In this talk, recent measurements of distributions sensitive to the underlying event, the hadronic activity observed in relationship with the hard scattering in the event, by the ATLAS experiment are presented. Underlying event observables like the average particle multiplicity and the transverse momentum sum are measured for Kaons as Lambda baryons as a function of the leading track-jet and...
The main mission of IPPOG, the International Particle Physics Outreach Group, is to bring the excitement of particle physics to the public and especially to the young generatiοn. In the last years, IPPOG has undertaken to emphasize also the benefits to society from fundamental research. A tangible example is the particle therapy masterclass, an integral part of the masterclasses programme,...
The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment, pioneering in its measurement of a non-zero value for the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ in 2012, operated for about nine years from Nov. 24, 2011 to Dec. 12, 2020. Antineutrinos emanating from six reactors with a thermal power of 2.9 GW$_{\mathrm{th}}$ were detected by eight identically designed detectors, which were positioned in two near and...
The ICARUS LArTPC, currently placed at Fermilab, is collecting data exposed to Booster Neutrino and Numi off-axis beams within the SBN program. A light detection system, based on PMTs deployed behind the TPC wire chambers, is in place to detect vacuum ultraviolet photons produced by ionizing particles in LAr. This system is fundamental for the detector operation, providing an efficient trigger...
We shall introduce the novel [LiquidO][1] technology, relying for the first time on light detection in “opaque” media. This way, LiquidO enables sub-atomic particle event-wise imaging, so event topology, which, once combined with fast timing, the combined system enables powerful particle-ID even at MeV energies. The development is led by the homonymous international academic collaboration with...
The latest measurements on W and Z boson production, decays and properties at CMS obtained with CMS proton collision data at 13 and 13.6 TeV are presented. Some of these measurements lead to constraints to SM parameters and to new physics models.
Heavy ion collisions allow access to novel QCD and QED studies in a laboratory setting. This talk will present recent CMS highlights on precision measurements of the properties of quark-gluon plasma and the strong electromagnetic fields produced in high-energy heavy ion collisions.
Rare kaon decays are among the most sensitive probes of both heavy and light new physics beyond the Standard Model description thanks to high precision of the Standard Model predictions, availability of very large datasets, and the relatively simple decay topologies. The $K^{+} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay is a “golden mode” for search of New Physics in the flavour sector. The...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a 112-ton liquid argon time projection chamber 110 m away from the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) target at Fermilab (Illinois, USA). In addition to its role as a near detector enabling precision searches for short-baseline neutrino oscillations, the proximity of SBND to the BNB target makes the experiment ideal for many beyond the Standard Model (BSM)...
The discovery of the Higgs boson marked the beginning of a new era in HEP. Precision measurement of the Higgs properties become a natural next step beyond the LHC and HL-LHC. Among the proposed Higgs factories worldwide, the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) was proposed in 2012. CEPC can produce Higgs/W/Z and top which aims to measure Higgs, EW, flavor physics and QCD with...
The axion represents a well-motivated dark matter candidate with a relatively unexplored range of viable masses. Recent calculations argue for post-inflation axion mass ranges corresponding to frequencies of roughly 10-100 GHz. These frequency ranges offer challenges for the traditional cavity halscope which can be overcome through the use of metamaterial resonators that fill large volumes....
The LHC will undergo an upgrade program to deliver an instantaneous luminosity of $7.5\times 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and collect more than 3 ab$^{-1}$ of data at $\sqrt{s}=$13.6 (14) TeV. To benefit from such a rich data-sample it is fundamental to upgrade the detector to cope with the challenging experimental conditions. The ATLAS upgrade comprises a new all-silicon tracker with extended...
Inclusive event shape distributions, as well as event shapes as a function of charge particle multiplicity are extracted from CMS low-pileup and compared with predictions from various generators. Multi-dimensional unfolded distributions are provided, along with their correlations, using state-of-the-art machine-learning unfolding methods.
The study of single W and Z boson production at the LHC provides stringent tests of the electroweak theory and perturbative QCD. The ATLAS experiment has measured the W boson production cross section in the LHC data collected in 2022 at 13.6 TeV. By forming ratios of Z, W, and ttbar production cross sections, this measurement becomes a sensitive probe of the quark and gluon content of the...
The NA62 experiment at CERN reports new results from the analyses of rare kaon and pion decays, using data samples collected in 2017-2018. A sample of $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \gamma \gamma$ decays was collected using a minimum-bias trigger, and the results include measurement of the branching ratio, study of the di-photon mass spectrum, and the first search for production and prompt decay of an...
The RENO experiment has precisely measured the amplitude and frequency of reactor antineutrino oscillation at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant since Aug. 2011. The 2018 publication reported the measured oscillation parameters based on 2200 days of data. Before the RENO far detector was shut down in March 2023, additional 1600 days of data had been acquired. This presentation reports the updated and...
Showcasing the ATLAS detector and its enormous facilities to local audiences often proves difficult as it's difficult to convey the sheer size of the project. In a project together with the National Videogame Museum (NVM) in Sheffield, we have developed a virtual tour through ATLAS and the CERN site. It can be used in a web browser but is also available for use with google cardboard, a cheap...
Traditionally used for photon detection, superconducting Transition-edge Sensors (TESs) take on a new role in the PTOLEMY project as we investigate their application for electron detection to establish the existence of relic neutrinos. PTOLEMY requires TESs with 50 meV energy resolution for discerning electrons in the tens of eV range. Our focus is on exploring TES detectors' response to...
The MicroBooNE detector, an 85-tonne active mass liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) at Fermilab, is ideally suited to search for physics beyond the standard model due to its excellent calorimetric, spatial, and energy resolution. We will present several recent results using data recorded with Fermilab’s two neutrino beams: a first search for dark-trident scattering in a neutrino...
