Michael Moll
Stephen Gibson
14/11/2012, 09:00
Seth Zenz
(Princeton University (US))
14/11/2012, 09:15
Radiation Damage in LHC Detectors (Wednesday morning)
Studies of radiation damage to the sensors of the CMS Pixel and Strip Detectors during LHC running in 2011 and 2012 are presented. Leakage current and depletion voltage are monitored with increasing fluence. Methods for addressing the challenges of these measurements in the context of ongoing detector operations are discussed. These include the derivation of depletion voltage from hit...
Rui Wang
(University of New Mexico (US))
14/11/2012, 09:40
Radiation Damage in LHC Detectors (Wednesday morning)
The ATLAS Pixel Detector radiation damage monitoring system uses leakage currents in pixel modules measured with ATLAS Pixel High Voltage delivery system. We present leakage currents measured in 2011 and 2012 and their dependence
on the ATLAS integrated luminosity (~ 24 fb^{-1}). We compare them with the theoretical model prediction. The status of the system is presented as well as the...
Marco Filipuzzi
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
14/11/2012, 10:00
One of the main, macroscopic radiation damage effects in silicon detectors is the charge trapping. It occurs when in the bulk of silicon sensors, exposed to intensive irradiation, defects acting as charge traps are induced. As a consequence, the charge collection efficiency of the detector is strongly affected.
The charge-trapping effect has been implemented in the simulation framework of the...
Jon Harrison
(University of Manchester (GB))
14/11/2012, 10:20
The effects of radiation damage in the LHCb Vertex Locator have been studied with a variety of techniques, using both 2011 and 2012 data. An overview of these methods, which include bulk currents, the effective depletion voltage, the cluster finding efficiency and noise scans will be given. This will be followed by a summary of the key results using up to 2.7 inverse femtobarn of LHCb...
Andre Lukas Schorlemmer
(CERN / Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE)),
Stephen Gibson
14/11/2012, 11:30
Due to the increasing radiation dose accumulated by the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the LHC, the effects of radiation damage are now clearly observable. Macroscopic effects are induced from the creation of silicon crystal defects and key parameters such as leakage current and effective depletion voltage are routinely monitored. Measurements of the effective depletion voltage show a general trend...
Miguel Ullan Comes
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
14/11/2012, 11:50
Full Detector Systems
Since the fabrication of the full series of pitch adapters for the modules of the End-Cap part of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT), from 2003 to 2005, CNM-Barcelona has made several fabrications a year of pitch adaptors for different users. Our technology for pitch adapters is not a PCB-like technology, but a microelectronics technology with clean room fabrication. This is how we achieve...
Erik Heijne
(Czech Technical University (CZ))
14/11/2012, 13:30
By necessity, semiconductor silicon detectors are damaged by radiation during their use. Studies have been made since the beginning, in the fifties and sixties, and are continued until today.
Understanding of the radiation effects helps to shape devices that can operate under quite harsh conditions. The extreme purity of industrial silicon allows predictability of performance and presents an...
Pawel Kaminski
(Institute of Electronic Materials Technology)
14/11/2012, 14:00
Microscopic Defects and Material Characterization
Vacancy aggregates, formed in silicon exposed to high fluences of hadrons or ions, seem to be the main defects limiting radiation hardness of tracking detectors. Recently, the electronic properties of these defects have been intensively studied using theoretical calculations. However, apart from the case of divacancies, very few experimental results concerning the properties higher order...
Roxana Radu
(Institute for Experimental Physics, Hamburg University)
14/11/2012, 14:20
Microscopic Defects and Material Characterization
The study of the radiation damage by electrons of different energies allows investigating separately point and cluster defects: 1 MeV electrons produce only point defects, whereas at 15 MeV cluster defects dominate.
For these studies pad diodes fabricated on high resistivity n-type Standard Float Zone (STFZ), Diffusion Oxygenated Float Zone (DOFZ) and thin epitaxial layers grown on...
Leonid Makarenko
(Belarusian state University)
14/11/2012, 14:40
Microscopic Defects and Material Characterization
Comparative studies of radiation defect annealing in p-type silicon diodes made by different producers have been performed. We have studied as pure silicon so silicon-germanium diodes. Radiation defects have been produced by irradiation with electrons and alpha-particles at different temperatures.
It has been found that under annealing at temperatures >250 C the concentration of...
