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Hadronic Contributions to New Physics Searches 2019

from Monday 23 September 2019 (08:10) to Saturday 28 September 2019 (13:00)
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Sept 2019
24 Sept 2019
25 Sept 2019
26 Sept 2019
27 Sept 2019
28 Sept 2019
09:20 Introduction to HC2NP2019   ()
Baryon structure (until 10:50) ()
09:30 Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias: A unique nature fostering an excellent research - Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón (IAC)   ()
10:00 Neutrinos and systematic errors - Pilar Coloma (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC))   ()
10:25 Hadron and Nuclear Physics from/for/in Neutrino experiments - Manuel Vicente Vacas (IFIC - Valencia)   ()
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
Baryon structure (until 13:05) ()
11:20 EFT for searches of DM - Jure Zupan (University of Cincinnati)   ()
11:50 Nuclear structure for direct searches of DM - Javier Menendez (Universitat de Barcelona)   ()
12:15 Neutrino tridents and New Physics - Wolfgang Altmannshofer (UC Santa Cruz)   ()
12:40 Hidden particles in rare meson decays - Susanne Westhoff (Heidelberg University)   ()
Flavor (until 10:50) ()
09:30 New prospects for BSM physics - Gino Isidori (Universitaet Zuerich)   ()
10:00 Overview of ATLAS and CMS results and prospects in Flavour Physics - Sandra Malvezzi (Universita' di Milano-Bicocca and INFN)   ()
10:25 Alternative probes of flavour - Admir Greljo (CERN)   ()
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor (until 13:05) ()
11:20 The Higgs: high-$p_T$ vs. low-energy phenomena - Ulrich Andreas Haisch (Max Planck Institute Munich)   ()
11:50 LHCb results on CP violation - Agnieszka Dziurda (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)   ()
12:15 Precise SM predictions for $B$-mixing and lifetimes vs. BSM searches - Alexander Lenz (IPPP, Durham)   ()
12:40 CPV in charm - Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)   ()
08:30 --- Excursion to Teide and La Laguna ---
$g-2$ (until 10:50) ()
09:30 Status of the theory prediction for $g-2$ - Thomas Teubner (University of Liverpool)   ()
10:00 Status of the Muon $g-2$ Experiment at Fermilab - Kevin Labe (Cornell Univesity)   ()
10:25 Measurement of the fine structure constant as test of the standard model - Zachary Pagel (LBNL)   ()
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
$g-2$ (until 12:55) ()
11:20 Status of $g-2$ in lattice QCD - Thomas Blum (University of Connecticut & RIKEN BNL)   ()
11:50 Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon magnetic moment from lattice quantum chromodynamics - Laurent Lellouch (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS))   ()
12:15 BES III inputs for $g-2$ - Christoph Florian Redmer (University of Mainz)   ()
12:40 Potential Search for True Muonium at LHCb - Jonathan Plews (University of Birmingham)   ()
Baryon structure (until 10:50) ()
09:30 Overview of neutrino experiments: Nu experiments and a new landscape - Bonnie Fleming (Yale University)   ()
10:00 Lepton Number Violation and neutrinoless double beta decay - Vincenzo Cirigliano (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
10:25 Neutron lifetime anomaly - Bartosz Fornal (University of Utah)   ()
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor (until 12:55) ()
11:20 Status of lattice inputs for $B$-flavor physics - Elvira Gamiz (University of Granada)   ()
11:50 Status of lattice calculations of $g_A$ - Andre Walker-Loud (LBNL)   ()
12:15 Hadronic contributions to rare kaon decays - Marc Knecht (CNRS)   ()
12:40 Lorentz-violating effects in hadronic processes - Nathan Sherrill (Indiana University)   ()
Baryon structure (until 11:35) ()
09:30 QED corrections to Weak Decays in Lattice QCD - Guido Martinelli (Universita' La Sapienza di Roma and INFN)   ()