The research conducted by the NA61/SHINE spans a broad spectrum of hadronic physics within the CERN SPS energy range.This presentation will delve into the energy-dependent characteristics derived from the SMES model (the horn and step phenomena), along with the latest findings concerning particle production properties observed in p+p collisions and Be+Be, Ar+Sc, and Xe+La collisions at SPS...
The MAgnetized Disk and Mirror Axion eXperiment is a future experiment aiming to detect dark matter axions from the galactic halo by resonant conversion to photons in a strong magnetic field. It uses a stack of dielectric disks, called booster, to enhance the axion-photon conversion probability over a significant mass range. Several smaller scale prototype systems have been developed and used...
The International Linear Collider (ILC) and Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) are well-developed with mature and resource-conscious designs as next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders. With their key features of polarised beams and extendable energy reach they offer unique possibilities to explore the Higgs boson, the electroweak gauge bosons, the top quark as well as beyond...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB $e^+e^-$ collider started recording collision data in 2019, with the ultimate goal of collecting $50~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$. The wealth of physics results obtained with the current data sample of $424~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ demonstrate excellent detector performance. The first years of running, however, also reveal novel challenges and opportunities for reliable...
The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE) is a planned cubic-kilometer deep-sea detector targeting the study of high-energy neutrinos, their sources, and their unknown acceleration mechanisms. With low expected scattering in the deep sea, the ocean is an ideal location for high-energy neutrino detectors with the potential for sub-degree angular resolution. However, operating large-scale...
In this presentation we will discuss the most recent measurements of the couplings of the Higgs boson, as well as its inclusive and fiducial production cross sections, with data collected by the CMS experiment. Data collected at centre of mass energies of 13 and 13.6 TeV are analyzed.
We will present results on exclusive production processes in CMS, including the production of charged hadron or lepton pairs. To select these signatures, some analyses use intact protons tagged in the TOTEM roman pot detectors.
Exographer is a video game based on particle physics, coming out in 2024. It will put our field of research in brand new (gamer) hands. In Exographer, players use gluoboots or a photosphere to overcome obstacles while discovering, one by one, all the particles of the Standard Model. The levels are inspired by real laboratories (giant colliders and detectors, neutrino underground facilities,...
This talk will present a reactor flux and spectrum measurement with the Daya Bay full data set, 34% increase in statistics compared to the previous results. Using detector data spanning effective $\mathrm{^{239}Pu}$ fission fractions $F_{239}$ from 0.25 to 0.35, Daya Bay measures an average IBD yield and a fuel-dependent variation in IBD yield, $d\sigma_f/dF_{239}$. In addition, the yields and...
The GENEVA method provides a means to combine resummed and fixed order calculations at state-of-the-art accuracy with a parton shower program. GENEVA NNLO+PS generators have now been constructed for a range of colour-singlet production processes and using a range of different resolution variables. I will review the GENEVA framework and then describe several recent advancements, such as the use...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), a 20-kiloton liquid scintillator detector equipped with more than 43 thousand photomultiplier tubes, is under construction currently, aiming primarily to determine the neutrino mass ordering by detecting reactor electron anti-neutrinos. To achieve the physics goal, the detector energy resolution should be better than 3% at 1 MeV and the...
The Haloscope At Yale Sensitive To Axion CDM (HAYSTAC) experiment is a microwave cavity used to search for cold dark matter (CDM) axions with masses above 10 $\mu$eV. HAYSTAC searches for axion conversion into a resonant photon signal in an 8 T magnetic field, due to the Primakoff effect. In typical cavity experiments, the output signal power is exceedingly small, and thus quantum amplifiers...
The LHCb detector is a unique tool for studying high-energy heavy-ion colli-
sions. Its forward geometry, along with its excellent vertex reconstruction and
particle identification capabilities, allow the LHCb detector to study a wide vari-
ety of observables in pPb and PbPb collisions in previously unexplored kinematic
territory. Recent results from the LHCb heavy-ion program will be...
The BDF/SHiP experiment is a general purpose intensity-frontier experiment for the search of feebly interacting GeV-scale particles and to perform neutrino physics measurements at the HI-ECN3 (high-intensity) beam facility at the CERN SPS, operated in beam-dump mode, taking full advantage of the available 4x$10^{19}$ protons per year at 400 GeV. The CERN Research Board recently decided...
High-energy neutrinos propagating over cosmological distances are the ideal messenger particles for astrophysical phenomena, but the neutrino landscape above 10 PeV is currently completely uncharted. At these extreme energies and the frugal flux expected, the dominant experimental strategy is to detect radiofrequency emissions from particle cascades produced by neutrinos interacting in the...
The SuperKEKB is a high-luminosity electron-positron collider where a “nanobeam collision scheme” is utilized to achieve an unprecedented high luminosity. Its luminosity performance had gradually improved, achieving a peak luminosity of 4.7e34 cm-2s-1 in June 2022. While making steady progress, it was found that the SuperKEKB encountered some challenges as a luminosity frontier machine such as...
The Upgrade II of the LHCb experiment is proposed for the long shutdown 4 of the LHC. The upgraded detector will operate at a maximum luminosity of 1.5×1034 cm-2 s-1, with the aim of reaching a total integrated luminosity of ∼300 fb-1 over the lifetime of the HL-LHC. The collected data will probe a wide range of physics observables with unprecedented accuracy, with unique sensitivities for the...
This talk presents precise measurement of the Higgs boson mass, obtained using the full dataset collected in pp collisions at 13 TeV during Run 2 of the LHC. The measurements are performed exploiting the Higgs boson decays into two photons or four leptons, as well as their combinations. The talk will describe the adopted analysis strategies, and it will stress the impact of the experimental...
The KOTO II is a next-generation experiment to measure the branching ratio of $K_L\to \pi^0\nu\overline{\nu}$ with 30-GeV proton beam at J-PARC. The KOTO II is a successor of the currently running KOTO experiment. We plan to expand the hadron experimental facility at J-PARC, and construct a new beamline of KOTO II there. The extraction angle of the $K_L$ is 5 degrees, which is smaller than...
Virtual reality (VR) is emerging as a transformative tool across various disciplines, revolutionising the way we perceive and interact with objects, data, and their visualisation. In this talk, we present a novel CMS project wherein we use VR, utilising Meta Quest headsets, to create an immersive virtual experience. The virtual world features 3D models of the CMS detector and the underground...
The production of W/Z bosons in association with light or heavy flavor jets or hadrons at the LHC is sensitive to the flavor content of the proton and provides an important test of perturbative QCD. In this talk, measurements by the ATLAS experiment probing the charm and beauty content of the proton are presented. Inclusive and differential cross-sections of Z boson production with at least...
New DANSS results on searches for sterile neutrinos based on 8.5M $\nu$ events exclude an important part of the $\nu_s$ parameter space. Obtained limits exclude practically all sterile neutrino parameters preferred by BEST results for $Δm^2$ < 5 $eV^2$. Analysis relying on absolute $\nu$ flux predictions excludes practically all $\nu_s$ parameters preferred by the BEST results. The neutrino...
A large mystery that is currently being investigated by the High Energy Physics (HEP) field is the origin and the nature of the Ultra-high energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR). Coming from deep within the Universe, they bring information from afar as well as on possible new physics. This talk reports on the development and design of DUCK (Detector system of Unusual Cosmic-ray casKades), a new...
Charged particles in Liquid Argon (LAr) produce light in the Vacuum Ultraviolet range, challenging traditional optics. Current LAr particle detectors rely on drift electron signals for readout, but this method is not efficient in high event-rate scenarios. New readout methods are needed for scintillation light detection in LAr. The Near Detector complex (ND) of DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino...
Owing to the injection of gas into the LHC beampipe while multi-TeV proton
or ion beams are circulating, the LHCb spectrometer has the unique capabil-
ity to function as the as-of-today highest-energy fixed-target experiment. The
resulting beam-gas collisions cover an unexplored energy range that is above
previous fixed-target experiments, but below RHIC or LHC collider energies.
In this...
In response to the directives of the 2020 European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP), CERN, in collaboration with international partners, is exploring the feasibility of an energy-frontier, 100 TeV hadron collider, including, as an initial stage, a high-luminosity circular electron-positron collider serving as Higgs and electroweak factory.
This effort builds upon the 2019 conceptual...
The LHCb detector underwent a major upgrade after Run-2 of the LHC which
ended in 2018. To fully profit from an increased instantaneous luminosity
of 2x10^33 cm-2s-1 , the lowest level hardware trigger is removed, and the
full event information is shipped to a software trigger at 40 MHz. As a
result, all detector readout electronics is replaced. In addition, the
tracking detectors...
The ICARUS collaboration employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratory, performing a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_e$ appearance in the CNGS beam. After a significant overhaul at CERN, the T600 detector has been installed at Fermilab where, in June 2022, the data taking for neutrino oscillation physics began...
The LHCb experiment covers the forward region of proton-proton collisions, and it can improve the current electroweak landscape by studying the production of electroweak bosons in this phase space complementary to ATLAS and CMS. The precision measurements of the properties of single W and Z boson at LHCb could not only provide stringent test of the Standard Model, but also are essential inputs...
The study of the associated production of vector bosons and jets constitutes an excellent environment to check numerous QCD predictions. Total and differential cross sections of vector bosons produced in association with jets have been studied in pp collisions using CMS data. Differential distributions as a function of a broad range of kinematical observables are measured and compared with...
CMS Virtual Visits allow thousands of people each year to experience CMS from the comfort of their own homes or schools. These visits are hosted online where people interact with CMS scientists as they are shown the experimental areas in Cessy, France, often in their own language! Not everybody can visit the site in person, but this should not be a barrier to experiencing everything CMS has to...
An important aspect of the Higgs boson physics programme at the LHC is to determine all the properties of this particle, including its mass, which is a free parameter in the SM, and its width. This presentation will discuss the latest developments in measurements of the Higgs boson mass and width, with data collected by the CMS experiment at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV. Both direct and...
The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is an in-ice ultrahigh energy (UHE, >10 PeV) neutrino experiment at the South Pole that aims to detect radio emissions from neutrino-induced particle cascades. ARA has five independent stations which together have collected nearly 30 station-years of livetime of data. Each of these stations searches for UHE neutrinos by burying in-ice clusters of antennas ∼200...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with a primary physics goal of observing neutrino and antineutrino oscillation patterns to precisely measure the parameters governing long-baseline neutrino oscillation in a single experiment, and to test the three-flavor paradigm. DUNE is being built with the exquisite imaging...
Dark matter candidates with masses below 10 GeV/c² show considerable potential. Our last-generation detector, DarkSide-50, has achieved world-leading results in this mass range using ionization-only analysis with 46kg of active mass. Building upon the advancements of DarkSide-50 for low-mass dark matter searches, and in line with the ongoing progress towards the next-generation high-mass dark...
sPHENIX is a next-generation, state-of-the-art particle detector at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) that has recently taken its first dataset of 200 GeV Au+Au collisions during a commissioning run in 2023. sPHENIX features a variety of subsystem capable of detailed studies of bulk particle production in heavy-ion collisions, including the first barrel hadronic calorimeter at RHIC....
We explore the potential of neutrinoless double-beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decays to probe scalar leptoquark models that dynamically generate Majorana masses at the one-loop level. By relying on Effective Field Theories, we perform a detailed study of the correlation between neutrino masses and the $0\nu\beta\beta$ half-life in these models. We describe the additional tree-level leptoquark...
