8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Jana Bielcikova
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Welcome, remarks
Alessandro Grelli
(Utrecht University (NL))
9:10 AM
Review of Jets in the vacuum and in the medium
Megan Elizabeth Connors
(Yale University (US))
9:45 AM
Coherence effects in multiple medium-induced radiation
- Mr
Victor Villa
(Universitade de San Paulo)
10:05 AM
Testing reliability of the soft-gluon approximation in calculating radiative energy loss of high p⊥ particles
Bojana Blagojevic
(Institute of Physics Belgrade)
10:25 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:50 AM
Multiplicity dependence of the jet structures in pp collisions at LHC energies
Zoltán Varga
11:10 AM
Event plane dependence of jet-hadron correlations in Au--Au collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC
Joel Anthony Mazer
(University of Tennessee (US))
11:30 AM
Event activity measurements and mid-rapidity correlations in 200 GeV p+Au collisions at STAR
David Stewart
(Yale University)
11:50 AM
--- Discussion session ---
8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Hannah Petersen
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Review of Initial state, color glass condensate, and EIC physics
Maria Pia Zurita
9:35 AM
Photons as probes of gluon saturation in dilute+dense collisions.
Oscar Garcia Montero
(Karl-Ruprechts-Universität Heidelberg)
9:55 AM
The Angantyr model for heavy-ion physics in PYTHIA8
Harsh Shah
(Lund University)
10:15 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
HIJING++, a Heavy Ion Jet Interaction Generator for the High-luminosity Era of the LHC and Beyond
Gabor Biro
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
11:00 AM
Forward-backward correlations and multiplicity √ fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV from ALICE at the LHC
Iwona Anna Sputowska
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
11:20 AM
Multiplicity dependence of heavy-flavour hadron decay electron production in p-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√= 8.16 TeV measured with ALICE at the LHC
Preeti Dhankher
(IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
11:40 AM
--- Discussion ---
8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Jorge Noronha
(University of Sao Paulo)
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Study of Bulk properties of QCD matter and hydrodinamical description of heavy-ion collisions
Gabriel Denicol
(Universidade Federal Fluminense)
9:35 AM
Bulk observables within a hybrid approach for heavy ion collisions with SMASH afterburner
Sangwook Ryu
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (FIAS))
9:55 AM
Deuterons at LHC: ``snowballs in hell'' via hydrodynamics and hadronic afterburner
Dmytro Oliinychenko
10:15 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:35 AM
Anisotropic hydrodynamics for heavy-ion collisions at LHC and RHIC
Mubarak Alqahtani
(Kent State University)
10:55 AM
Measurements of anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 5.44 TeV using the ALICE detector
Jonatan Adolfsson
11:15 AM
Mesonic resonance production in p--Pb, Pb--Pb and Xe--Xe collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Dukhishyam Mallick
(National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
11:35 AM
--- Discussion ---
8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Alessandro Grelli
(Utrecht University (NL))
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Review on Critical point searches and review of BES studies
Fabian Rennecke
9:35 AM
Diffusion of conserved charges in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Jan Fotakis
9:55 AM
Can Baryon Stopping be understood within the String Model?
Justin Mohs
10:15 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:50 AM
Locating the QCD critical point using holographic black holes
Israel Portillo
(University of Houston)
11:10 AM
Holographic Bjorken flow of a hot and dense fluid in the vicinity of a critical point
Renato Critelli
(University of Sao Paulo - Institute of Physics)
11:30 AM
--- Discussion ---
12:30 PM
--- Group Picture ---
8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Anthony Robert Timmins
(University of Houston (US))
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Review of Heavy-Flavour production at LHC and RHIC
Andrea Dubla
9:35 AM
Thermodynamics and fluctuations-correlations of conserved charges in a hadron resonance gas model with attractive and repulsive interaction within S-matrix formalism
(National Institute of Science Education and Research)
9:55 AM
Insight into thermal modifications of quarkonia from a comparison of continuum-extrapolated lattice results to perturbative QCD
Anna-Lena Kruse
(Bielefeld University)
10:15 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Probing QCD deconfinement with sequential quarkonium suppression of three Υ(nS) states with the CMS detector
Santona Tuli
(University of California Davis (US))
11:00 AM
Quarkonia production in a Langevin approach
Nadja Krenz
11:20 AM
Production of open-charm hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV measured by the STAR experiment
Jan Vaněk
11:40 AM
--- Discussion ---
8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Anthony Robert Timmins
(University of Houston (US))
(until 1:00 PM)
9:00 AM
Review on UPC related production in heavy ion collisions
Wangmei Zha
9:35 AM
J/ψ photo-production in peripheral and ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE
Zhuo Zhou
(University of Bergen (NO))
9:55 AM
Measurements of the Upsilon meson production in Au+Au collisions by the STAR experiment
Oliver Matonoha
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
10:15 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:40 AM
Dielectron production in pp collisions at sqrt(s )= 7 TeV with ALICE
Horst Sebastian Scheid
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
11:00 AM