Eugenijus Gaubas
(Vilnius University)
14/11/2012, 15:00
Evolution of pulsed current and of carrier lifetime characteristics in Si structures during 25 MeV neutrons irradiation using a spallator type source
E.Gaubas1, T.Ceponis1, A.Jasiunas1, A.Uleckas1, J.Vaitkus1, E.Cortina2, and O.Militaru3
1 - Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research, Vilnius
2 - Center for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology, Universite catholique de...
Juozas Vaitkus
(Vilnius University)
14/11/2012, 15:20
Microscopic Defects and Material Characterization
The Hall and magnetoresistance were investigated in Si(Ge) initial crystals and irradiated to 1e12 and 1e13 protons and neutrons, and by 4-6 MeV electrons to 3.6e16 cm-2 at different temperature.
Markus Gabrysch
14/11/2012, 16:10
An update on the detrapping time constants for charge carriers in irradiated silicon sensors using the TCT method with long (microsecond) laser pulses is given.
Alexandra Junkes
(Brown University)
14/11/2012, 16:30
Microscopic Defects and Material Characterization
The radiation damage inflicted by protons of different energies leads to differences in the electrical properties of silicon sensors even at similar equivalent fluences. This work aims to understand the impact of radiation damage of protons of different energies. \\
Irradiations in the blue room of the LANSCE facility in Los Alamos with 800 MeV protons have been carried out on a set of Flaot...
Fco.Rogelio Palomo Pinto
(University of Sevilla, School of Engineering)
14/11/2012, 16:50
Microscopic Defects and Material Characterization
On the characterization by experiments and simulation of the possibilities of nanometric MOS capacitors for DDD dosimetry.
Bilge Demirkoz
(Middle East Technical University (TR))
14/11/2012, 17:10
Michael Moll
14/11/2012, 17:20
Joachim Erfle
(Hamburg University (DE))
15/11/2012, 09:00
Detector Characterization
The aim of the CMS tracker upgrade campaign is to find a new radiation hard sensor material for the HL-LHC upgrade of the CMS tracker. Different test structures and sensors were implemented on a variety of silicon materials with different thicknesses by Hamatsu Photonics, Japan. Samples have been irradiated to fluences up to 1.5E15 with protons at Karlsruhe and the CERN PS and with reactor...
Coralie Neubüser
(Úniversity of Hamburg)
15/11/2012, 09:15
Detector Characterization
Silicon n-type diodes made of FZ and MCz material were manufactured for the CMS HPK campaign and irradiated with 23 MeV and 23GeV protons. At a fluence of 3e14/cm² neq the MCz n-type diodes demonstrate clear type inversion after 23MeV proton irradiation. This does not appear after the irradiation with 23 GeV protons. An influence of process induced bulk defects could be excluded.
In order to...
Alexandra Junkes
(Brown University)
15/11/2012, 09:30
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
15/11/2012, 09:40
First measurements of small strip detectors built within the HPK campaign of CMS and characterized using an edge-Transient Current Technique (eTCT) are presented. P and N bulk FZ 320 mum thick detectors are studied and compared to reference Micron detectors. A method to estimate the electric field profile inside the detector using normal incidence TCT and edge-TCT is also presented.
Alexandre Chilingarov
(Lancaster University (GB))
15/11/2012, 10:00
Detector Characterization
Experimental results on the temperature dependence of the current generated in Si bulk are presented and compared with expectations.
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
15/11/2012, 10:20
Detector Characterization
Special diodes were designed on RD50 multiplication mask which combine the ease of use of a pad-detector with electric field of a strip detector. A series of charge collection measurements was performed with diodes of different implant properties and thicknesses. The diodes were irradiated with neutrons to the total accumulated fluence of 8e16 cm-2. Charge collection efficiency for 90Sr was...
Marcela Mikestikova
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
15/11/2012, 11:10
N-on-p Micron diodes were irradiated with reactor neutrons to 1x1015, 2x10^15 and 1x10^16 neq/cm^2. Diodes were submitted to graduated annealing steps at 20°, 40°, 60° and 80°C to verify previously accepted accelerating annealing factors. The evolution of leakage currents and full depletion voltage (FDV) were measured. The FDV was determined from Capacity-Voltage curves and Charge Collection...
Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
15/11/2012, 11:30
Detector Characterization
TCT measurements with strip detectors will be presented. Focused IR laser light pulses were directed to the surface (top) of the detector and TCT signals were measured at different locations of light impact. Measurements were made with specially designed mini strip detectors in which n-type implants are not fully covered with metal allowing laser TCT measurements also with pulses directed on...
Alexandre Chilingarov
(Lancaster University, UK)
15/11/2012, 11:50
Full Detector Systems
Electrical characterisation is made of the n-in-p microstrip sensors irradiated by 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence up to 1E+16 n/cm2. It is shown that the interstrip capacitance is not affected by irradiation and the interstrip resistance remains very high up to the maximum investigated fluence.
Marco Bomben
(Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR))
15/11/2012, 12:10
RD50/PPS session (Friday morning)
TCAD simulations of irradiated silicon p-bulk sensors have been carried out and the results have been compared to CERN 24 GeV-p irradiated n-in-p diodes.
The simulations' results are in good agreement with measured data and allow for realiable predictions on future detectors.
Elena Verbitskaya
(Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences)
15/11/2012, 12:30
Impact of the parameters which define bulk generation current of Si irradiated detectors on the detector characteristics is analyzed. The electric field profile and space charge/free carrier concentrations are simulated regarding generation current and carrier generation lifetime.
Robert Eber
15/11/2012, 14:00
Simulations with an effective 2-trap radiation damage model have been performed. Adjustments of the EVL model and necessity of the adjustments are presented. In particular, the focus is on generated current after irradiation, depletion voltage and TCT simulation. Simulations are compared to IV, CV and TCT measurements done in the framework of the CMS HPK campaign.
Ashutosh Bhardwaj
(University of Delhi (IN))
15/11/2012, 14:20
This work describes the simulation results performed within the
RD50 simulation Group on the Double Electric Field Peak behaviour after radiation damage. As per the decision taken in the last RD50 meeting within the Simulation Group, the radiation damage is simulated by incorporating simple two deep level models in Silvaco and results are compared with modeled data. Since bulk generation...
Michael Moll
15/11/2012, 14:40
The Synopsys TCAD software package was used to perform a simulation of a simple p+-n-n+ diode containing two defects. The simulation parameters as described in the RD50 Simulation Working Group (V.Eremin) were used and the results of the simulation are compared to the data provided by V.Eremin.
Eckhart Fretwurst
(II. Institut fuer Experimentalphysik),
Vladimir Eremin
(Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Scienc)
15/11/2012, 15:00
Manuel Lozano Fantoba
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
15/11/2012, 16:00
Full Detector Systems
A test beam telescope has been built using the ALIBAVA system to drive its
data acquisition. The basic telescope planes consist in four XYT stations. Each
station is built from a detector board with two 80-micron-pitch sensors,
mounted one in each side and their strips crossing at 90 degrees. The
ensemble is coupled to an ALIBAVA daughter board. These stations act as
reference frame and...
Susanne Kuehn
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
15/11/2012, 16:35
Planar n-in-p strip sensors produced by Hamamatsu Photonics were irradiated in consecutive irradiation steps with pions of 280 Mev/c, protons of 25 MeV/c and reactor neutrons resulting in a combined fluence of up to 2.8x1015 neq/cm2.
The 320 mum thick devices with p-stop interstrip isolation structures are investigated using electrons from a Sr90 source based on the ALIBAVA readout system....
Marko Milovanovic
(Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
15/11/2012, 16:55
Effects of long term applied bias on charge collection properties in highly irradiated and annealed FZ n+-p silicon microstrip detectors were examined using the Alibava read-out system and Edge-TCT. A significant drop of both collected charge and the leakage current is observed after keeping the detectors under bias for longer periods of time (>1000 min). The time pattern is found to be fully...
Christopher Betancourt
(Freiburg University)
15/11/2012, 17:15
Full Detector Systems
We investigate the charge collection efficiency of specially designed charge multiplication silicon strip detectors produced by MICRON in Liverpool under the framework of the CERN RD50 collaboration. Sensors are tested before and after proton and neutron irradiation to fluences of 1e15 and 5e15 neq/cm^2. Charge multiplication structures on these devices include varying diffusion times and...
Robert Eber
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
15/11/2012, 17:35
Dedicated sensors provided by RD50 were irradiated with neutrons or protons to 1e15neq/cm2 and 5e15neq/cm2. Charge collection, Signal to noise and leakage current of sensors with different pitch to width ratios have been measured as a function of annealing time and will be shown.
