Instructions for parallel session conveners
Technical Setup:
- Each room is equipped with a laptop for presentations.
- Supported software includes:
- Presentation: Microsoft Office, PDF viewers, Adobe Acrobat
- Video: VLC Media Player
- A technical support person will be available in each room for any technical issues.
- Volunteers will assist with downloading presentations and handling microphones.
- Presentations were asked to be uploaded to Indico by the evening before the scheduled presentation.
- Sheets will be provided in each room to indicate the time left for the talk.
Conveners’ Responsibilities:
- Introduce each speaker and their talk.
- Stimulate and moderate discussions following each talk.
- Ensure speakers adhere to their allocated time to keep the session on schedule.
- Urge speakers to upload their contributions if they fail to do so by the evening before the scheduled presentation.
- If you have any technical, organizational, or other concerns, please get in touch with the local liaison convener for your session.