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Looking forward to future High Luminosity LHC experiments, efforts to develop new tracking detectors are increasing. A common approach to improve track reconstruction efficiency in high pile-up conditions is to add time measurement per pixel with resolution smaller than 50 ps. Different sensor technologies are under development in order to achieve those performances, like low gain avalanche...
We present a novel 4D fast track finding system capable of reconstructing four dimensional particle trajectories in real time using precise space and time information of the hits. The fast track finding device that we are proposing is designed for the high-luminosity phase of LHC and it is based on a massively parallel algorithm to be implemented in commercial field-programmable gate array...
This paper describes a particle detection system that exploits the prompt signals from the scintillation light produced by ionizing particles in liquid argon. The system includes 10 R5912 Hamamatsu photomultipliers (PMTs) coated with TPB for the detection of the VUV scintillation light. A laser calibration system is used to set the gains and determine the relative timing of the PMTs. The setup...
Improvements of silicon detector technology for high energy physics applications demand the introduction of doping carriers into the sensor material to optimize the charge collection efficiency of the detecting devices. Total doping profile of any silicon sensor device can be measured with very high precision using secondary ions mass spectrometry (SIMS). In this work new 3D SIMS scannig...
ArgonCube is a novel, modular approach to Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs). ArgonCube segments the total detector volume into an number of electrically and optically isolated TPCs sharing a common cryostat, providing improved performance while also mitigating technical risks with LAr purity and electric field. The field shaping uses a continuous resistive plane, field-shell,...
Electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) is an important detector of the Multi Purpose Detector (MPD) at the NICA collider. A shashlyk-type electromagnetic calorimeter is selected as MPD ECal. The particular goals of the MPD ECal are to measure of spatial positions and energy of photons and electrons. The whole ECal consists of 43008 shashlyk tower and each tower consists of 220 layers of 1.5mm...
The Compact High Energy Camera (CHEC) is a full-waveform camera, designed and proposed for the dual mirror Schwarzschild-Couder small sized telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array. CHEC-S is the second prototype and is based upon silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) photodetectors optimised for single photon counting and nanosecond timing. The camera water-cooled focal plane plate comprises a...
The forward hadron calorimeter (FHCal) for the detection of the protons and neutrons in energy range of 1-5 GeV is discussed. Since the calorimeter will operate inside the superconductive magnet with limited available space its length is about one meter only. A single FHCal module consists of 42 lead/scintillator sandwiches arranging in overall 4 interaction lengths. However, it works well...
Growing energies of particles at modern or planned particle accelerator experiments as well as various cosmic ray experiments require particle identification at gamma factors of up to $\approx 10^5$. At present there are no detectors capable of identifying single charged particles with reliable efficiency in this range of gamma-factors.
New developments in pixel detectors allow to perform...
The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for a lepton-flavour violating process of muon to electron conversion in a muonic atom, $\mu$-e conversion, with a branching-ratio sensitivity of <$10^{−16}$, 4 orders of magnitude better than the present limit, in order to explore the parameter region predicted by most of well-motivated theoretical models beyond the Standard Model.
The need for...
The ATHENA X-ray observatory was selected as ESA’s second large-class mission, scheduled to launch in the early 2030s. To enable detailed explorations of the hot and energetic universe, two complementary focal-plane instruments are coupled to a high-performance X-ray telescope. As one of these, the WFI (Wide Field Imager) features an unprecedented survey power by combining an excellent count...
PET (positron emission tomography) is used to preoperatively identify lymph node metastasis. However it is difficult to locate those lymph node metastasis during surgery. Intraoperative PET-laparoscope system consisting of an external fixed detector array and a movable detector which can be inserted into a patient’s stomach has been proposed to identify lymph node metastasis during gastric...
At the LMU Department of Medical Physics a portable platform for proton irradiation of small animals is under development for pre-clinical research with tumor bearing mouse models. The platform intends to use beams available at clinical facilities. It consists of a custom beamline to produce particle beams of the needed energy range and focus and several beam monitoring and imaging systems,...
