EP R&D Day 2022-1

CERN globe

CERN globe


CERN’s Experimental Physics department has defined a strategic R&D programme on Technologies for future experiments which was officially launched in January 2020. 

The EP R&D day 2022-1 will serve to review the progress and plans of the 11 work packages and compare the achievements with the milestones and deliverables.

We will also systematicaly analyse the ECFA Roadmap and, whereever appropriate, realign our activities.  

The event is planned to be held in live mode in the CERN globe.

A barbecue is foreseen on Tuesday 21 evening.
Drinks, food (salad, meat, vegetables, desserts) will be available.
A contribution of 10 EUR/CHF will be asked from every participant.
Please fill in this newdle by Monday 20 June 17:00: