (Q about 2.5 keV) while, on the electron capture side, the 163-Ho (Q about 2.5 keV) is the best candidate known. Extremely...
Nikolaos Simos
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Low-Z targets, in particular graphite, have been used extensively in the production of intense neutrino beams for neutrino experiments. The reason is three-fold : (1) the yield of useful pions – parents of the neutrinos of interest – from low-Z materials is well matched to the requirements of most neutrino experiments; (2) peak energy deposition in low-Z targets is lowest; and (3) graphite...
Ilya Balantsev
(Moscow State University)
We obtain the exact solution of the Dirac equation for the neutrino wave function in the presence of medium and evaluated the neutrino energy spectra for two particular cases: 1) neutrino propagation in transversally moving with increasing speed medium and 2) neutrino propagation in rotating medium. It is shown that in both cases the neutrino energies are quantized in a way as the electron...
Pascal Renschler
(Institute for Experimental Nuclear Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) derives the mass of the electron anti-neutrino with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2 (90% C.L.) in a model-independent way from the measured energy spectrum of tritium β-decay electrons. The energy resolution of ΔE = 0:93 eV for the electrons with energy 0 < E < 18.6keV is provided by a large MAC-E spectrometer which acts as a highpass flter. The...
Laura Loiacono
(University of Texas at Austin)
To further our understanding of neutrino interactions, it is desirable to measure
absolute cross sections on nucleon and nuclear targets. Many past neutrino experiments have measured relative cross sections due to a lack of precise measurements of the incident neutrino flux, normalizing to better established reaction processes, such as quasielastic neutrino-nucleon scattering. Absolute...
Zelimir Djurcic
(Argonne National Laboratory)
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Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has two beam lines that produce neutrinos: the Booster...
Andrew Blake
(University of Cambridge)
This poster presents the latest atmospheric neutrino results from the
MINOS experiment. The results are based on a data set of 1657 live-days,
and combine together observations of contained vertex neutrino interactions
and neutrino-induced upward muons in the MINOS far detector. The measured
curvature of muons in the MINOS magnetic field is used to separate neutrinos
Istvan Danko
(University of Pittsburgh), Dr
Justin Evans
(University College London), Mr
Nicholas Devenish
(University of Sussex)
The MINOS experiment has made the best measurement of the atmospheric
neutrino mass splitting to date by studying the disappearance of muon
neutrinos over its 735 km baseline. Since October 2009 MINOS has been
running with a dedicated muon antineutrino beam and has obtained data
corresponding to 1.5\times10^{20} protons on target in this
configuration. Details of the analysis of these...
Michael Foxe
(School of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University and Lawrence Livermore National Lab)
Coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering (CNS) is an as-yet undetected, flavor-independent neutrino interaction predicted by the Standard Model. One primary reason the CNS interaction has yet to be observed is the very low energy depositions (less than ~1 keV for MeV-scale neutrinos). Another challenge is that in argon and many other detection media, nuclear recoils produce less observable energy...
Vittorio Palladino
(Univ. & INFN Napoli, Italy)
The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) collaboration has undertaken the construction of a complete unit cell of a muon ionization cooling channel for test in a muon beam at RAL. The main cooling devices are three 35 cm long liquid hydrogen tanks interspaced with two RF half cells each comprising four 200 MHz RF cavities to be operated at 8MV/m, that can be cooled to liquid...
Joao Anjos
(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas)
We will describe the status of the Angra Project, aimed at developing an antineutrino detector for monitoring nuclear reactor activity. Nuclear reactors are intense source of antineutrinos and the thermal power released in the fission process is directly related to the antineutrino flux, making antineutrino detectors good candidates to become in the future a new safeguards tool for monitoring...
Luigi Salvatore Esposito
(Eidgenossische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (ETHZ)-Unknown-Unknown)
For the NA61 and T2K Collaborations
The approved T2K neutrino oscillation physics program requires a 5% neutrino flux determination and the ability to extrapolate the neutrino flux from near to far detector with a precision of 3%. This implies a knowledge of the hadron production with an accuracy of about 10%, while present Monte Carlo models differ significantly more.
