The through silicon via (TSV) technology has been introduced in a wide range of electronic packaging applications. Hybrid pixel detectors for x-ray imaging and for high-energy physics (HEP) can benefit from this technology as well [1], [2]. A 3D TSV prototype using the ATLAS FE-I4 readout electronic chip is presented in this paper. This type of readout chip is already prepared for the TSV...
In ion cancer therapy high intensity ion beams are used to treat tumors by taking advantage of the Bragg-Peak [1]. Typical ion therapy centers use particle rates up to 10^10 ions/second for treatment [2]. On the other hand, such intensities are often too high when using these beamlines for particle physic experiments or as a test-beam environment in general. The project presented here aims to...
Due to the advantages in density, bandwidth and radiation performance of VCSEL-based array optical transmission system, it has been prevailingly researched and used for the front-end data acquisition in high-energy physics experiments [1]. This paper presents the design and the test results of a 25 Gbps VCSEL driving ASIC fabricated in 55 nm CMOS technology as a continuous development of the...
The serializer ASIC is used to convert parallel data into a higher bit rate serial data stream, which is widely used in high-speed serial communication systems and becomes one of the key functional modules in the serial data transmission system.This paper presents the design and the test results of a low-power 5Gbps 10:1serializer chip based on standard 130nm CMOS technology.
The chip...
Larger field of view hybrid photon counting detectors are commonly constructed using multiple distinct sensor tiles, keeping costs and process yields within reasonable parameters. It is however practically impossible to make these multiple tiles form one gapless active detection surface, especially if uniformly sized pixels are desired. While multiple existing techniques and technologies aim...
Xenon scintillation has been widely used in recent particle physics experiments [1-3]. However, information on primary scintillation yield in the absence of recombination is still scarce and dispersed. The mean energy required to produce a VUV scintillation photon (Wsc) in gaseous Xe has been measured in the range of 30-120 eV [4-7]. Lower Wsc-values are often reported for alpha particles...
We report on manufacturing and testing of AC-coupled n-in-p pixel sensors for the usage in high luminosity environments. The detectors are produced at Micronova, Finland's national research infrastructure for micro- and nanotechnology, on magnetic Czochralski (MCz) p-type silicon wafers.
High leakage current caused by radiation damage in silicon is a significant source of noise in the...
Many international low-background experiments are showing increasing interest in the use of different plastic scintillation detectors. Based on our experience in the field of quality improvement of the polystyrene (PS) based plastic scintillation detectors [1,2], this work is focusing on a further enhancement of the scintillator light output and the associated energy resolution crucial for the...
To handle the increasing number of cancer patients, China has built its carbon ion therapy facility, in which the beam monitoring system ensures the beam energy deposition can accurately cover the dedicated tumor region. The full image of the beam energy deposition is needed for accurate beam calibration, thus a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS), which can provide the energy deposition in...
Inorganic scintillators contain lutetium such as lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO), lutetium yttrium oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) widely used today in nuclear medicine and other fields because of their convenient physical properties of high detection efficiency, fast decay time, and high light yield. Despite its advantages, lutetium-based scintillators issue in single transmission measurement, low...
3D pixel sensors are the technology of choice for the innermost layer (L0) of the ATLAS ITk detector at High Luminosity LHC. The considered sensors have pixel size of either 25 µm 100 µm (25100) or 50 µm 50 µm (5050), with one read-out electrode at the centre of a pixel and four bias electrodes at the corners. The former geometry has been chosen for the central part of L0 (barrel), the...
Small-pitch, thin 3D Si sensors have been developed for the ATLAS and CMS experiment upgrades at the High-Luminosity (HL) LHC. The pixel sizes are 50$\times$50 $\mu$m$^2$ with 1 readout column, and 25$\times$100 $\mu$m$^2$ with 1 or 2 readout columns (1E and 2E). Owing to the small inter-electrode distance, ranging from ~28 $\mu$m to ~51 $\mu$m in the considered layouts, these devices are...
The muon campus program at Fermilab includes the Mu2e experiment that will search for a charged-lepton flavor violating processes where a negative muon converts into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus, improving by four orders of magnitude the search sensitivity reached so far.
Mu2e’s Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) uses {\it otsdaq} as its solution. Developed at...