10:00 Hadronic and Nuclear Corrections to $V_{ud}$ - Misha Gorshteyn (University of Mainz)   ()
10:25 Dispersive theory for baryon structure - Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira (ITP, University of Bern)   ()
10:50 Baryon matrix elements from Lattice QCD - Gunnar Bali (Universität Regensburg)   ()
11:20 Disconnected contributions to hadronic processes - Nerambally Ripunjay Acharya (Helmholtz-Institut fūr Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University of Bonn )   ()
11:35 --- Coffee break ---
13:05 --- Lunch ---
Flavor (until 17:20) ()
16:00 Status and prospects of LFUV measurements at LHCb - Mitesh Patel (Imperial College London)   ()
16:30 Flavor phenomenology of the QCD axion - Robert Ziegler (CERN)   ()
16:55 Belle II first results and prospects for LFU tests - Andrzej Bozek (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
17:20 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor (until 19:10) ()
17:50 QED corrections to $B_{s,d} \to \ell^+ \ell^-$ - Christoph Bobeth (Technical University Munich)   ()
18:20 $B_{u,d,s}\to \gamma$ Form Factor from LCSR at NLO - Roman Zwicky (University of Edinburgh)   ()
18:45 An Effective Field Theory framework combined with a Froggatt-Nielsen like power counting for flavour and B anomalies - Marzia Bordone (Universitaet Siegen)   ()
20:00 --- Welcome cocktail ---
13:05 --- Lunch ---
EW & Higgs physics (until 17:20) ()
16:00 Uncovering latent jet substructure - Jernej F. Kamenik (Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana)   ()
16:30 Unitarization and resonances in WW scattering at the LHC - Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona)   ()
16:55 Compositeness and Physics Beyond the Standard Model - George Fleming (Yale University)   ()
17:20 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor (until 19:20) ()
17:50 Long distance charm in $b\to s\ell\ell$ decays from data - Patrick Haworth Owen (Universitaet Zuerich)   ()
18:15 Local and non-local form factors in exclusive $b\to s\ell\ell$ - Javier Virto (Technical University of Munich)   ()
18:40 EFT interpretation of the B anomalies - Marco Fedele (ICC Barcelona)   ()
19:05 Charm- and tau-loop effects in $B^+ \to K^+ \mu^+ \mu^-$ - Claudia Cornella (Universität Zürich (UZH))   ()
12:55 --- Lunch ---
$g-2$ (until 17:20) ()
16:00 Status and phenomenology of light BSM - Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter Institut & University of Victoria)   ()
16:30 The MUonE Project - Massimo Passera (INFN Padova)   ()
16:55 BSM for $g-2$, LFUV and CLFV - Paride Paradisi (Universita' di Padova and INFN)   ()
17:20 --- Coffee break ---
$g-2$ (until 18:55) ()
17:50 Status of dispersive approach to HLbL - Igor Danilkin (University of Mainz)   ()
18:15 Matching short-distance constraints to resonance exchange in the muon HLbL - Oscar Catà (University of Siegen)   ()
18:40 Pion-pole contribution to HLbL - Bai-Long Hoid (University of Bonn)   ()
19:30 --- Conference dinner ---
12:55 --- Lunch ---
Flavor (until 17:20) ()
16:00 The Lattice Kaon-Physics Programme - Chris Sachrajda (University of Southampton)   ()
16:30 Status and prospects for the NA62 Experiment at CERN SPS - Francesco Brizioli (Universita' di Perugia and INFN)   ()
16:55 Towards NNLO accuracy for $\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$ - María Cerdá-Sevilla (Technical University of Munich)   ()
17:20 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor (until 18:55) ()
17:50 The LHCb strangeness program - Diego Martinez Santos (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)   ()
18:15 Hunt for new physics in kaon decays - Teppei Kitahara (Technion / Nagoya University)   ()
18:40 Epsilon prime in the Standard Model - Hector Gisbert Mullor (University of Valencia - IFIC)   ()
12:05 Closing talk - Benjamin Grinstein (Univ. of California San Diego)   ()