The NA61 experiment...
Andrea Molinario
(INFN Torino, IFSI-INAF Torino)
The main goal of the Large Volume Detector (LVD),in the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory (Italy), is the study of neutrino bursts from gravitational stellar collapses. Both the detector and the data analysis procedure have been optimized for this purpose. The modularity of the apparatus allows to obtain a duty cycle that is very close to 100%, so that the experiment is continuosly...
Alexander Studenikin
(Moscow State University)
A review on neutrino electromagnetic properties is given. The problem of the neutrino form factors (in particular, the neutrino electric charge form factor and charge radius, dipole magnetic and electric and anapole form factors) definition and calculation within different gauge models is considered. The neutrino magnetic (diagonal and transition) moments in the Standard Model and beyond are...
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
We illustrate that the baseline Neutrino Factory configuration being developed within the International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory (the IDS-NF) is optimised for standard oscillation-physics measurements and for searches for new physics. The possibility that a low-energy Neutrino Factory might be an interesting alternative for large θ_{13} or, in certain physics scenarios, as part...
Irina Mocioiu
(Penn State)
We describe studies of new physics at neutrino telescopes.
We also discuss how atmospheric neutrino data from neutrino telescopes can be used for studies of neutrino oscillations.
Irene Tamborra
(U. of Bari & INFN (Bari), MPI for Physics, Munich)
In core-collapse supernovae, the neutrino density is high enough to render the nu-nu interactions not negligible. In particular, they can couple the flavor evolution of neutrinos and induce collective flavor changes. We discuss the most important feature observable in the energy spectra (the so called spectral split), both in the case of luminosity equipartition among flavors and for...
James Loach
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Neutrons produced by cosmic ray muon interactions can be a significant background in sensitive underground experiments. The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is an efficient and well-calibrated neutron detector capable of measuring the rate and characteristics of neutrons produced by muon interactions in its heavy water target, light water shielding and surrounding rock. The location of the...
Hao Liu
(Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Neutrons from natural radioactivity and spallation reactions initiated by cosmic ray muons represent a major source of background for underground neutrino experiments. A set of multisphere neutron spectrometer was developed. It consisted of 8 Bonner Spheres, made of high-density polyethylene, with diameter from 12.7 cm (5 in) to 30.84 cm (12 in). Lead shells with 1 cm and 2 cm thickness...
Theopisti Dafni
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
Double beta decay (DBD) experiments are one of the most active research topics in Neutrino Physics. The measurement of the neutrinoless mode DBD could give unique information on the neutrino mass scale as well as the neutrino Majorana/Dirac nature. Current generation of experiments aim at detector target masses at the 100 kg scale, while the next generation will need to go to the few tons in...
Tomasz Jan Palczewski
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS))
This poster presents preliminary results from a fixed target experiment NA61/SHINE (SHINE = SPS Heavy Ion Neutrino Experiment). The NA61 experiment is a continuation of NA49 at CERN SPS which was designed to measure hadron yields from a large range of beam and targets. NA61 detector is a hadron spectrometer which consists of system of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs), Time of Flight detectors...
Weili Zhong
(Lawerence Berkeley National Laboratory)
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is expected to measure to 0.01 or better by performing a relative measurement of flux and energy spectrum of antineutrinos observed with inverse β decay events in the near and far antineutrino detectors. The antineutrino detectors will be placed in water pools and surrounded by at least 2.5m of water to suppress background. The...
D. Jason Koskinen
(The Pennsylvania State University)
The recent commissioning of the full DeepCore sub-array, a low-energy extension of the IceCube neutrino observatory, offers exciting opportunities for neutrino physics in the energy region of 10 GeV to 1 TeV. The improved energy reach, use of the surrounding IceCube detector as an active veto and immense size of DeepCore will produce one of the largest all-sky neutrino datasets ever acquired. ...