Giulio Pellegrini
(Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM_CSIC))
15/11/2012, 17:50
Full Detector Systems
This project aims to fabricate p-type pixel detectors with a small gain, already shown in their pre-irradiated responses. It can be hoped that the gain implemented in the non-irradiated devices could retain some effect also after irradiation, with a higher multiplication factor with respect to standard structures. In addition, a moderate multiplication value will allow the fabrication of...
Jan Bohm
(Inst.of Physics AS CR)
15/11/2012, 18:10
Full Detector Systems
Protection of AC coupling capacitors from beam splashes has been studied on the heavy irradiated HPK ATLAS07 mini-sensors with special structures, BZ4A,B,C and D, for p-stop ion concentrations 2e12, 4e12 and 1e13 ion/cm^2. Punch through voltage is rapidly increasing with neutron fluence from 4e14 neq/cm^2 to 2e15neq/cm^2 for all tested ion concentrations and for 1E13 ion/cm^2 it is...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
15/11/2012, 18:30
Andrea Micelli
(IFAE Barcelona)
16/11/2012, 09:00
RD50/PPS session (Friday morning)
Pixel detectors with cylindrical electrodes that penetrate the silicon substrate (so called 3D detectors) offer advantages over standard planar sensors in terms of radiation hardness. In the framework of the ATLAS Forward Physics (AFP) program, work has been carried out to study the suitability of 3D pixel devices for forward proton tracking. Minimal dead area and high efficiency after...
Vitaliy Fadeyev
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
16/11/2012, 09:20
Full Detector Systems
Within the framework of RD50 and ATLAS PPS collaborations, we are pursuing scribe-cleave-passivate (SCP) technology of making “slim edge” sensors. Such sensors have only a minimal amount of inactive peripheral region, which benefits construction of large-area tracker and imaging systems. Key application steps of this method are surface scribing, cleaving, and passivation of the resulting...
Victor Hugo Benitez Casma
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
16/11/2012, 09:40
Full Detector Systems
An update will be presented on the Common RD50 Project "Low Resistance Strip Sensors". Three RD50 institutes are collaborating in this project (CNM-Barcelona, IFIC-Valencia, and SCIPP-Santa Cruz), in which a new method to enhance the sensor hardness to beam-loss damage is studied. The fabrication has been combined with new experiments related with another RD50 Common Project involving Slim...
Stefano Terzo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
16/11/2012, 10:00
Radiation Damage in LHC Detectors (Wednesday morning)
Silicon pixel modules employing n-in-p planar sensors with an active thickness ranging from 75µm to 285µm were assembled with both FE-I3 and FE-I4 ATLAS chips.
The thinned sensors are designed to avoid the signal degradation and ensure the radiation hardness even after high fluences, moreover the n-in-p technology requires a single side processing and is a cost-effective alternative to...
Anna Macchiolo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
16/11/2012, 10:20
RD50/PPS session (Friday morning)
We will report about the characterization of FE-I3 and FE-I4 active edge planar n-in-p pixels produced at VTT, Finland. The sensor thickness is 100 um and different geometries of the sensor edges have been implemented, down to an inactive width of only 50 um. The interconnection of the sensors to the ATLAS FE-I3 and FE-I4 chips has been performed at VTT, with solder bump bonding.
In addition...
Daniel Muenstermann
16/11/2012, 11:10
We explore the concept of using a deep-submicron HV CMOS process to produce a drop-in replacement for traditional radiation-hard silicon sensors. Unlike fully integrated monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS), such active sensors contain simple circuits, e.g. amplifiers and discriminators, but still require a traditional (pixel or strip) readout chip. This approach yields most of the...
Yoshinobu Unno
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
16/11/2012, 11:30
Richard French
(The University of Sheffield)
16/11/2012, 11:50
Full Detector Systems
At the end of 2012 the proton irradiation facility at the CERN PS will shut down for two years. With this in mind a new irradiation facility has been setup at Birmingham University. This uses a newly built high intensity area of a 26MeV proton cyclotron in the medical physics department. The facility can be used to irradiate silicon sensors, optical components and mechanical structures (e.g ....
Giulio Pellegrini
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
16/11/2012, 12:10