RD51 Topical Workshop on FE electronics for gas detectors
remote-only by Zoom
Topical workshop on "Front End Electronics for Gas Detectors"
Tue. 15th, Wed. 16th and Thu. 17th, 2pm-6:30pm CEST.
RD51 Collaboration meeting, 14th-18th June 2021
The workshop is organized in three main sessions:
Lectures (4): Front End Electronics for Particle Detectors and Front-End ASIC design
Applications (7): Detector experts contributions on electronics for specific application fields
Developments and ASICs (24): Developers and ASIC designers contributions on developments and ASICs
The workshop is open to everybody, feel free to invite interested colleagues. Please fill the registration on the indico page to facilitate communications relative to the workshop.
Thanks to all the speakers who accepted and supported this initiative . We are looking forward to numerous expert presentations and especially encourage you to take part in the discussions and/or make use of the possibilities of text comments.
Silvia, Leszek, Paul, Eraldo, Hans, Nicola, Jochen, Marco, Sorin