Assunta di Vacri
(INFN-LNGS, Assergi, L'Aquila, Italy), Dr
Dusan Budjas
(MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany)
The GERDA experiment employs isotopically enriched Ge detectors
to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76. In addition to the detectors deployed in Phase I, the Phase II of the experiment will use new detectors from 37.5 kg of enriched germanium with additional rejection capabilities. Possible candidates are p-type Broad Energy Germanium detectors (BEGe) or 18-fold segmented...
Joseph Formaggio
(MIT), Dr
Noah Oblath
We propose a novel technique by which the energy spectrum of low energy electrons can be extracted. The technique relies on the detection and measurement of coherent radiation created from the cyclotron motion of electrons in strong magnetic fields. Since the frequency of cyclotron radiation emitted by the particle depends inversely on its Lorentz boost, the detection and measurement of the...
Takaaki Mori
(Okayama University)
The -rays produced from excited nuclei in neutral-current (NC) neutrino-oxygen (even charged-current (CC) ) interactions have not been measured at MeV. They are very important, since they will add extra signals or become unexpected background in Supernova neutrino detection. Neutrinos at MeV are expected to excite , and (giant...
Ryan Martin
(Queen's University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
This poster presents the techniques that were developed for analyzing the data from an array of 36 strings of low background 3He proportional counters that were deployed during the third phase of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment. The counters were used to detect neutrons created by the Neutral Current interaction of solar neutrinos with deuterium; measuring the production rate of...
Helen O'Keeffe
(Queen's University, Kingston)
The SNO+ liquid scintillator neutrino experiment is under construction
in the SNOLAB facility, located approximately 2 km underground in
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The goals of this multi-purpose experiment
include precision measurements of low energy components of the solar
neutrino flux and a search for the elusive neutrinoless double beta
decay process through addition of neodymium in...
Koh Ueno
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
GUT monopoles captured by the Sun's gravitation are expected to catalyze proton decays via the Callan-Rubakov process. In this scenario, protons, which initially decay into pions, will ultimately produce nu_e, nu_mu and nu_mu_bar. After going through neutrino oscillation, all neutrino species appear when they arrive at the Earth, and can be detected by a 50000 ton water Cherenkov detector,...
Karol Lang
(University of Texas at Austin)
The NEMO-3 experiment located in the Modane Underground Laboratory is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay. The experiment has been taking data since 2003 with seven isotopes. The main isotopes are 7kg of 100Mo and 1kg of 82Se. New results using 150Nd, an isotope of special interest due to its potential use in future experiments, as well as 96Zr and 116Cd will also be presented. No...
Laura Patrizii
(INFN - Bologna, Italy), Dr
Stefano Cecchini
(IASF/INAF, Bologna, Italy)
Total solar eclipses (TSEs) offer a good opportunity to look for photons produced in hypothetical radiative decays of solar neutrinos. The physics bases of such searches are briefly reviewed and the results of the analysis of data collected during the 2006 TSE from Waw an Namos, Libya are presented.
Alex Sousa
(Harvard University),
Philip Rodrigues
(University of Oxford)
In this poster, we present a search for disappearance of active neutrinos over a baseline of 735 km using the NuMI neutrino beam and the MINOS detectors. The data analyzed correspond to an exposure of ~protons-on-target. MINOS utilizes the most powerful neutrino beam currently in operation measured in two locations: a Near detector at Fermilab, 1~km downstream of beam...
Kirk Bays
(University of California, Irvine)
The diffuse supernova relic neutrino signal is of great interest due to
its correlation to cosmological parameters such as star formation rates.
This signal has never been seen. Currently inverse beta decay of
anti-neutrinos in the Super-Kamiokande (SK) detector provides the world's
best upper flux limit of 1.2 nu_e_bar events cm^2 s^-1, E_nu_bar > 19.3
MeV, which is very close to many...
