Implications of LHC results for TeV-scale physics
The third in a series of meetings devoted to evaluating the implications of recent results from the LHC, and elsewhere, for TeV-scale physics, and to discuss the impact of these results on the future strategy for particle physics.
Agenda of the previous plenary mtgs:
First meeting
Second meeting
The Workshop continues the activity of the 2009 TH Institute "From the LHC to a Future Collider",, whose findings were documented in
The results will be summarised in a document, to be submitted as input to the planned 2012 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The participation and input of all those interested, experimentalists and theorists, is welcome and encouraged!
The workshop activities will be focused around three working groups investigating different aspects of TeV-scale physics, namely
- Signals of electroweak symmetry breaking (conveners: S.Heinemeyer, M.Kado, C.Mariotti, G.Weiglein, A.Weiler)
- Signatures with missing energy (conveners: R.Cavenaugh, J.Hewett, S.Kraml, G.Polesello)
- Other signatures of possible BSM physics (conveners: C.Grojean, G.Isidori, D.Martinez, J.Santiago Perez, P.Savard, S.Worm)
The task of the working groups is to assess the possible interpretations of the experimental results in view of their implications for the future strategy of particle physics.
NOTE Added after the Workshop: the Reports submitted by the WGs to the Krakow Open Symposium of the European Strategy Preparatory Group are available below under "material"
Adam Latosiński
Akin Wingerter
Aleksandr Azatov
Alessandro Ballestrero
Alexandre Arbey
Anadi Canepa
Anders Kvellestad
Andrew Fowlie
Anthony James Kremin
Are Raklev
Ben Gripaios
Ben Kreis
Benjamin Nachman
Benno List
Beranger Dumont
Bogumiła Świeżewska
Brokk Koen Toggerson
Cemsinan Deliduman
charalampos Anastasiou
Chiara Mariotti
Christophe Grojean
Christopher Young
Cristina Botta
Daniele Alves
Daniele Dominici
Devdatta Majumder
Dorota Sokolowska
Dumitru Ghilencea
Eduard Masso
Elisabetta Furlan
Emidio Gabrielli
Eric Feng
Eric Kuflik
Ernst Trojan
Felix Bruemmer
ferhat ozok
Fernando Cornet
Filipe Joaquim
Gaia Lanfranchi
Gennaro Corcella
Georg Weiglein
Giovanni Petrucciani
Giuliano Panico
Grégory Moreau
Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
Gwendolyn Carlton-Holton
Heidi Rzehak
Henning Flaecher
James Ferrando
Jamie Tattersall
Jan Kalinowski
Jason Nielsen
Jin Wang
john gunion
Jose A. R. Cembranos
Jose Ignacio Illana
Jose Santiago
Joshua Thompson
José Ramón Espinosa
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Saavedra
Judita Mamuzic
Katarzyna Romanowska-Rybinska
Kazuki Sakurai
Kenichi Hatakeyama
Keti Kaadze
Kilian Rosbach
Krzysztof Rolbiecki
Lars Andreas Dal
Luebbo von Lindern
Manuel Masip
Marek Olechowski
Margarida N. Rebelo
Maria Krawczyk
Marta Felcini
Masaki Asano
Matthew Dolan
Michael Peskin
Michele Caffo
Mihail Chizhov
Myeonghun Park
Nazila Mahmoudi
Nikolas Kauer
Nitish Dhingra
Orlando Panella
Oscar Stål
Per Osland
Pieter David
Reiasburo Tanaka
Reyhaneh Rezvani
Roberto Franceschini
Rogerio Rosenfeld
Roman Poeschl
Sabine Kraml
Sandro De Cecco
Sarah Livermore
Sascha Caron
Seung Lee
Sezen Sekmen
Shoaib Munir
Silvia Tentindo
Steven Bass
Steven Randolph Schramm
Suchita Kulkarni
Sven Heinemeyer
Tania Robens
Tobias Hurth
Ulrich Ellwanger
Veronica SANZ
Wolfgang Hollik
Wolfgang Waltenberger
Yanyan Gao