ACES 2020 - Seventh Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC Upgrades
Main sessions:
Discussion session on Vidyo
Upgrade OverviewConvener: Hucheng Chen (BNL)
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ATLAS upgrade overviewSpeaker: Didier Ferrere (Universite de Geneve (CH))
CMS upgrade overviewSpeaker: Frank Hartmann (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
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LHCb electronics upgradeSpeaker: Ken Wyllie (CERN)
Lunch break
IC TechnologiesConvener: Francois Vasey (CERN)
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65nm TID+SEU experienceSpeaker: Mohsine Menouni (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
130nm TSMC / GF TID+SEU experienceSpeaker: Pieter Everaerts (Imperial College (GB))
SiGe BiCMOS electronics for ultrafast particle detectionSpeaker: Lorenzo Paolozzi (Universite de Geneve (CH))
Coffee break & discussion
Common ProjectsConvener: Jeroen Hegeman (CERN)
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lpGBT status and plansSpeaker: Paulo Rodrigues Simoes Moreira (CERN)
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lpGBT and VL+ from a user perspectiveSpeaker: Peter Goettlicher (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Coffee break & discussion
Timing DistributionConvener: Francesco Lanni (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
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The Evolution of the CMS Timing Distribution SystemSpeaker: Jeroen Hegeman (CERN)
Tracker UpgradeConvener: Frank Hartmann (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
ATLAS OTSpeaker: Peter Phillips (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
CMS OTSpeaker: Katja Klein (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
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Lunch break
Calorimeter UpgradeConvener: Paul Aspell (CERN)
ATLAS Calo readout and TPGSpeaker: Franck Salomon (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
CMS Calo readout and TPGSpeaker: Stephen Goadhouse (University of Virginia (US))
HGcal Architecture and TPGSpeaker: Artur Lobanov (LLR โ Ecole Polytechnique (FR))
Coffee break
Muon UpgradeConvener: Sandro Ventura (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
ATLAS muon upgrade overview and muon L1Speaker: Davide Cieri (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (DE))
CMS muon upgrade overview and muon L1Speaker: Isabelle De Bruyn (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
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NSWsSpeaker: Panagiotis Gkountoumis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
Coffee break
Timing Detector & Luminosity MonitoringConvener: Alex Grillo (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
ATLAS and CMS precision Timing strategySpeaker: Juanan Garcia (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
ATLAS Timing detector electronicsSpeaker: Nathalie Seguin-Moreau (OMEGA - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS/IN2P3)
CMS Timing detector electronicsSpeaker: Tiehui Ted Liu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
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CMS Muon Drift Tubes HL-LHC Slice Test Vidyo
The first prototypes of the HL-LHC electronics for the CMS On detector Board for the Drift Tube chambers (OBDT) have been installed attached to the DT chambers of the CMS detector and integrated in the central data acquisition and trigger system. They have operated together with the first backend prototypes for trigger generation and slow control. Months long data taking campaign of cosmic rays have taken place to validate the performance of these prototypes. The full chain has been operated very satisfactorily, showing the optimal efficiency and resolution of the designed Phase 2 electronics.
Speaker: Muhammad Bilal Kiani (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) -
Commissioning of L1Calo phase I upgrade at ATLAS: development and testing of eFEX and FTM modules Vidyo
The ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger (L1Calo) is a hardware system that identifies events containing calorimeter-based physics objects. In preparation for Run 3 with increased pileup (mu~65), L1Calo is currently implementing a significant programme of planned upgrades. The existing hardware will be replaced by a new system of feature extractor (FEX) modules with improved input granularity and algorithms. Here we focus on the current ongoing testing and commissioning of the electron feature extractor (eFEX) and the FEX Testing Module (FTM) at the recent slice tests at CERN. The online software developments required to do this are also discussed.
Speaker: Gareth Bird (RAL/University of Birmingham (GB)) -
Experience of DAQDB as a distributed key-value store for the ATLAS data acquisition system Vidyo
The Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS experiment requires a redesign of the DAQ system, which will need to sustain 5.2 TB/s of input data for a rate of 1 MHz and provide access to 3 TB/s of these data to an event filtering farm. A possible implementation of the storage system consists of having a large storage buffer capable of decoupling the data readout from the data selection subsystem. DAQDB is an open-source implementation of a distributed key-value store for high-bandwidth, generic data storage in event-driven systems. We present the experience with integrating the system in the ATLAS DAQ framework.
Speaker: Adam Abed Abud (University of Liverpool (GB) & CERN) -
Front-end electronics based on a CT โโ ADC for energy measurements using diamond detectors Vidyo
We present the development of a simulation tool for the synthesis and simulation of Continuous-Time (CT) Delta Sigma (โโ) ADC. For this, we decided to use a Model-based design approach which it is adopted to design such complex system. Our goal is the design of a 10 bit ENOB ADC for energy measurement systems used in particle identification through a new generation of detectors based on CVD diamond. Results of the synthesis of a proposed CT โโ modulator for 10 bit ENOB ADC and simulations of the dispersion of its components using the proposed tool are demonstrated and discussed.