Aubra Anthony
(University of Texas at Austin)
Recent helioseismology results have pointed to the possible detection of high-frequency (periods of minutes to days) gravity-mode oscillation signals in the Sun. Periodic fluctuations in density, pressure and temperature (as would be caused by g-modes at the solar core) could potentially modulate the outgoing flux of solar neutrinos, through the close relationship between temperature and...
Jeremy Maxime Argyriades
(Dept. de Phys. Nucl. et Corpuscul. (DPNC)-Universite de Geneve-U)
SHINE-NA61 experiment and applications for neutrino fluxes and cosmic rays
Large uncertainties in neutrino beam fluxes as well as for the prediction of extended air showers come from poor knowledge of the production of mesons in hadronic interactions on Carbon or atmospheric gas.
The NA61 experiment at the CERN SPS measures hadron production from collisions of pions, protons and ions...
Jarek Kaspar
(CENPA / University of Washington),
Sanshiro Enomoto
(CENPA / University of Washington)
Large liquid scintillation detectors could be an alternative to water Cherenkov and liquid Argon detectors for high energy neutrino measurements, in the GeV energy range, suitable for both cosmic ray studies and a long baseline neutrino experiment. We demonstrate the ability of a 100 kton detector to distinguish the lepton flavor, discuss sensitivity to pions, and show a track finder. The...
robert knapik
(University of Pennsylvania)
The SNO+ experiment is designed to explore several topics in neutrino physics,
including neutrinoless double beta decay and low energy solar neutrinos.
SNO+ uses the existing Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), with the heavy water
target replaced with liquid scintillator. Only a few additional modifications
are needed to transition from SNO to SNO+, but one of these will be an...
Erin O'Sullivan
(Queen's University), Dr
Hok Seum Wan Chan Tseung
(CENPA, University of Washington)
SNO+ will be a large-volume underground liquid scintillator neutrino
experiment at the SNOLAB facility, in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The
physics reach of SNO+ is broad and covers many areas of neutrino physics
including neutrinoless double beta decay, geo-neutrinos, reactor and
low-energy solar neutrinos. To achieve the goals of the experiment, it is
imperative to understand the...
Walter Potzel
(Physik-Department E15, Technische Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany)
In direct dark-matter search experiments, neutrinos coherently scattering off nuclei can produce similar events as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Calculations show, that in such experiments, for solar neutrinos a count rate of a few events per ton of target mass and year of exposure are expected. This count rate strongly depends on the nuclear recoil-energy thresholds achieved...
João Pulido
(CFTP - IST - Lisboa - Portugal)
The solution to the problem of the flatness of the SuperKamiokande energy spectrum as observed by the data and which the LMA scenario fails to explain is investigated within the context of neutrino non standard interactions. We assume that these interactions come as extra contributions to the and vertices that affect both the propagation of neutrinos...
Osamu Yasuda
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Using the formalism by Kimura, Takamura and Yokomakura, the analytic oscillation probability is derived in the presence of new physics in propagation for high energy. While the components \epsilon_{ee}, \epsilon_{e\tau}, \epsilon_{\tau\tau} are allowed to remain relatively large (as was shown by Friedland & Lunardini), it turns out that \epsilon_{e\mu} and \epsilon_{\mu\tau} have conflict...
Vittorio Palladino
(Univ. & INFN Napoli, Italy)
Muon ionization cooling provides the only practical solution to prepare
high brilliance beams necessary for a neutrino factory or muon
colliders. The muon ionization cooling experiment (MICE) is under
development at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). It comprises a
dedicated beam line to generate a range of input emittance and momentum,
with time-of-flight and Cherenkov detectors to...
D. Jason Koskinen
(The Pennsylvania State University)
In February 2010, the IceCube collaboration completed the deployment of the "DeepCore" sub-array. Complementing the baseline detector design, DeepCore provides sensitivity to neutrinos with energies as low as about 10 GeV and thereby extends the energy reach of the observatory by almost two orders of magnitude. With the DeepCore modules concentrated in the extremely clear ice at the...