The Spherical gaseous detector (or Spherical Proportional Counter, SPC) is a novel type of particle detector, with a broad range of applications. Its main features include a very low capacitance, a potential low energy threshold independent of the volume, a good energy resolution, robustness and a single detection readout channel. Applications range are from radon emanation gas monitoring,...
We performed detailed studies to measure the effect of the mesh geometry and gas mixtures on the discharge behavior of resistive Micromegas.
A Micromegas detector has been built at CERN with a special design allowing to easily replacing the mesh. It has 1028 readout strips with a pitch of 400 μm, an active area of 40x50 cm2 and 128 μm high pillar spacers. The resistive strips, screen-printed...
MedAustron is a hadron synchrotron primarily designed and built for cancer tumor treatment. Besides its clinical purpose, it is equipped with a dedicated beam line for non-clinical research. This beam line can be used for beam tests utilizing protons with an energy of up to 252 MeV at the moment, but 800 MeV will be available through 2019 as well as Carbon ions.
In order to understand the...
Abstract: We have fabricated the 1024-pixel SiPM sensor and the associated electronics. We integrated the SiPM sensor and the electronics to build a pinhole camera. In this paper, we present the fabrication and assembly procedure of the SiPM sensor and the readout electronics, and the preliminary result of testing the pinhole camera. This camera can be readily used as an X-ray detector with an...
Two interaction points are foreseen for beam intersections of NICA collider at JINR. The event-by-event monitoring of collisions is required both for the beam tuning and for event selection using the precise timing (T0) of the events for MPD and SPD experiments at NICA. Data on the reaction plane and on the event centrality of nucleus-nucleus collisions should be also obtained for physics...
A feasibility study about the employment of widely and commercially avaliable CMOS imager sensors in a radioguided surgery probe for $\beta^-$ detection is presented.
The radioguided surgery is a medical technique, which involves the use of a manageable probe for the intraoperative detection of the radiation emission of radiopharmaceuticals. The probe support the visual inspection of the...
IDEA (International Detector for Electron-positron Accelerators) is a detector concept designed for a future leptonic collider operating as a Higgs factory. It is based on innovative detector technologies developed over years of R&D. In September 2018, prototypes of the proposed subdetectors have been tested for the first time on a beam line at CERN, setting a milestone for the detector...
The LHCb Collaboration is planning an Upgrade II, a flavour physics experiment for the high luminosity era. This will be installed in LS4 (2030) and targets an instantaneous luminosity of 1 to 2x10 34 cm-2 s-1, and an integrated luminosity of at least 300fb-1. Modest consolidation of the current experiment will also be introduced in LS3 (2025).
This talk will present an overview of the LHCb...
Large light yield of scintillator can be a key to develop a good detector for astroprticle physics. Calcium Iodide (CaI2) crystal is discovered by Hoftadter et al. in 1960s and known to have large light yield. University of Tsukuba and IMR, Tohoku University are jointly developing CaI2 crystal from 2016 using updated facilities and leading-edge techniques. At first, vaporization of CaI2...
At the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Mainz the new electron accelerator MESA will go into operation within the next years. In the extracted beam operation (155 MeV, 150 μA) the P2 experiment will measure the weak mixing angle in electron-proton scattering in 10,000 hours operation time. Therefore the high-power beam dump of this experiment is ideally suited for a parasitic dark sector...
In direct searches for dark matter, the signature is a recoiling nucleus being hit by a massive dark matter particle, a so-called WIMP. A viable technology to search for such recoil signatures are detector arrays of Ge mono-crystals operated at a few mK temperature and equipped with electrodes and thermal sensors. Applying a small (few V/cm) external field, a simultaneous measurement of...
TOFPET2 is the second-generation design of a high-performance multichannel picosecond timing readout electronics ASIC produced by PETsys Electronics SA, Portugal. Originally developed for time-of-flight positron emission tomography using silicon photomultipliers, in this work we describe an experimental programme to evaluate the performance of TOFPET2 with pixelated microchannel plate...
The LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO) is a silicon micro-strip detector operating
extremely close to the LHC proton beams. During nominal data-taking the
innermost active strips are as close as ~8 mm to the beams.
This proximity makes the LHCb VELO
an ideal laboratory to study radiation damage effects in silicon detectors.
The analysis of charge collection efficiency (CCE) data showed that there is...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter(CBM) experiment at the upcoming FAIR facility will explore the phase diagram of hadronic matter in the region of highest baryon densities with various rare probes including light vector mesons and charmonium decaying into di-muon pairs. Unprecedented interaction rates of 10 MHz Au+Au collisions in an energy range (upto 11 AgeV) is a unique feature in CBM. The...
Microchannel-plate (MCP) PMTs were identified as the only suitable photon sensors for the DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment at FAIR. PANDA is a hadron physics experiment which employs a high intensity antiproton beam of up to 15 GeV/c to perform high precision measurements of, among others, objectives like charmonium spectroscopy and search for gluonic excitations. As the long-standing...
The CMS experiment at the LHC is designed to study a wide range of high energy physics phenomena. It employs a large all-silicon tracker within a 3.8T magnetic solenoid, which allows precise measurements of transverse momentum (pT) and vertex position.
This tracking detector will be upgraded to coincide with the installation of the High-Luminosity LHC, which will provide luminosities of up...
A new technique for ion identification in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) has been proposed based on measuring the ion track ranges using a low-pressure time projection chamber (TPC). As a proof of principle, the low-pressure TPC with charge readout using a THGEM multiplier was developed. The tracks of alpha-particles from various radioactive sources were successfully recorded in the TPC....
Neutron detectors based on gas-discharge tubes filled with 3He have a high thermal neutron registration efficiency and are not sensitive to others ionizing radiation. But the main disadvantage of such detectors is the high cost of a very rare isotope 3He.
One of the effective elements for the registration of thermal neutrons is the isotope of lithium 6Li, which nature contamination is much...
A glass capillary plate (CP) is a thin glass plate of 300 $\mu$m thickness with a large number of through holes (50 $\mu$m diameter with 64 $\mu$m pitch). The CP is one of a device for a hole-type micropattern gaseous detectors (MPGD) as represented by gas electron multiplier (GEM). We have been developing a neutron gas scintillation imager (n-GSI) consisting of a thin layer of $^{10}$B, a CP...
Whilst the thermal management needs of future silicon detectors are increasing, the mass and volume minimization of all ancillaries gets more demanding. This requires highly effective active cooling in very small channels. Due to its favourable thermo-physical properties, evaporative CO2 is used as refrigerant for the future generations of silicon detectors at LHC. However, available data on...
Three types of 50 cm-diameter photo-detectors were newly developed for a future large water Cherenkov detector, Hyper-Kamiokande. These detection performance was largely improved by adopting different amplification systems from a conventional 50-cm photomultiplier tube (PMT) in Super-Kamiokande.
A new PMT with a box-and-line dynode was completed by optimizing the surface curvature, alignment...
In recent decades, new and better detectors for X-ray spectroscopy have been developed, and, among these, many are based on Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD). We present a further improvement resulting from the dedicated optimization of the whole detector system: SDD detector design and production technology, ultra-low noise front-end electronics, dedicated acquisition system and digital...
The DIRC technology (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) offers an excellent possibility to minimize the form factor of Cherenkov detectors in hermetic high energy detectors. The PANDA experiment at FAIR in Germany will combine a barrel-shaped DIRC with a disc-shaped DIRC to cover an angular range of 5 to 140 degrees. Particle identification for pions and kaons with a separation...
Ionising radiation detectors based on wide band-gap materials have the potential to operate at temperatures greater than 200 °C. Such detectors are important in applications such as monitoring near reactors and in deep oil and gas well bore-hole logging. We discuss the development of alpha particle detectors, based on CVD diamond, which operate with good charge collection efficiency and energy...
