International Conference on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therapy

from Tuesday 3 September 2019 (20:00) to Friday 6 September 2019 (14:50)
CNA Seville (Salón de Actos)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Sept 2019
4 Sept 2019
5 Sept 2019
6 Sept 2019
08:45 --- Registration ---
09:00 Welcome and Introduction   (Salón de Actos)
09:15 State of the art in ion beam therapy - Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)   (Salón de Actos)
09:30 Next-generation therapy accelerators - Yves Jongen (IBA)   (Salón de Actos)
10:00 FlashTherapy: an innovation in radiation therapy - Lucia Giuliano (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Salón de Actos)
10:20 Technical Challenges for FLASH Proton Therapy - Simon Jolly (University College London)   (Salón de Actos)
10:40 Exploring of advances in high gradient technologies for use in hadron therapy accelerators - Anna Vnuchenko (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC), Valencia, Spain)   (Salón de Actos)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Imaging beam in patient - Katia Parodi (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)   (Salón de Actos)
09:00 Monte Carlo Dosimetry - Antonio Lallena (University of Granada)   (Salón de Actos)
09:30 Review of the improved nuclear physics models in FLUKA for helium and carbon ion therapy - Giulia Arico' (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland)   (Salón de Actos)
09:50 A data-driven nuclear fragmentation model for a fast Monte-Carlo code, FRED, in Particle Therapy with Carbon beams - Mrs Micol De Simoni (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Fisica, Rome, Italy)   (Salón de Actos)
10:10 Monte Carlo modelling of the Clatterbridge Proton Therapy beamline for Beam Diagnostics integration - Jacinta Yap (University of Liverpool / Cockcroft Institute)   (Salón de Actos)
10:30 A Monte Carlo study of target fragmentation in Protontherapy - Dr Alessia Embriaco (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Salón de Actos)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Dosimetry and Quality Assurance - Simon Marcelis (IBA)   (Salón de Actos)
09:00 4D Patient monitoring - Prof. Guido Baroni (CNAO)   (Salón de Actos)
09:30 Organ motion quantification and margins evaluation in carbon ion therapy of abdominal lesions - Mr Charalampos Kalantzopoulos (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica)   (Salón de Actos)
09:50 Optimization of high-performance 3D/4D surface scanning technology for patient monitoring in radiotherapy environment - Dr Roland Höfling (ViALUX GmbH)   (Salón de Actos)
10:10 A Modular Control System for Treating Moving Targets with Scanned Ion Beams: Design, Development, and Preliminary Test Results - Ms Michelle Lis (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung, Louisiana State University)   (Salón de Actos)
10:30 Uncertainty Quantification Analysis and Optimization For Proton Therapy Beam Lines - Dr Valeria Rizzoglio (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Salón de Actos)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 The upcoming European Joint Research Project “Metrology for advanced radiotherapy using particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates” - Dr Andreas Schüller (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB))   (Salón de Actos)
11:50 Challenges in assessing risks for particle accelerators as medical devices - Roberto Filippini (EBG MedAustron GmbH)   (Salón de Actos)
20:30 --- Reception ---
12:00 PET Imaging and Dose correlation from Proton Activation. - Victor Valladolid Onecha (Grupo de Física Nuclear, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)   (Salón de Actos)
12:20 Toward a novel treatment planning approach accounting for prompt gamma range verification - Mr Liheng Tian (LMU)   (Salón de Actos)
12:40 The SiFi-CC project - prompt gamma imaging for real time monitoring of proton therapy - Ms Katarzyna Rusiecka (Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University)   (Salón de Actos)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Beam Diagnostics - Michele Caldara (AVO/ADAM)   (Salón de Actos)
15:00 Characterisation of the LHCb VELO detector modules as a non-invasive Proton Beam Monitor - Roland Schnuerer (Cockcroft Institute)   (Salón de Actos)
15:20 Beamline characterization of a Dielectric-filled Reentrant Cavity Resonator as a Beam Current Monitor for medical cyclotron beamline at PSI, Switzerland: Its advantanges and limits - Sudharsan Srinivasan (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)   (Salón de Actos)
15:40 Beam and detector characterisation using Medipix3 at MedAustron IR1 using protons and carbon ions at clinical flux rates and full energy range - Navrit Johan Singh Bal (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Salón de Actos)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Dose Delivery - Antony Lomax (PSI)   (Salón de Actos)
17:00 Superconducting gantry for proton therapy and imaging - Ewa Oponowicz (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Institute)   (Salón de Actos)
17:20 Design considerations of a superconducting gantry with alternating-gradient combined-function magnets - Dr Bin Qin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (Salón de Actos)
19:30 Public Talk - Acelerando partículas para tratar el cáncer - María Isabel Gallardo   ()
12:00 Luminescence imaging of proton beams in water: Is this method sufficient for use in clinical quality assurance? - Mr Jan Michael Burg (THM University of Applied Sciences, Giessen, Germany, University Medical Center Marburg Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany)   (Salón de Actos)
12:20 Inter-fractional monitoring in Carbon ions Particle Therapy treatments with the Dose Profiler detector - Marta Fischetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Salón de Actos)
12:40 Monitoring intra-fractional motion using a novel range telescope in a mixed He/C beam - Mr Laurent Kelleter (UCL)   (Salón de Actos)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Poster Session (until 16:00) (Salón de Actos)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 Treatment facility optimization - Dr Andrea De Franco (EBG MedAustron)   (Salón de Actos)
16:50 Preparation of a radiobiology beam-line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA - Anna Baratto-Roldán (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores / Universidad de Sevilla)   (Salón de Actos)
17:10 Light ion therapy software for data exchange - Carlos Afonso (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica)   (Salón de Actos)
17:30 Advancements in particle therapy systems - acceleration and delivery - Dr Jonathan Farr (ADAM S.A.)   (Salón de Actos)
20:30 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:10 Digital LLRF system: concepts and requirements for proton therapy based on a linear accelerator - Mr Borut Baricevic (Instrumentation Technologies)   (Salón de Actos)
12:30 Summary - Carsten Peter Welsch (Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool)   (Salón de Actos)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Departure ---