In nowadays, digital X-ray imaging sensors with indirect detection type have been widely used in many medical imaging applications. These conventional indirect X-ray imaging detectors are based on the combination of a thin-film transistor (TFT) panel with different scintillating screens such as CsI, GOS materials. However, the digital radiography system using TFT-based X-ray imaging detectors...
The fast timing MPGD (FTM) is a result of an ongoing effort for developing an MPGD with a time resolution under one nanosecond, while maintaining the excellent rate capability (tens of MHz/cm2) and the good space resolution (150 µm) of the present-generation micro-pattern gaseous detectors, whose reliability has been demonstrated at present colliders and ongoing upgrades of LHC experiments....
As the leading research platform of heavy-ion science in China, the heavy-ion physics and heavy-ion applications at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) drives the development of new detector technology. Thus, a Monolith Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) is has been designed in a 130nm CMOS process.
The pixels can record the energy, time, and position of the hit particles. To be tuned...
The development of CMOS pixel detector technology provides an unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution, material budget, and readout speed for vertex and tracking detectors in particle experiments [1]. The commonly used CMOS pixel detector is the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS), which collects the charge deposited by the particles that pass through the detector.
In recent years, digital X-ray imaging sensors with indirect detection method have been widely used in many dental imaging applications such as intra-oral, panorama and dental CT. These indirect X-ray imaging detectors are based on the combination of a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) array with different scintillating materials such as CsI, GOS. Currently, a CMOS-based indirect...
Dual phase and high-pressure gaseous optical-TPCs are used in many modern day experiments to detect rare events, e.g., in experiments that search for the neutrinoless double beta decay [1,2] and WIMP dark matter [3-5]. These experiments use the electroluminescence processes in the gas to amplify the primary ionization signals produced by radiation interaction inside the detector active volume....
This paper presents the first experimental test results of the X-ray photon counting detectors based on our pixel readout ASIC [1]. The chip integrates 64x128 array of pixels in the size of 150 m x 150 m and each pixel consists of four 12-bit energy windows. Two types of CdTe and one type CZT detectors have been bump bonded to the ASICs and have been tested.
The electronic...
The GBTX ASIC is a standard solution for providing fast control and data readout for radiation detectors used in HEP experiments [1,2]. However, it is subject to export control restrictions due to the usage of radiation-hard technology. To enable the development of GBT-based readout chains in countries, where the original GBTX can’t be imported, an FPGA-based GBTX emulator (GBTxEMU) has been...
One of the major limitations of the X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) experiment at synchrotron facilities is the performance of the detectors. In order to be able to measure more challenging samples and to cope with the very high photon flux and input count rate of the current and future light sources, technological developments to enhance the performance of various detectors are necessary....
HEXITEC is a spectroscopic imaging x-ray detector technology developed at STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory for high energy x-ray and gamma ray applications. Each module has 80x80 pixels on a 250µm pixel pitch, and has been implemented successfully in a number of applications [1]. This paper presents the HEXITEC 2x2 detector system, a tiled array of 4 HEXITEC modules in a 2x2 formation,...
The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting a new challenge for particle detector technologies. In the CMS Muon System gaseous detectors, the increase in luminosity will produce a particle background ten times higher than at the LHC. To cope with the high rate environment and maintain performance, triple Gas Electron Multiplier technology is a promising candidate for high-rate capable...
The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS detector has played an important role in the physics program of the experiment, delivering outstanding performance throughout data taking. The High-Luminosity LHC will pose new challenges. The four to five-fold increase of the number of interactions per bunch crossing will require superior time resolution and noise rejection capabilities. For...
High speed and radiation tolerant optical link has been prevailing used between the front-end detector and the back-end data acquisition in the high-energy physics experiments. The optical transceiver (driver/receiver) ASIC is the key component within the optical data transceiver systems. This paper presents the design and test results of an optical transceiver ASIC fabricated in 55 nm CMOS...
Hybrid pixel radiation detectors working in single-photon counting mode have gained increasing attention due to their noiseless imaging and high dynamic range. Due to the fact that sensors of different materials can be attached to the readout circuit, they allow operation with a wide range of photon energies. The performance of the single photon counting detectors is limited by pile-up. To...
The Medipix3, a hybrid pixel detector with a silicon sensor, has been evaluated as a beam instrumentation device with proton and carbon ion measurements at EBG GmbH MedAustron IR1 (Irradiation Room 1), Marie-Curie-Straße 5, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Protons energies are varied from 62.4 to 800 MeV with 10^4 to 10^8 protons per second impinging on the detector surface. For carbon ions,...