Diamond-like Carbon (DLC), a newly recognized resistive material, is a kind of metastable amorphous carbon material. DLC has recently received considerable attention and is increasingly exploited in resistive electrodes to suppress discharges in Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD). DLC coating provided a new method to produce high-quality resistive electrodes for MGPDs owing to it’s low...
The range of application of high band-gap solid state detectors is expanding in those environments where the high neutron flux is an issue, such as the high-flux spallation neutron sources and the thermonuclear fusion experiments. In particular, Diamond and Silicon Carbide are considered an interesting alternative to Silicon thanks to their high resistance to neutron damage. In this work we...
The ESA next class-L mission to the Jovian system, JUICE, the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, will collect valuable data while orbiting Jupiter and three its moons for a period of three and a half years. RADEM, the Radiation Hard Electron Monitor is being developed to provide housekeeping information. It will also provide valuable scientific data on the energetic radiation environment of the...
The Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) is currently being finalized and commissioned at the SuperKEKB factory, Tsukuba, Japan. For a reliable operation and data taking of the SVD a sophisticated and robust run and slow control system has been implemented, which utilizes the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) framework.
EPICS uses client/server and publish/subscribe...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment aims at exploring the QCD phase diagram at large baryon densities with heavy ion beams in the beam energy range from 2 A GeV to 11 A GeV at the SIS100 accelerator of FAIR/GSI. For charged particle identification that is required by many observables that are sensitive to the phase structure like collective flow, phase space population of rare...
This work describes a comprehensive study of metal contacts on single crystals of II-VI group semiconductors, Cd1-xZnxTe and Cd1-xMnxTe. Both materials are candidates for numerous detector applications, while the former is more established, the latter has potential advantages. In this work we formed metal contacts on high resistivity Bridgman grown Cd1-xZnxTe and Cd1-xMnxTe crystals by thermal...
The first Detection Units of the KM3NeT infrastructure, whose main goal is the
detection of cosmic neutrinos, are currently being deployed on the Mediterranean sea bed. The
collaboration has chosen White Rabbit technology for providing sub-nanosecond synchronization
between the Digital Optical Modules, the functional detection units of the detector. White Rabbit
functionality is provided by...
The TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy) facilities aims at gamma-ray astronomy at energies from a few TeV to several PeV, as well as cosmic ray physics from 100 TeV to several EeV. Combination of the wide angle Cherenkov timing detector TAIGA-HiSCORE with the 4-m class Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (TAIGA-IACT) of FoV of 10x10 degrees...
The ENUBET ERC project (2016-2021) is studying a narrow band neutrino beam where lepton production could be monitored at single particle level in an instrumented decay tunnel. For this purpose we have developed a specialized shashlik calorimeter with a compact readout. The modules are composed of 1.5 cm thick steel absorbers coupled to 5 mm thick plastic scintillators. A matrix of 3 x 3 fibers...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment will be one of the research pillars of FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany), which is currently under construction. High-intensity heavy-ions beams delivered by the SIS100 accelerator (FAIR Phase 1) will be used to explore the QCD phase diagram at high baryon densities. Interaction rates of up to 10 MHz on a fixed target will enable measurements at an...
The DAMIC (Dark Matter in CCDs) Experiment employs the active silicon of low-noise charge-coupled devices (CCDs) as a target to search for a variety of dark matter candidates with masses below 10 GeV. An array of seven 675-$\mu$m thick CCDs with a target mass of ~40 grams has been collecting data at SNOLAB since early 2017 and the next stage of the experiment, DAMIC-M, will be an array of CCDs...
The CiS Forschungsinstitut fuer Mikrosensorik is engaged in developments of radiation detector technologies on several different fields. Current projects are dealing with large area thinned sensors, active edge sensors and 3D-sensors.
The challenge of producing cost-efficient, thin and large-sized sensors for High Energy Physics experiments is approached by a wet etching technology. Cavities...