The AIDA-2020 (Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators) project begins 1 May 2015 and will run for 4 years.
AIDA-2020 (Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators) is co-funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures call.
The first AIDA-2020 Annual Meeting will take place on the DESY Hamburg campus. The plenary sessions will be held in the DESY auditorium and the parallel sessions in the auditorium and several seminar rooms (DESY Campus MAP)
For questions or further information on the AIDA-2020 First annual meeting please contact the Local Organizing Committee.
On the day before the AIDA-2020 First Annual meeting a special workshop "Energy and time measurement with High Granularity Silicon Devices" is held. The workshop takes place from 13.06.2016 till 14.06.2016 in the DESY main Auditorium. Please be aware that you need to be registered to the workshop separately.
It had been shown that measurements of carrier recombination lifetime can be employed for contact-less and fast evaluation of large fluences of the hadron irradiations. The same calibration function for fluence evaluations derived using electron-grade crystalline silicon wafer fragments fits well the absolute values of carrier recombination lifetime related to the densities of radiation defects introduced by penetrative protons, neutrons and pions. For wide area dosimetry, the cheaper silicon material for fabrication of dosimetry sensors would be desirable. In this presentation, possibilities to exploit the multi-crystalline (mc) Si material for fabrication of such sensors will be discussed. The characteristics of the fluence dependent light pulse excited carrier concentration decay was measured on 8 MeV proton irradiated mc-Si sensors made of solar-cell standard p-Si substrates and discussed.
Current status of the test/ via Vidyo
via Vidyo
via Vidyo
Status report on recent and future 3D and LGAD manufacturing runs
Feedback on the first issue of the AIDA-2020 newsletter, On Track, first showing of a draft of one of the TA videos, and discussion on outreach activities.
Pre-discussion among WP9 members present in DESY
Communication summary of Y1 of AIDA2020 from Jennifer Toes (CERN), and a short presentation on the status of the TA video project from Stefano Zani (INFN).