Muographers2023 - International workshop on muography



Centro Congressi Federico II Via Partenope, 36, 80121 Napoli NA
Giiulio Saracino (Universita di Napoli Federico II (IT))

Cosmic-ray muons, continuosly reaching the Earth soil with an almost constant and well known rate, are exploited as tool to probe the interior of large scale objects up to the kilometer scale.  Muon radiography is reaching promising results in several applications where other thecniques are not suitable.  

The International workshop on muography  is a conference series, intended as an opportunity to share the knowledge and the most recent progresses within the muon radiography community and other interested scientists. 

The scientific programme is divided in four application fields and general purpose tools and methods. Discover the related page to get more details.

The event provides plenary sessions and a poster session. The event will be in person. Instruction to registration and payment can be found here.

We warmly invite all the interested people to submit abstracts on both general overview or specific topics. The abstracts will be examinated by the International Advisor Committee and the decision will be communicated as soon as possible. Please submit as early as you can, to benefit the selection and organization process.  

>>> New !! <<< 

The 2024 edition will be held in Santa Fe, November 4-7

More details in the ufficial website 

Muography workshop 2024




The conference is organized and supported by:




in cooperation with

