17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Investigating the proton structure with the FAMU experiment at RIKEN-RAL

19 Jul 2024, 15:45
Terrace 2B

Terrace 2B

Parallel session talk 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade (incl. HL-LHC) of Present Detectors Operation, Performance and Upgrade (incl. HL-LHC) of Present Detectors


Riccardo Rossini (University & INFN Pavia)


The FAMU experiment (Fisica degli Atomi MUonici), led by INFN at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), is designed to measure the hyperfine splitting of the muonic hydrogen ground state. This measurement, aiming to give an accurate insight of the proton's magnetic structure, plays a key role in verifying the most accurate QED calculations and tests the interaction between proton and muon. A 55 MeV/c pulsed negative muon beam is produced by the ISIS synchrotron at the RIKEN-RAL muon facility. The beam is directed against a gaseous hydrogen-oxygen target, where a pulsed Mid-InfraRed laser with a tunable wavelength around 6.8 μm is injected. The aim is to determine the laser wavelength stimulating the resonant spin-flip in μH atoms, which is a function of the proton Zemach radius. The experiment started data talking in 2023, and a new set of data is being taken in 2024-5. In this presentation, the status of the FAMU experiment, its performance and its future development are presented.

Alternate track 13. Detectors for Future Facilities, R&D, Novel Techniques
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