In the last years, new solutions in both hardware and software have resulted in significant improvements in effective sensitivity in Positron Emission Tomography (PET). This improvement is mainly achieved by increasing the thickness of the gamma detectors (reducing time and spatial resolution), increasing the number of detector rings (increasing the economic cost) or developing gamma detectors...
This work presents the first simulation results of the incremental digital integration readout, a charge-integrating front-end scheme with in-pixel digitisation and accumulation. This novel readout concept [1] is at the core of the XIDER project, which aims at building 2D pixelated X-ray detectors optimised for high energy scattering and diffraction applications for the next generation of...
Arrays of 3D position-sensitive detectors (3DPSD) operating at room temperature and using cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) and thallium bromide (TIBr) sensors are suitable for gamma-ray spectrometry in many applications [1,2,3]. One detector configuration, the 3D position-sensitive virtual Frisch-grid detector (VFG), is particularly advantageous for integrating into large area arrays. The signals...
The new class of X-ray imaging detectors allows us to capture an image in various energy ranges in one shot [1]. This technique is called X-ray color imaging, and it is becoming a promising method in many applications such as medical imaging, computed tomography, and material testing [2]. To measure the energy spectrum in one shot, discriminant circuits need to be integrated into the pixel...
Timepix3 [1] was developed within the Medipix3 Collaboration at CERN as the successor of the widely used Timepix detector. The chip showed good performance in various domains – 3D track reconstruction [2, 3], radiation monitoring in particle physics experiments such as ATLAS or MoEDAL [4, 5]. Readout electronic systems were designed, e.g. SPIDR [6], ADVADAQ[7] and Katherine[8] with interfaces...
In this work the potentiality of Negative Capacitance Transistors (NC-FET) will be explored thanks to advanced TCAD (Technology Computer Aided Design) modelling. The goal is to investigate the suitability of innovative negative capacitance devices to be used in High Energy Physics experiments detection systems, featuring self-amplificated segmented, high granularity detectors. This fosters the...
About half of the ATLAS pixel modules have been produced with the Indium bonding technology [1,2].
The building blocks are modules made of a silicon sensor tile (pixel size of 400x50 µm2, with a sensitive area 16,4 x 60,8 mm2) and 16 front-end (FE-I3, 200 µm thick and 7,6 x 10,8 mm2 area) integrated circuits, each serving 18 x 160 pixels. Bumps are at the same time the electrical and the...
X-ray photon-counting detectors (XPCD) have gained substantial interest for biomedical and materials science applications due to their low-electronic noise, high-detection efficiency and energy-discrimination capabilities, compared to charge-integrating devices. The Pixirad-2/PIXIE-III is a hybrid XPCD with a 650 µm CdTe Schottky type diode with electron collection at pixel, bonded to the...
Muon tomography or “Muography” is an emerging imaging technique that uses cosmogenic muons as the radiation source. Due to its diverse range of applications and the use of natural radiation, muography is being applied across many fields such as geology, archaeology, civil engineering, nuclear reactor monitoring, nuclear waste characterization, underground surveys, etc. [1]. Muons can be...
It is now been over 15 years since Hybrid Photon Counting Detectors (HPCD) became one of the standard position-sensitive detectors for synchrotron light sources and X-ray detection applications [1]. This is mainly due to their single-photon sensitivity over a high dynamic energy range and electronic noise suppression thanks to energy thresholding [2]. To reach those performances, all HPCD...
The High energy cosmic-Radiation Detection(HERD)[1,2] facility has been proposed as one of several space astronomy payloads onboard the future China’s Space Station(CSS), which is planned for operation starting around 2026 for about 10 years. A cosmic ray tracker with position resolution of better than 1mm and effective detection area of 1m*1m is designed to do detector performance study.
The MPMIB project (Multispectral photon-counting for medical imaging and beam characterization), funded via the Academy of Finland RADDESS programme, focuses on the development of a next generation radiation detection system operating in a photon-counting (PC) mode [1]. The extraction of spectrum per pixel data will lead to higher efficiency and image quality, as well as the possibility to...
Andrea Šagátová (1,*), Vladimír Kršjak(1), Stanislav Sojak(1), Oleg Riabukhin(2), Eva Kováčová(3) and Bohumír Zaťko(3)
(1)Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering, Ilkovičova 3, 812 19 Bratislava, Slovakia
(2)Department of Experimental Physics, Ural Federal University,...