During LHC LS3 (2026-28) ALICE will replace its inner-most three tracking layers by a new detector, "ITS3", based on newly developed wafer-scale monolithic active pixel sensors, bent into cylindrical layers, and held in place by light carbon foam edge ribs. Unprecedented low values of material budget (0.07% per layer) and closeness to interaction point (19 mm) lead to a factor two improvement...
With concerted R&D efforts under way, the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) technique is an outstanding novel means to considerably improve the performance of particle physics colliders, providing excellent physics opportunities with significantly reduced power as is required for a next generation of sustainable machines. The European R&D Roadmap for ERL, endorsed by CERN Council, identifies the...
With the large datasets of $𝑒^+𝑒^−$ annihilation at the 𝐽/𝜓 and 𝜓(3686) resonances collected by the BESIII experiment, multi-dimensional analyses making use of polarisation and entanglement can shed new light on the production and decay properties of hyperon-antihyperon pairs. In a series of recent studies performed at BESIII, significant transverse polarisation of the (anti)hyperons has been...
Jet substructure measurements, using the distribution of final state hadrons, provide insight into partonic shower and hadronisation. Observables for such measurements include the transverse momentum ($j_\mathrm{T}$) and longitudinal momentum fraction ($z$) of jet constituent particles. ALICE has recently measured the $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions of the jet fragments in proton-proton and...
MiNNLOPS is a method which uses different jet-multiplicities in order to perform QCD simulations at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) accuracy which are naturally combined with Parton Showers (PS) for a realistic description of LHC events. In this talk I summarise the method and our recent implementation for the Higgs production via bottom annihilation (bbH). Although the bbH signal is...
The T2K neutrino experiment in Japan obtained a first indication of CP violation in neutrino oscillations. To obtain better sensitivity, T2K upgraded the near detector. A novel 3D highly granular scintillator detector called SuperFGD of a mass of about 2 tons will be functioning as a fully-active neutrino target and a 4\pi detector of charged particles from neutrino interactions. ...
The pseudorapidity dependence of charged particle production provides information on the partonic structure of the colliding hadrons and is, in particular at LHC energies, sensitive to non-linear QCD evolution in the initial state. For Run3, ALICE has increased its pseudorapidity coverage to track charged particles over a wider range of −3.6 < $\eta$ < 2 combining the measurement from the...
DarkSide-20k is a direct dark matter search experiment located at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). It is designed to reach an exposure of 200 tonne-years free from instrumental backgrounds. The core of the detector is a dual-phase Time Projection Chamber (TPC) filled with 50 tonnes of low-radioactivity liquid argon. The TPC is surrounded by a gadolinium-loaded polymethylmethacrylate...
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider at CERN is expected to produce proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV, aiming to achieve an unprecedented peak instantaneous luminosity of 7 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1, implying an average pileup of 200. To cope with these running conditions, the CMS detector will undergo an extensive upgrade: Phase-2. This upgrade includes the complete...
Hadronic object reconstruction is one of the most promising settings for cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms at the LHC. In this contribution, highlights of ML/AI applications by ATLAS to particle and boosted-object identification, MET reconstruction and other tasks will be presented.
The development of Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL) has been recognized as one of the five main pillars of accelerator R&D in support of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. Two projects for high power ERLs, PERLE and bERLinPro are considered key infrastructures for the development of ERLs for future HEP colliders, like e.g. LHeC or FCC-eh. Whereas bERLinPro will be demonstrating high...
ATLAS has used the W and Z boson production processes to perform a range of precision measurements of SM parameters. The production rate of Z+jet events with large missing transverse momentum is used to measure the decay width of the Z boson decaying to neutrinos. Differential measurements of this topology with minimal assumptions on theoretical calculations are discussed and allow comparisons...
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is one of three Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors positioned along the axis of the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Program. The detector is currently being commissioned and is expected to take neutrino data this year. SBND is characterized by superb imaging capabilities...
In any relativistic quantum field theory, such as Quantum Chromodynamics or Electroweak theory, the interactions are invariant under the combined operation of Charge conjugation (C), Parity transformation (P) and Time reversal (T). One of the consequences of this (CPT) symmetry is that particles and their corresponding antiparticles must have exactly the same mass. While the mass difference...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities. The detector also has a flexible trigger that enables low-mass states to be recorded with high efficiency, and a precision vertex detector that enables excellent separation of primary interactions from secondary decays. This allows LHCb to make significant (and world-leading) contributions in these regions of phase...
We have studied saturated LiCl water solution for the neutrino detection for Jinping Neutrino Experiment. The solution takes advantage of the high electron-neutrino charge-current interaction cross-section with Li-7, high natural abundance of Li-7, and the high solubility of LiCl. We have achieved a 50-m long attenuation length at 430 nm. The solution is good in studying energy-dependent solar...
The Energy-Energy Correlator is an observable that explores the angular correlations of energy depositions in detectors at high-energy collider facilities. It has been extensively studied in the context of precision QCD. In this presentation, I will discuss our recent work on the energy-energy correlator in the context of Deep Inelastic Scattering. In the limit where the energy emissions are...
The ALICE detector underwent significant upgrades during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 from 2019 to 2021. A key upgrade was the installation of the new Inner Tracking System (ITS2), comprising 7 layers with 12.5 billion pixels over 10 m², enhancing its tracking capabilities using the ALPIDE chips that are capable of recording Pb-Pb collisions at an interaction rate of 50 kHz. It offers a significant...
A novel approach to science communication is presented, using cake to explain particle physics ideas to engage new audiences. This talk will present a public engagement strategy where baking has been used to engage the general public, both at in-person events and with online platforms such as social media and virtual science fairs. This innovative approach using the juxtaposition of cake and...
