Connecting The Dots 2022

Princeton University

Princeton University


CTD 2022 is complete. Thank you to everyone for participating.

CTD 2022 Workshop photo 

(Credit: Rick Soden)

May 13: An updated timetable of talks is now available, as is some logistical information for getting to campus and getting around to the venue, etc. We will continue adding information, but please reach out with questions for topics we haven't covered yet.

Registration deadlines: The in-person registration deadline has past. Please contact the organizers with questions. Virtual/Remote registration is still open.

The Connecting The Dots workshop series brings together experts on track reconstruction and other problems involving pattern recognition in sparsely sampled data. While the main focus will be on High Energy Physics (HEP) detectors, the Connecting The Dots workshop is intended to be inclusive across other scientific disciplines wherever similar problems or solutions arise. 

Princeton University (Princeton, New Jersey, USA) will host the 2022 edition of Connecting The Dots. It is the 7th in the series after: Berkeley 2015Vienna 2016LAL-Orsay 2017Seattle 2018, Valencia 2019, and virtual in 2020. The workshop will be followed by a topical mini-workshop on graphical neural networks for tracking on June 3. 

Registration: CTD2022 will be 3 days of plenary sessions, starting Tuesday (late) morning May 31, and finishing June 2. The workshop is open to everyone and will use a hybrid format to facilitate remote participation. More information available on the Scientific Program regarding the scientific topics covered by the workshop.  The call for abstracts is open and has a deadline of March 19.

Workshop registration is open (link will take you to our registration page based on Eventbrite). The regular registration fee is 270 USD and 185 USD for students (either graduate or undergraduate student). After May 1, the registration fee will increase by 25 USD (for non-students only). This fee covers local support, morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunches, the welcome reception and workshop dinner.

We encourage everyone interested to join us in person, however CTD2022 will be a hybrid event to facilitate remote participation for those that can not. The fee for remote participants will be 25 USD (free for students) to support the hybrid aspects of the workshop.

   This workshop is partially supported by National Science Foundation grant OAC-1836650 (IRIS-HEP), the Princeton Physics Department and the Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE).


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