We present a multichannel integrated circuit of pixel architecture designed in CMOS 40nm technology. The chip is composed of 40 × 24 pixels of 75 μm pitch working in the SPC mode, each built of Charge Sensitive Amplifier (CSA), Peak Detector (PDH), 6-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), and memory composed of 64 × 12-bit counters. Thanks to the proposed functionality it is possible to store...
A novel method of loading phosphor materials in plastic scintillators (here on PS) is demonstrated in this work. ZnS(Ag) and ZnO phosphor materials are integrated into thin PS medium to exploit high Z and phosphor characteristics of these materials in radiation detection. These PS are prepared using polystyrene as base, xylene as solvent, PPO and POPOP as primary and secondary flours and...
The presentation will describe the performances of planar hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) sensors with charge selective contacts developed in the framework of the fabrication of a 3D a-Si:H sensor. These devices were developped as an intermediate technological step towards the final detector but they have interseting flux/dose measuring capabilities by themselves.
Gas Proportional Scintillation Counters (GPSC) exploit the photon emission from the de-excitation of noble gas atoms as a detection mechanism. The size of the detector radiation window relative to the photosensor active area has always been a limitation in this type of detectors, since the amount of light collected by the photosensor may vary according to the axial distance of the incident...
The Cooling Storage Ring of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL-CSR) is constructed to study nuclear physics, atomic physics, interdisciplinary science, and relative applications. There are many different kinds of detectors for radiation imaging in the experiments at HIRFL-CSR. To reduce the development time, production cost, and maintenance difficulties of the readout...
PiTec is designing and producing, in collaboration with the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) at CNPEM, the PIMEGA large area X-ray detectors to supply the experimental demands of Sirius, the new 4th generation storage ring. The detectors are based on hybrid pixel technology, consisting of semiconductor silicon pixeled sensors assembled over arrays of the Medipix3RX (ASIC). The...
To adopt monolithic active pixel sensors for space-based applications requires to lower their power consumption and to optimize the heat dissipation, to fulfill the constraints imposed by satellite power and cooling capacity. MAPS will be used for the first time in space within the High Energy Particle Detector, onboard the CSES-02 satellite. Space-register requirements are met with a parallel...
Bohumír Zaťko1,*, Andrea Šagátová2, Katarína Sedlačková2, Ladislav Hrubčín1,3, Pavol Boháček1
1.Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
2.Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering, Ilkovičova 3, 812 19...
The High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) that will follow the 3rd Long Shutdown of the accelerator opens the window to a very rich and ambitious physics program, exploiting an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$. During the HL-LHC operation, the instantaneous luminosity will be increased to 5$\times$10$^{34}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$, i.e. five times the machine’s original...
The Wuwei radiotherapy centre is the first carbon ion therapy facility in China .It can deliver 12C6+ beam with the energy up to ~410 MeV/A. The beam delivery system in the therapy facility ensures the beam energy deposition can cover the dedicated region in the body. It has been shown that Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are very promising tools for direct online beam monitoring. Thus,...
The Limadou collaboration includes all Italian scientists working on the project CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite), a constellation of satellites equipped with the most advanced technologies for correlating ionosphere perturbations with the occurrence of seismic events. For the launch of CSES-02, scheduled for mid-2022, the collaboration is realizing the High-Energy Particle...
This contribution presents an update on the Analytical Method (AM) algorithm for trigger primitive (TP) generation in the CMS Drift Tube (DT) chambers during the High Luminosity LHC operation (HL-LHC or LHC Phase 2). The algorithm has been developed and validated both in software with an emulation approach, and through hardware implementation tests. The algorithm is mainly divided in the...
Hybrid pixel detectors for radiation imaging suitable for 3-D particle tracking and reconstruction offer the capability of high-resolution measurement of Time-of-Arrival (ToA) parameter. ToA is the amount of time between the discriminator first edge and the moment when the shutter closes. Possible applications include electron microscopy and antimatter research [1]. For example, 1.58 ns ToA...
In a multi-channel radiation detector readout system, waveform sampling, digitization and transmitting bits to the data acquisition system constitutes a conventional processing chain. The quantities, such as time-of-arrival and signal magnitude, i.e. deposited energy is estimated by fitting analytical models over the acquired digital data extracting starting times of signals, peak amplitudes,...