The proposed STCF is a symmetric electron-positron beam collider designed to provide e+e− interactions at a centerof-mass energy from 2.0 to 7.0 GeV. The peaking luminosity is expected to be 0.5×10^35 cm−2s−1. STCF is expected to deliver more than 1 ab−1 of integrated luminosity per year. The huge samples could be used to make precision measurements of the properties of XYZ particles; search...
This talk presents a comprehensive overview of recent ATLAS measurements of collective flow phenomena in a variety of collision systems. Measurements of the mean, variance, and skewness of the distribution of event-by-event per- particle average transverse momentum, [pT] are reported for Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV and Xe+Xe collisions at 5.44 TeV. These measurements give insight into the...
The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab aims to measure the muon magnetic moment anomaly, aμ = (g−2)/2, with a final accuracy of 0.14 parts per million (ppm). The experiment’s first result, published in 2021 and based on Run-1 data collected in 2018, confirmed the previous result obtained at Brookhaven National Laboratory with a similar sensitivity of 0.46 ppm. In this talk, we will present the...
We will discuss the latest differential measurements of Higgs boson cross sections with the CMS detector. Both fiducial differential cross section measurements and measurements in the simplified template cross section framework will be presented. The data collected during Run 2 of the LHC by the CMS experiment are used. We also present interpretations of these measurements as constraints on...
The HERD (High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility) experiment is a future experiment for the direct detection of high energy cosmic rays that will be installed on the Chinese space station in 2027. It is constituted by an innovative calorimeter made of about 7500 LYSO scintillating crystals assembled in a spheroidal shape and it is surrounded on five faces by multiple sub-detectors, in...
Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) was proposed as a third-generation circular electron-positron collider of 2-7 GeV (CoM) and 5*10^34 cm^-2s^-1 (luminosity), aiming to explore charm-tau physics in the next decades. This presentation will introduce the accelerator design and R&D efforts for STCF. Under the financial support of the local provincial and national funding agencies, the STCF...
The BeInspired project for high school students aims to dispel the myth that individuals are inherently inclined towards either the sciences (such as mathematics and physics) or the humanities and arts. Instead, the project seeks to foster a dialogue between the artistic and technical aspects of each individual.
The project began with an initial one-day workshop, where students were...
The radiation pattern within high energy quark and gluon jets (jet substructure) is used as a precision probe of QCD and for optimizing event generators. As compared to hadron colliders, the precision achievable by collisions involving electrons is superior, as most of the complications from hadron colliders are absent. Therefore jets are analyzed in deep inelastic scattering events, recorded...
Large scale noble element time projection chambers (TPC's) play a central role in many HEP experiments. Future planned experimental programs using noble element TPC's aim to construct very large detectors, up to the multi-kiloton scale. Pixel based 3D readout offers the opportunity to realize such robust large scale noble element TPC's by recording the information from ionization events in an...
The Standard Model predicts several rare Higgs boson processes, among which are the production in association with c-quarks, the decays to a Z boson and a photon, to a low-mass lepton pair and a photon, and to a meson and photon. The observation of some of these processes could open the possibility of studying the coupling properties of the Higgs boson in a complementary way to other analyses....
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is an experiment built for direct detection of dark matter with world-leading sensitivity over a diverse science program. LZ has been operating at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota since 2021. The experiment employs three nested detectors; a central dual phase TPC with 7 tonnes of xenon in its active region, an instrumented liquid xenon skin, and...
We investigate the possibility of a partonic phase in small systems with the elliptic flow of mesons (π⁺⁻, K⁺⁻, K⁰) and baryons (p+p̅, Λ+Λ̅) in high-multiplicity p--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{{\rm NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV measured by ALICE. The results show a grouping (with 1$\sigma$ significance) and splitting (with 5$\sigma$ confidence) behavior of $v_2$ at...
The LHC produces a vast sample of top quark pairs and single top quarks. Measurements of the inclusive top quark production rates at the LHC have reached a precision of several percent and test advanced Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order predictions in QCD. In this contribution, comprehensive measurements of top-quark-antiquark pair and single-top-quark production are presented that use data...
The tracking system of the CMS experiment is the world’s largest silicon tracker with its 1856 and 15148 silicon pixel and strip modules, respectively. To accurately reconstruct trajectories of charged particles the position, rotation and curvature of each module must be corrected such that the alignment resolution is smaller than, or comparable to, the hit resolution. This procedure is known...
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility (HERD) will be the largest calorimetric experiment dedicated to the direct detection of cosmic rays. HERD aims at probing potential dark matter signatures by detecting electrons from 10 GeV and photons from 500 MeV, up to 100 TeV. It will also measure the flux of cosmic protons and heavier nuclei up to a few PeV, shedding light on the origin...
Creativity and vision are essential across disciplines, shaping both artistic and scientific endeavors. "Art & Science across Italy", a project led by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) in collaboration with CERN, cultivates a broad perspective in high-school students to disseminate scientific knowledge. Embracing the STEAM field, it integrates STEM and arts without...
We describe the procedures that were developed to verify the consistency and combine multiple independent analyses of the muon precession measurement by the FNAL-E989 collaboration. These procedures were applied to the first (2021) and second (2023) results published by the collaboration. To properly verify the consistency of different analyses up to 20 ppb, correlations have been modeled and...
The H1 Collaboration at HERA reports the first measurement of groomed event shapes in deep inelastic ep scattering (DIS) at $\sqrt{s} = 319$ GeV, using data recorded between 2003 and 2007 with an integrated luminosity of $351.1\pm 9.5$ pb$^{−1}$. Event shapes in DIS collisions provide incisive probes of perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, and recently developed grooming techniques...
The nature of the neutrino mass ordering and whether neutrino oscillations violate CP symmetry remain among several open questions surrounding PMNS mixing. At present no single experiment has the ability to resolve these issues. Atmospheric neutrino data at Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) and accelerator neutrino data from T2K, however, offer complementary sensitivity to these puzzles. As both...