Kevin O'Sullivan
(Stanford), Dr
Liang Yang
(SLAC), Dr
Michelle Dolinski
(Stanford), Dr
Tim Daniels
(University of Massachussets)
A 200-kg low-background liquid Xe double beta decay detector (EXO-200) has been installed underground at the WIPP facility outside Carlsbad, NM. In addition to serving as a prototype for research and development toward a ton-scale experiment, EXO-200 is expected to provide the first measurement of the two-neutrino decay mode of 136Xe, as well as place competitive limits on the possible...
Reina Maruyama
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
With just a few neutrinos detected, Supernova SN1987A set stringent limits on the mass of the anti-electron neutrino, its lifetime, magnetic moment, and the number of lepton flavors. Current generation of detectors are capable of detecting many orders of magnitude more neutrinos, allowing us to study details of the gravitational collapse of supernovae and properties of neutrinos.
Karol Lang
(University of Texas at Austin)
The SuperNEMO experiment is being designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay to test if neutrinos are Majorana particles. The unique experimental technique follows that of the currently running NEMO-3 experiment, which successfully combines tracking and calorimetry to measure the topology and energy of the final state electrons. SuperNEMO will employ about 100kg of 82Se to reach ...
Michael Schumaker
(Laurentian University/SNOLAB)
An exciting component of the research program for SNO+ is the potential to detect neutrinos from a supernova. A core-collapse supernova in our galaxy is expected to produce a significant number of events in a short time period in the SNO+ liquid scintillator. Though supernova explosions in our galaxy are rare, occurring on average three times per century, the potential knowledge that can be...
Daijiro Suematsu
(Kanazawa University)
We discuss a supersymmetric extension of the radiative seesaw model for neutrino masses. The model can induce the tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing and have two dark matter candidates. One of them is the lightest neutralino appeared in the -parity conserved MSSM. The other one is a right-handed neutrino with mass of O(1) TeV. The latter one is metastable and its longevity is guaranteed by a...
N.Nimai Singh
(Gauhati University, Assam, India)
Discrimination of three neutrino mass patterns, namely normal hierarchical, inverted hierarchical and three-fold quasi-degenerate models, in both experimental as well as theoretical fronts, is an outstanding issue in neutrino research. Three-fold quasi-degenerate Majorana neutrino mass models with CP-parity pattern (+-+) in the three mass eigenvalues (m1, -m2,m3, exhibits a strong variation of...
Georgios Christodoulou
(University of Liverpool)
Starting with a νμ beam T2K will search for νe appearance in the Far Detector (Super-Kamiokande) and aims to produce the first measurement of the neutrino mixing angle θ13. Beam contamination of νe will be one of the main background components. The Near Detector, ND280, is optimized for measuring the νe contamination through the reconstruction of νe interactions. The reconstructing of electron...
Petros Rapidis
(National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NRCPS))
(For the KM3NeT collaboration)
The KM3NeT consortium has completed a Technical Design Report (TDR) for a proposed multi-cubic-kilometer sized underwater neutrino telescope that will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. Highlights of the contents of the TDR will be presented in three poster presentations. In this first of three presentations we will focus on the physics case for the...
Kai Zuber
(Technische Universitaet Dresden)
The COBRA experiment is searching for double beta decay using CdZnTe semiconductor detectors. The main focus is on the isotope Cd-116. In addition to pure energy measurements pixelisation allows also for tracking capabilities, this kind of semiconductor tracker is quite unique in the field. The current status of the experiment is shown including the latest half-life limits. Background...
Lisa Whitehead
(Brookhaven National Lab)
The goal of the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment is to measure with a sensitivity in of 0.01. To achieve this, the cosmic ray induced backgrounds must be reduced to a low level. Daya Bay's muon veto system will consist of a 2.5 m active water shield and RPCs. The muon tagging efficiency of the combined system is expected to be greater than 99.5%. ...