Speaker: Mr Abderrahmane GHIMOUZ (Abderrahmane) -
GBTX and VersatileLink based readout in the CBM experiment Vidyo
The CBM heavy ion experiment at the GSI/FAIR facility will employ GBTX and VersatileLink devices in five subdetectors in a free streaming readout system at interaction rates up to 10^7/s starting from 2025.
Currently prototype and medium scale preseries readout systems are used for precursor experiments in the FAIR-Phase-0 program both at GSI (mCBM) and at BNL (eTOF@STAR).
We present the existing readout boards featuring both single and multi-GBTX architectures, together with the underlying concepts for clocking, frontend control and readout, as well as experiences from operation and further developments towards the full CBM DAQ system.
Speaker: Dr Joerg Lehnert (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fรผr Schwerionenforschung GmbH) -
OpenIPMC: a free and open source Intelligent Platform Management Controller Vidyo
We present a free and open source firmware designed to operate as an Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC). OpenIPMC is based on the FreeRTOS real-time operating system and is designed to be architecture-independent, allowing it to be run on a variety of different architectures. It has been tested successfully on Zynq Ultrascale+ (ARMv7-R) and ESP32 (Tensilica Xtensa LX6) devices. Having a fully free and open source code is an innovative aspect for this kind of firmware, allowing full customization by the user. This work aims to describe its development, features and usage.
Speaker: Luigi Calligaris (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR)) -
The Irradiation Facility at the Bern Cyclotron Vidyo
The Bern cyclotron is an 18 MeV proton accelerator that is used to irradiate samples with a total ionising dose-rate ranging from 10 to 20^3 rad/s (10^8 to 10^11 1MeV n_{eq}/(cm^2 s)). Using a setup including beam monitoring, current measurements and a flexible infrastructure to mount samples, the setup allows testing for radiation hardness of samples (electronics, silicon sensors, cables) employed in the high-radiation environments such as the HL-LHC. In this poster, I present the setup and demonstrate its flexibility with examples of how the Bern cyclotron can be used for irradiation studies.
Speaker: Lea Halser (Universitaet Bern (CH)) -
Upgrade of the ATLAS TileCal low voltage power supply (LVPS) for the HL-LHC Vidyo
The upgrade of the ATLAS TileCal LVPS falls under the HL-LHC upgrade. This upgrade is composed of multiple projects that when combined will form the latest iteration of the LVPS. One such project is focused on an LVPS component known as a brick. These bricks function to step-down bulk 200V DC current to the 10V DC current required by the front-end electronics of a TileCal module and are exposed to high levels of radiation as well as a strong magnetic ๏ฌeld due to the operating environment within the ATLAS detector. This resulted in bricks being of highly refined custom design.
Speaker: Ryan Peter Mckenzie (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)) -
ALDOv2, a multi-purpose linear regulator for the CMS Barrel Timing Layer detector Vidyo
The ALDOv2 ASIC is a multi-purpose adjustable low dropout linear regulator designed in I3T80 $\mathrm{0.35\ \mu m}$ HV CMOS technology. It is specifically designed for the CMS Barrel Timing Layer (BTL) detector and its purpose is twofold: to provide the final voltage regulation for the BTL front-end chip (TOFHIR) and slow control chip (GBT-SCA), cascaded to a DCDC converter; to provide the high-side regulation for the bias voltage of SiPM photodetectors allowing also to measure of their dark current and to shutdown bias supply in case of failures. Design strategies, results from testbench and radiation hardness studies will be presented.
Speaker: Paolo Carniti (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) -
Developments on the Tile Computer on Module (TileCoM) mezzanine board for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter off-detector electronics Vidyo
The TileCoM mezzanine board is one of the auxiliary boards of the TilePreProcessor (TilePPr) for Phase-2 Upgrade of the readout electronics of ATLAS TileCal. The TileCoM si responsible for remotely configuring the on-detector electronics and TilePPr-FPGAs and to interface ATLAS DCS-data to TilePPr. The TilePPr is composed of several FPGA-based boards to operate and read-out the on-detector electronics. The deployment of an embedded Linux for the ZYNQ System-on-Chip targeting an Avnet Ultra96-V2 Zynq UltraScale+MPSoC evaluation board is presented. This test-bench will serve as a basis for main functionalities development of the TileCoM mezzanine board and remote programming of TileCal FPGA-devices.
Speaker: Mpho Gift Doctor Gololo (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)) -
KARATE - A Setup for High Rate Tests of the CMS Outer Tracker 2S Module Readout Chain Vidyo
KARATE (KArlsruher high RAte TEst) is a new test system to stress the readout chain of 2S modules for the future CMS Outer Tracker. Standard test systems such as test beams or radioactive source measurements do not reach the occupancy and trigger rates expected on 2S modules. KARATE uses a combination of LEDs and photodiodes to inject variable hit patterns into the front-end of a CMS Binary Chip at 40 MHz. This gives the opportunity to compare injection patterns with readout patterns. The poster introduces the test system and summarizes high rate measurements of a CMS Binary Chip.