The machine-detector interface (MDI) issues are one of the most complicate and challenging topics at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Comprehensive understandings of the MDI issues are decisive for achieving the optimal overall performance of the accelerator and detector. The machine will operate at different beam energies, therefore, a flexible interaction region design will be...
The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector. As the closest detector component to the interaction point, this detector is subjected to a significant amount of radiation over its lifetime. At present, at the start of 2024-Run3 LHC collision ATLAS Pixel Detector on innermost layers, consisting of planar and 3D pixel sensors, will operate after...
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a dark matter experiment located at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA employing a 7 tonne active volume of liquid xenon in a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC). It is surrounded by two veto detectors to reject and characterize backgrounds. A comprehensive material assay and selection campaign for detector components, along with a xenon...
Microchannel plate photomultiplier tubes working in photon-counting
mode to detect extremely low number of photons see adoption at the
future large liquid-based neutrino detectors. By coating materials of
high secondary electron yield by the atomic layer deposition at the
end face of the microchannel plates, collection efficiencies of
photo-electrons are pushed to 100%. That, however,...
Studies have yielded strong evidence that a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, the quark-gluon plasma, is created in heavy-ion collisions. This hot and dense matter exhibits almost zero friction and a strong collective behavior. An unexpected collective behavior has also been observed in small collision systems. In this talk, the origin of collectivity in small collision systems, which is...
The couplings of the Higgs boson to fermions have been studied with third and second generation quarks and leptons, while no direct measurements of its interactions with the lighter u,d,s quarks have been performed to date. The search for ultra rare decays H->gamma+ phi/rho/K*0 can probe these couplings. While the contribution to the rate of these decays from the diagrams involving Yukawa...
We present the study of the massless dark photon ($\bar\gamma$) in the $K_{L}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\bar\gamma$ decay at the J-PARC KOTO experiment. Distinguished from the massive dark photon, the massless one does not directly mix with the ordinary photon but could interact with Standard Model (SM) particles through direct coupling to quarks. Some theoretical models propose that the branching...
The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is an ongoing space-borne experiment for the direct detection of cosmic rays (CR). Thanks to its large geometric acceptance and thick calorimeter, DAMPE is able to detect CR ions up to unprecedented energies of hundreds of TeV. Following by now more than 8 years of successful operation, DAMPE has amassed a large dataset of high-energy hadronic...
We report a measurement of the $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ cross section in the energy range from 0.62$~$GeV to 3.5$~$GeV using an initial-state radiation technique. We use an $e^+e^-$ data sample corresponding to $191~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity, collected at a centre-of-mass energy at or near the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle$~$II detector at the SuperKEKB collider....
The H1 Collaboration reports the first measurement of the 1-jettiness event shape observable $\tau_{1}^{b}$ in neutral-current deep-inelastic electron-proton scattering. The analysis is based on data recorded in 2003-2007 by the H1 detector at the HERA collider for ep collisions at sqrt(s)=319 GeV, with integrated luminosity of 351.1 pb$^{-1}$. The observable $\tau_{1}^{b}$ is equivalent to a...
The HALHF concept utilises beam-driven plasma-wakefield acceleration to accelerate electrons to very high energy and collide them with much lower-energy positrons accelerated in a conventional RF linac. This idea, which avoids difficulties in the plasma acceleration of positrons, has been used to design a Higgs factory that is much smaller, cheaper and greener than any other so far conceived....
The Cosmic Piano is designed to detect Muons generated by the arrival of cosmic rays to Earth. When Muons impact a module, sounds and flashes of light are generated, by means of a phase shift fiber and two avalanche photodiodes (APD) placed at the ends of the fiber, the flashes are detected, converting them into electrical pulses. The APDs collect the light produced by the scintillator...
While the Standard Model predicts that the Higgs boson is a CP-even scalar, CP-odd contributions to the Higgs boson interactions with vector bosons or fermions are presently not strongly constrained. A variety of Higgs boson production processes and decays can be used to study the CP nature of the Higgs boson interactions. This talk presents the most recent CP measurements of such analyses by...
The Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) will be installed in CERN's recently upgraded T9 “Test Beam” Area in Summer 2024. It has three goals: to prototype photosensor and calibration systems for Hyper-Kamiokande, to develop new calibration and reconstruction methods for water Cherenkov detectors and to measure lepton and hadron scattering on Oxygen.
The collaboration performed a...
The LHCb Experiment is running after its first major upgrade to cope with increased luminosities of LHC Run3, being able to improve on many world-best physics measurements. A new tracker based on scintillating fibers (SciFi) replaced Outer and Inner Trackers and is delivering an improved spatial resolution for the new LHCb trigger-less era, with a readout capable of reading ~524k channels at...
Precision measurements of transverse momentum-differential elliptic flow, $v_{2}(p_{\rm T})$, of identified particles have been done in proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions. The characteristic mass-ordering of $v_{2}(p_{\rm T})$ at low $p_{\rm T}$ and the grouping/splitting of $v_{2}(p_{\rm T})$ for mesons and baryons at intermediate $p_{\rm T}$, which have been regarded as the smoking gun of QGP...
Flavour violation in axion models can be generated by choosing flavour non-universal Peccei-Quinn(PQ) charges. Such an axion is easily implemented in a UV completion with a DFSZ model: containing two Higgs doublets (PQ-2HDM) and the PQ scalar. This charge arrangement also produces flavour violation at tree level in the PQ-2HDM, which we will show it is directly correlated to the flavour...
We investigate the impact of recent LHC measurements of differential top-quark pair production cross sections on the proton parton distribution functions (PDFs) using the ABMP16 methodology. The theoretical predictions are computed at NNLO QCD using the state-of-the-art MATRIX framework. The top-quark mass and strong coupling constants are free parameters of the fit, and we pay particular...