Petros Rapidis
(National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NRCPS))
(For the KM3NeT collaboration)
The KM3NeT consortium has completed a Technical Design Report (TDR) for a proposed multi-cubic-kilometer sized underwater neutrino telescope that will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. Highlights of the contents of the TDR will be presented in three poster presentations. In this first of three presentations we will focus on the details of the construction...
Vittorio Palladino
(Univ. & INFN Napoli, Italy)
The primary aim of the MICE beam line is to provide ~500 muons in a one millisecond long pulse at a rate of about 1Hz for measurements of cooling on a muon-by-muon basis. The beam is obtained by dipping a target in the 800MeV/c ISIS rapid cycling synchrotron at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). It has been commissioned in 2008-2009 and now routinely produces beams of protons, pions, muons...
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
The International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory (the IDS-NF) has been established by the Neutrino Factory community to deliver the Reference Design Report (RDR) for the facility by the 2012/13 decision point identified by the Strategy Session of CERN Council. The baseline design for the facility will provide 10^21 muon decays per year from 25 GeV stored muon beams. The facility will...
Gustavo Medina-Tanco
(Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares - UNAM)
The JEM-EUSO mission will explore the origin of the extreme energy comic-rays (EECRs) above 1020 eV and and can shed new light on some topics of fundamental physics. The instrument is design to observe more than 1,000 events of EECRs above 70 EeV in its five-year operation, with an exposure larger than 1 million km2 str yr. The super-wide-field (60 degrees) telescope with a diameter of about...
Kenneth Long
(Imperial College London)
To date most studies of Neutrino Factories have focused on facilities
where the energy of the muon in the storage ring has been in the range
of 25-50 GeV. In this contribution we present a concept for a
low-energy (≈ 5 GeV) Neutrino Factory (LENF). For baselines of
O(1000 km), the rich oscillation pattern at low neutrino interaction
energy (0.5—3 GeV) provides the uniquely good...
Vassili Papavassiliou
(New Maxico State University)
The MicroBooNE experiment at Fermilab will use a 170-ton, liquid-argon, time-projection chamber at the Fermilab 1-GeV Booster neutrino beam to investigate the MiniBooNE low-energy anomaly: an excess of events in a search for electron-neutrino appearance in a muon-neutrino beam, which is not consistent with neutrino oscillations. MicroBooNE can distinguish between electrons and photons...
Christopher Mauger
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) has been proposed with intense muon neutrino and anti-neutrino beams produced at Fermilab, a near detector complex,
and a large far detector built in the Homestake Mine in South Dakota. The primary
measurements, studies of the neutrino mass hierarchy and searches for leptonic CP
non-conservation, utilize electron neutrino appearance. Muon...
Alexander Merle
(Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
We present the aspects of different models that attempt to successfully explain the patterns in the leptonic sector, as well as their impact on future experiments (and vice versa). Strong constraints often arise from lepton flavour violating processes, but depending on the model, these bounds could be relatively weak. Further information can be gained from neutrino exeriments, but their...
Alec Habig
(Univ. of Minnesota Duluth)
NOvA is an off-axis long-baseline neutrino experiment, looking for appearance in an upgraded NuMI beam of to search for acting in subdominant transitions. To maximize sensitivity to the resulting GeV electromagnetic showers, the 15~kton Far Detector is "totally active", comprised of liquid scintillator contained in 15.7~m long...
Bernd Reinhold
(Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
An extensive calibration of about 500 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) has been done at MPI-K Heidelberg for the Double Chooz reactor neutrino experiment. The poster
describes the experimental setup and gives an overview of the results
focusing on charge distributions connected to transit times and after-pulse
After successful completion of this task the setup has become a testbed...
Jaret Heise
(Sanford Laboratory at Homestake)
The former Homestake gold mine in Lead, South Dakota is currently being transformed into a laboratory to pursue underground research in biology, geology, engineering and physics. Prior to the establishment of the federal facility, an interim early science program is being offered by the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority, which currently operates the Sanford Laboratory at...
