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[Virtual] 25th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting [Plenaries 21st to 25th]

Alberto Ribon (CERN), Marc Verderi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

The Geant4 collaboration meeting will take place from the 21st to the 25th of September and will be an online meeting.

Only plenary sessions are scheduled by the program committee. For more flexibility, the parallel sessions organization is left to the working group coordinators, these sessions may happen during the same week or not. They will be added to this Indico.

One plenary session of two hours is programmed per day. The time slot has been chosen so that no participants start before 6 AM or end after 1 AM.

In addition to the regular items, the program committee would like to promote two items in particular:

  • welcoming the new generation of developers : how to make the Collaboration more attractive and more friendly to newcomers ?

  • what features can be identified for the next release in 2021, expected to be a major one.

Session chairs and speakers are hence invited to underline, when appropriate, these items.

Sessions are two hours long. Session chairs and speakers are invited to leave enough time for discussion, bearing in mind that whatever online medium is used makes remote discussions more difficult than live ones. During the session, questions may be asked verbally or by chat, which will require special attention by the chairs.

Participants are informed that the plenary sessions will be recorded, and that the videos will be kept internal to the Collaboration.

Please find Vidyo connection details linked in the "Videoconference Rooms" page.