The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a cosmic-ray observatory operating since October 2015 on the International Space Station. The primary scientific goals of the CALET mission include the investigation of the mechanism of cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation in the Galaxy and the detection of potential nearby sources of high-energy electrons and potential dark matter signatures....
Measurements of the substructure of jets are presented using 140 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions with sqrt(s)=13 TeV center-of-mass energy recorded with the ATLAS detector at CERN Large Hadron Collider. Various results are presented including the measurement of non-perturbative track functions, or, the ratio of a jet transverse momentum carried by its charged constituents to its complete...
The CERN Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) will enable extreme precision physics experiments from the Z-pole up to above the top-pair production threshold. Very precise beam energy measurements will be performed by resonant depolarization (RD) of e+ and e- pilot bunches, using novel 3D-polarimeters. Additional measurements will be needed to reduce the center-of-mass energy...
T2K and NOvA are two currently active long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments studying $\nu_\mu$/$\bar{\nu}_\mu$ disappearance and $\nu_e$/$\bar{\nu}_e$ appearance in $\nu_\mu$/$\bar{\nu}_\mu$ accelerator neutrino beams.
This talk presents a joint T2K+NOvA neutrino oscillation analysis within the standard three active neutrino flavor paradigm, which includes each experiment’s fully...
To fully characterize the Higgs boson, it is important to establish whether it presents coupling properties that are not expected in the Standard Model of particle physics. These can probe BSM effects, such as CP conserving or CP violating couplings to particles with masses not directly accessible at the LHC through virtual quantum loops. In this talk we will present the most recent searches...
Balance functions have been used extensively to elucidate the time evolution of quark production in heavy-ion collisions. Early models predicted two stages of quark production, one for light quarks and one for the heavier strange quark, separated by a period of isentropic expansion. This led to the notion of clocking particle production and tracking radial flow effects, which drive the...
The Q-Pix concept is a continuously integrating low-power charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) viewed by a Schmitt trigger. When the trigger threshold is met, the comparator initiates a ‘reset’ transition and returns the CSA circuitry to a stable baseline. The reset time is captured in a 32-bit clock value register, buffers the cycle and then begins again. The time difference between one clock...
To cope with the resulting increase in occupancy, bandwidth and radiation damage at the HL-LHC, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost part will consist of a pixel detector with an active area of about 13m^2. Several silicon sensor technologies will be employed. The pixel modules assembled with RD53B readout chips have been...
The high center-of-mass energy of the LHC opens the window to precise measurements of electroweak top quark production as well as vector boson and quark-associated production of top quark pairs and single top quarks. In this talk, recent inclusive and differential measurements of single-top and rare-top quark production will be discussed.
Positron source yield is crucial for achieving the required luminosity in future lepton colliders. The conventional approach involves an e-beam impinging a high-density solid target to initiate an electromagnetic shower and capture positrons afterwards. But, this scheme is limited by the Peak Energy Deposited Density(PEDD) on the target before its structural failure.
We can utilize the large...
In half a century of predictions on the potential of X-Ray polarimetry, we have encountered ideas—sparse yet not infrequent—on how it could provide insights into several fundamental physics problems. These include birefringence or strong-gravity effects as evidence of photon propagation in extreme magnetic or gravitational fields, anomalies in propagation over large distances due to Lorentz...
I present a new method of teaching that blends a science fiction narrative into an intermediate
level astronomy course. “The Salvation of the Yggdrasil” is a sci-fi scenario where students must
solve a series of challenges to guide the people of an intergenerational spaceship through a
catastrophe and set them safely back on their journey to a new home amongst the stars. Each
This talk presents the ALICE measurements of $\pi^{0}$, $\eta$, and $\omega$ meson production in pp collisions at 13 TeV. The results are given for several multiplicity classes, each for an unprecedented $p_{\rm T}$ coverage. Furthermore, the measurement of $\pi^{0}$ and $\eta$ mesons inside of jets will be shown.
ALICE measurements of neutral meson production in pp, p+Pb and Pb+Pb...
One of the open questions in neutrino physics is that of the mass-ordering. In the three flavor paradigm, it is unknown if the masses of the three massive neutrinos are arranged in the normal (m1>m2>m3) or inverted (m3>m1>m2) ordering. Atmospheric neutrinos, which are electron and muon neutrinos produced in the atmosphere by cosmic rays, provide a window into the neutrino mass-ordering. If the...
The MEG II experiment searches for the lepton flavour violating decay $\mu^+\to e^+\gamma$ with the world's most intense continuous muon beam at the Paul Scherrer Institute and high-performance detectors, aiming at ten times higher sensitivity than the previous MEG experiment. The result with the first dataset in 2021 was published, and the MEG II experiment took data in 2022 and 2023...
Measurements of light-flavour particle production in small collision systems at the LHC energies have shown the onset of features that resemble what is typically observed in nucleus- nucleus collisions. New results on the (multi-)strange hadron production in Pb–Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ =5.02 and 5.36 TeV will be presented. These results are discussed in the context of recent...
The large dataset of about 3 ab-1 that will be collected at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will be used to measure Higgs boson processes in detail. Studies based on current analyses have been carried out to understand the expected precision and limitations of these measurements. The large dataset will also allow for better sensitivity to di-Higgs processes and the Higgs boson self coupling....
The vector $U$-bosons, or so called 'dark photons', are one of the possible candidates for the dark matter mediators. We present a procedure to define theoretical constraints on the upper limit of $\epsilon^2(M_U)$ from heavy-ion as well as $p+p$ and $p+A$ dilepton data from SIS to LHC energies. We used the microscopic Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach which reproduces...
Being the heaviest fermion and having a Yukawa interaction almost equal to one, the top-quark represents one of the most interesting portals to New Physics (NP). If it is light or belongs to a secluded sector, NP can be difficult to detect in colliders with traditional methods. An alternative way, at least for setting bounds, is studying the virtual corrections to SM processes. Kinematical...