Dielectron production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV measured in a dedicated low magnetic-field setting with ALICE
Jerome Jung
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
11:20 AM
Open charm and bottom production with dielectrons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ALICE
Anisa Dashi
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
11:40 AM
--- Discussion ---
8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Departure date
(until 11:00 AM)
7:30 PM
Arrival date
(until 10:30 PM)
8:30 PM
--- Dinner ---
1:00 PM
Lunch and afternoon break: 2PM bicycle pick-up
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Alessandro Grelli
(Utrecht University (NL))
(until 8:00 PM)
4:35 PM
Simulations of energy loses in the bulk nuclear medium using hydrodynamics on the Graphics Cards (GPU)
Marcin Slodkowski
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
4:55 PM
Study of azimuthal anisotropy for charged hadrons at high pT in
Au + Au collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200GeV at RHIC-PHENIX
- Ms
Risa Nishitani
(Nara Women's University)
5:15 PM
Study of in-medium energy loss with heavy-flavour correlations in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Samrangy Sadhu
(Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
5:35 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
6:00 PM
Fragmentation of jets containing J/Psi mesons with CMS
Inna Kucher
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
6:20 PM
Improved Event-Mixing for Resonance Yield Extraction
Adrian Fereydon Nassirpour
(Lund University (SE))
6:40 PM
Discussion session
8:00 PM
(until 9:00 PM)
1:00 PM
Lunch and afternoon break: 2PM bicycle pick-up
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Jana Bielcikova
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
(until 8:00 PM)
4:30 PM
Higher order flow correlations and their non-linear modes in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=5.02 TeV with ALICE
Jasper Parkkila
(University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
4:50 PM
Non-extensive Motivated Parton Fragmentation Functions
Ádám Takács
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
5:10 PM
Labelled multi-particle cumulants and some applications
Jacopo Margutti
(Utrecht University (NL))
5:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:55 PM
Fluctuations and azimuthally dependent two-particle correlations
Steffen Feld
(Universität Bielefeld)
6:15 PM
Studies of Heavy-Flavor Jets Using D0-Hadron Correlations in Azimuth and Pseudorapidity in Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV at the STAR Experiment
Alexander Jentsch
(UT Austin, STAR)
6:35 PM
8:00 PM
(until 9:00 PM)
1:00 PM
Lunch and afternoon break: 2PM bicycle pick-up
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Hannah Petersen
(until 8:00 PM)
4:30 PM
Testing a best-fit hydrodynamical model using new observables
Tiago Jose Nunes da Silva
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
4:50 PM
The fate of axial U(1) and the topological susceptibility in QCD with two light quarks
Lukas Mazur
(Bielefeld University)
5:10 PM
Λ(1520) suppression in Pb-Pb collisions: probing the evolution of heavy-ion collisions with hadronic resonances
Neelima Agrawal
(IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
5:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:55 PM
Low shear viscosity from perturbative QCD
Greg Jackson
(University of Bern)
6:15 PM
Anisotropic flow in the few collisions regime
Nina Kersting
(Bielefeld University)
6:35 PM
--- Discussion ---
8:00 PM
(until 9:00 PM)
1:00 PM
Lunch and afternoon break: 2PM bicycle pick-up
(until 3:00 PM)
3:00 PM
(until 8:00 PM)
8:00 PM
(until 9:00 PM)
1:00 PM
Lunch and afternoon break: 2PM bicycle pick-up
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Alessandro Grelli
(Utrecht University (NL))
(until 8:00 PM)
4:30 PM
Heavy hadrons production by coalescence plus fragmentation in AA collisions at RHIC and LHC
Vincenzo Minissale
4:50 PM
Characterising charm jet properties with azimuthal correlations of D mesons and charged particles with ALICE at LHC
Shyam Kumar
(IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
5:10 PM
Multiplicity dependence of heavy-flavour and charged particle correlations and collective effects in p-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√= 5.02 TeV with ALICE at LHC
Marianna Mazzilli
(Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
5:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:55 PM
Direct photons at the PHENIX experiment: From Large to Small systems
Veronica Canoa Roman
6:15 PM
Direct photon measurements with the ALICE Experiment at LHC
Erwann Masson
(Subatech, IN2P3-CNRS (FR))
6:35 PM
--- Discussion ---
8:00 PM
(until 9:00 PM)
9:00 PM
Bowling night
(until 11:00 PM)
1:00 PM
Lunch and afternoon break: 2PM bicycle pick-up
(until 4:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Alessandro Grelli
(Utrecht University (NL))
(until 8:05 PM)
4:30 PM
Anti- and hyper- nuclei production at the LHC with ALICE
Luca Barioglio
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
4:50 PM
Psi(2S) production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions as a function of transverse momentum, rapidity and centrality
Luca Micheletti
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
5:10 PM
Measurement of Λc baryon in p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Christopher Hills
(University of Liverpool (GB))
5:30 PM
Info last day- check out
5:35 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
5:55 PM
Kaon Isospin Fluctuations in Pb-Pb Collisions at /sqrt{s_{NN}}= 2.76 TeV with ALICE at the LHC
Ranjit Nayak
(IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))
6:15 PM
Measurements of open bottom hadron production through multiple decay channels in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment
Shenghui Zhang
6:35 PM
--- Discussion ---
8:05 PM
(until 9:05 PM)
9:05 PM
KKG award cerimony
(until 10:35 PM)