Speaker: Stefan Maier (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) -
Opto-system prototypes and preliminary tests Vidyo
The all-silicon inner tracker (ITk) envisioned for ATLAS HL-LHC upgrade features a high-speed, radiation-hard data transmission system for the Pixel Detector, of which a key stage is the electrical-to-optical conversion, which combines multiple electrical signals into an optical signal. This includes dedicated application specific integrated circuits to restore attenuated signals from the electrical data transmission, multiplex and de-multiplex the outgoing and incoming signal and a dedicated module, designed for all the LHC experiments, to provide the electrical-to-optical conversion. The integration of these components into a single board, tests of first prototypes and overall data transmission are shown.
Speaker: Meghranjana Chatterjee (Universitaet Bern (CH)) -
Quality control of HCAL FEE (Font End Electronic Boards) Vidyo
The endcap region of HCAL detector (HE) and Barrel HCAL Detector (HB) is now readout by Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) which are immune to the magnetic field.The SiPM Control Board, which is installed in the SiPM Readout Module (RM), provides the SiPMs with programmable individual bias voltage,measures SiPM Bias Voltage currents,drives Peltier element for SiPM cooling,measures the temperature and humidity in the SiPM envelope and also does miscellaneous housekeeping things. The quality control of about 400 such SiPM control boards were done here with a PyQT application and the method and details of these tests will be presented in the poster
Speaker: Mrs Mandakini Patil (Mandakini) -
Reliability testing of a Low Voltage Power Supply(LVPS) and test station design for the Front-End Electronics of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Vidyo
We present two test-station designs for testing the latest version of a switch-mode power supply for the front-end electronics of the ATLAS TileCal. The new test-station significantly improves fault detection and reliability. We further discuss the steps taken to test the new Tile-LVPS, using a custom-based software to perform tests and graphically display and record all performance metrics. The test-station verifies performance specifications laid out by TileCal and ensures protection against over-temperature, over-voltage and over-current. These test-stations will build upon the previous generation of testing-stations used in initial production of TileCal system and power next generation of upgraded LVPS hardware.
Speaker: Edward Khomotso Nkadimeng (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)) -
SoC Based DAQ for Pixel RD53a/b Tests Vidyo
The RCE (Reconfigurable Cluster Element) platform is a general-purpose system-on-chip design data acquisition system, deployed by many experiments like ATLAS, LCLS, LSST, HPS, and ProtoDUNE. We present a new generation bench-top RCE system, including a Xilinx UltraScale+ MPSoC board and a custom FMC adaptor card, which is a prototype pixel readout chips for the Phase II upgrade of ATLAS and CMS. According to measurement, the ARM NEON SIMD can increase the software speed for raw data decoding by 100%-200%. An ATCA blade to support a large number of Rd53a is also presented.
Speaker: Zijun Xu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)) -
The Embedded Local Monitor Board 2 project status Vidyo
The Embedded Local Monitor Board version 2 (ELMB2) is a fully backward compatible upgraded version of the ELMB, widely used in LHC systems and experiments for slow-control and monitoring purposes. The substitution of the most vulnerable components led to an improved performance and a higher radiation tolerance compared to its predecessor. The SEE rates, TID and NIEL effects were evaluated at 3 different irradiation facilities. The ELMB2 system description and the obtained test results are presented.
In addition, a novel DCS front-end proposal based on radiation hard components developed at CERN, the Embedded Monitoring and Control Interface (EMCI), is presented.Speaker: Daniel Blasco Serrano (CERN) -
Upgrades Ventilation Crates for LHC Racks Vidyo
The poster shows the work done in the last years to improve the maintainability of the turbine crates for LHC racks. With this new design, the motor-ventilator units can be extracted and exchanged inside the crate without having to remove it from the rack. This is of particular importance for those units located close to detector magnets (heavily shielded).
Speaker: Andrea Gaddi (CERN)
Track Trigger & Global TriggerConvener: Benedetto Gorini (CERN)
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Global trigger talk combinedSpeaker: David Sankey (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
Lunch break
ATCA Infrastructure, Power & GroundingConvener: Arno Straessner (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
ATCA chassis Market Survey for phase II, Power Supply proto procurement requestsSpeaker: Vincent Bobillier (CERN)
Thermal management in large FPGAs in modules with a lot of optical componentsSpeaker: Giacomo Fedi (Imperial College (GB))
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Serial power system implementation and test resultsSpeaker: Matthias Hamer (University of Bonn (DE))
Power and Grounding system implementations of ATLAS ITkSpeaker: Jose Bernabeu Verdu (IFIC (ES))
Coffee break
DAQ & DCSConvener: Magnus Hansen (CERN)
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Common Tools for Electronics Integration in Detector ControlsSpeaker: Stefan Schlenker (CERN)
Coffee break
Outlook & CloseoutConvener: Magnus Hansen (CERN)
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CERN EP R&D for future experimentsSpeaker: Christian Joram (CERN)
CloseoutSpeakers: Hucheng Chen (BNL), Magnus Hansen (CERN)