Alexander Friedland
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Coherent forward scattering of neutrinos off each other leads to complex collective neutrino oscillations inside a supernova. We explore this phenomenon during the cooling stage of the explosion. Two- and three-flavor calculations of the oscillations are shown to give strikingly different results, especially for the inverted mass hierarchy. Analysis shows that the 2-flavor evolution...
Apostolos Tsirigotis
(Hellenic Open University)
We report on the structure and the performance of the HOU Reconstruction & Simulation (HOURS) software package, concerning: a) the detailed description of very large volume neutrino telescopes, including all the relevant physical and detection processes, b) signal processing techniques for timing and charge estimation of the PMT waveforms and c) the accurate reconstruction (direction and...
Petros Rapidis
(National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NRCPS))
(For the KM3NeT collaboration)
The KM3NeT consortium has completed a Technical Design Report (TDR) for a proposed multi-cubic-kilometer sized underwater neutrino telescope that will be deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. Highlights of the contents of the TDR will be presented in three poster presentations. In this second of three presentations we will focus on the proposed design options for...
Andre Rubbia
(ETH Zurich), Prof.
Takuya Hasegawa
A.Badertscher, A.Curioni, S.DiLuise, U.Degunda, L.Epprecht, L.Esposito, A.Gendotti, S.Horikawa, L.Knecht, C.Lazzaro, D.Lussi, A.Marchionni, A.Meregaglia, G.Natterer, F. Petrolo, F.Resnati, A.Rubbia, C.Strabel, T.Viant
ETH Zurich, 101 Rämistrasse, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
T.Hasegawa, N. Kimura, T.Kobayashi, T.Maruyama, K.Nishikawa, M.Tanaka, M. Yoshioka
KEK High Energy Accelerator...
Christopher Backhouse
(University of Oxford), Ms
Jessica Mitchell
(University of Cambridge)
The energy resolution of the MINOS detectors is an important factor in the sensitivity of our measurement of the "atmospheric" neutrino oscillation parameters.
Better energy resolution more clearly resolves the oscillation dip and allows us to more tightly limit the mass splitting and mixing angle.
We present a method for improving MINOS's energy resolution for hadronic showers, using a...
Jose Luis Navarro
(Universidad de Granada)
The Pierre Auger Observatory has the capability of detecting ultrahigh energy neutrinos of all flavours above 0.1 EeV. The method adopted is to search for very inclined showers produced close to the detector. The properties of such showers that start deep in the atmosphere are different at ground level from those showers initiated in the upper atmosphere by protons or nuclei. The neutrino events...
Talent Kwok
(The University of Hong Kong)
The Aberdeen Tunnel Laboratory in Hong Kong is about 50 km southwest of the Daya Bay Experimental site. It has a vertical overburden of 668 m.w.e. in the middle of the Hong Kong Island. In the laboratory, a muon tracker and a neutron detector have been built to measure the flux and angular distribution of the underground cosmic-ray muons, and spallation neutrons produced by these muons....
Mayly Sanchez
(Iowa State U/Argonne National Lab)
The next generation of neutrino experiments will require massive water Cherenkov detectors to reach
the sensitivity needed to measure CP violation in the lepton sector and the neutrino mass hierarchy. Recently
the Large Area Picosecond Collaboration has begun developing new methods to fabricate a 20cm-square
thin planar multichannel plate photo-multiplier tube (MCP-PMT) at a cost...
Victor Trapeznikov
(Physicotechnical Institute of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
At the diffraction of a neutrino beam on a bent crystal the neutrino beam density increases when approaching the focus, which accelerates the processes of mixing and oscillations and the processes of the transformation of electron neutrinos into muon neutrinos and tau neutrinos with masses exceeding the mass of electron neutrinos by several orders. In the focus there will be the maximal...
Minfang Yeh
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The pure liquid scintillation detector has the common features of high light yield, adequate attenuation length and long stability. However its high cost, less material compatibility and extensive liquid handling often raise special concerns, particularly the chemical safety in the confined space of underground laboratories. The water-based liquid scintillator (W-LS) is of great interest to...