The HL-LHC is expected to provide an integrated luminosity of 4000 fb-1, that will allow to perform precise measurements in the Higgs sector and improve searches of new physics at the TeV scale. ATLAS is currently preparing for the HL-LHC upgrade, and an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) will replace the current Inner Detector, with a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector. The strip...
Jet substructure measurements sensitive to the strong coupling are presented, namely the primary Lund jet plane and the energy-energy correlated. The measurements are motivated by their sensitivity to the strong coupling and present interesting experimental properties.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose neutrino detector under construction in China. It is located 700 m underground, 53 km away from 8 nuclear reactors. It will use 20 kt of liquid scintillator surrounded by 17,512 20" photomultipliers and 25,600 3" photomultipliers to detect neutrino interactions with a 3% energy resolution at 1 MeV. JUNO's main physics goals...
Positron Sources for high luminosity high-energy colliders are a challenge for all future lepton colliders as, for instance, the International Linear Collider (ILC) as well as new concepts as the HALHF collider design. In the talk new R&D developments for the undulator-based positron source are discussed. The talk includes current prototypes for optic matching devices as pulsed solenoid as...
The CMS at DESY outreach Instagram account provides science communication and outreach for a large experimental particle physics group. It aims to promote science, engage young scientists in outreach and showcase their work. The Instagram platform was selected for its demographic alignment with the target stakeholders and broad user base in Germany and abroad.
The communication focuses on...
The coupling constant of the strong force is determined from the transverse-momentum distribution of Z bosons produced in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions. The Z-boson cross sections are measured in the full phase space of the decay leptons. The analysis is based on predictions evaluated at third order in perturbative QCD, supplemented by the resummation of logarithmically enhanced contributions...
The increased instantaneous luminosity levels expected to be delivered by the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will present new challenges to High-Energy Physics experiments, both in terms of detector technologies and software capabilities. The current ATLAS inner detector will be unable to cope with an average number of 200 simultaneous proton-proton interactions resulting from HL-LHC collisions....
In the Standard Model, the ground state of the Higgs field is not found at zero but instead corresponds to one of the degenerate solutions minimising the Higgs potential. In turn, this spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking provides a mechanism for the mass generation of nearly all fundamental particles. The Standard Model makes a definite prediction for the Higgs boson self-coupling and...
Millions of top quarks already produced at LHC TeV are ideal for searching for rare top-quark decays. Besides flavor-changing neutral currents that are highly suppressed in the Standard Model, baryon and lepton number conservation can be probed in top quark events. In this talk, recent searches for rare and beyond the Standard Model top-quark production and decay with significantly increased...
The High-Luminosity LHC project aims to increase the integrated luminosity by an order of magnitude and enable its operation until the early 2040s. This presentation will give an overview of the current status of the project, for which several achievements can be reported, from the completion of the civil engineering to the successful demonstration of new key technologies such as the Nb3Sn...
Explaining the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe requires new sources of CP violation beyond the predictions of the Standard Model (SM). Electric dipole moments (EDMs) of particles, being zero if CP is exactly conserved and extremely small in the SM, are a very clean and sensitive probe for new physics. We will present the status of the muEDM experiment, a search for a muon EDM at...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is a high-luminosity electron-positron collider proposed in China. It will operate in an energy range of 2-7GeV with a peak luminosity higher than 0.5*10^35 cm^2 s^-1. The STCF physics goals require efficient and precise reconstruction of exclusive final states produced in the e+e- collisions. This places stringent demands on the performance of the STCF...
An ambitious project of the CzechInvest agency implemented with financial support from the state budget through the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the programme The Country for the Future.
Without supporting high disruptive start-ups in the Czech Republic. Our goal is to seek out and help create companies/projects that are exceptionally innovative, feasible and scalable.
Although unobservable in the standard model, charged lepton flavour violating (LVF) processes are predicted to be enhanced in new physics extensions. We present the final results of a search for electron-muon flavour violation in 𝛶(3S) → e±μ∓ decays using data collected with the BaBar detector at the SLAC PEP-II e+e− collider operating with a 10.36 GeV centre-of-mass energy. The search was...
A new measurement of inclusive-jet cross sections in the Breit frame in neutral current deep inelastic scattering using the ZEUS detector at the HERA collider is presented. The data were taken at a centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 347 pb-1. Massless jets, reconstructed using the kt-algorithm in the Breit reference frame, have been measured as a...
Low and high energy radiation resistance behaviour of synthetic compounds to immobilize HLWs is made out on zirconolites for radiation and thermal stability besides high loading capacity on incorporation of lanthanides and actinides, maintaining crystallinity of host element. Nuclear energy significantly contributes to global energy needs from low carbon emissions providing clean environment...
For the first time, correlations between higher order moments of two and three Fourier flow harmonics (up to orders 8 or 10) are measured in Run 2 XeXe (deformed nuclei) and Run 3 PbPb (spherical nuclei) collisions data as a function of collision centrality. The measurements are performed with multiparticle mixed harmonic cumulants using charged particles in the pseudorapidity region...
The measurement of the production of Higgs boson pairs (HH) at the LHC allows the exploration of the Higgs boson interaction with itself and is thus a fundamental test of the Standard Model theory and has a key role in the determination of the Higgs boson nature. The most recent results from the CMS collaboration on measurements of non-resonant HH production using different final states and...
The FORMOSA detector at the proposed Forward Physics Facility is a scintillator-based experiment designed to search for signatures of "millicharged particles" produced in the forward region of the LHC. This talk will cover the challenges and impressive sensitivity of the FORMOSA detector, expected to extend current limits by over an order of magnitude. A pathfinder experiment, the FORMOSA...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides elegant solutions to several problems in the Standard Model, and searches for SUSY particles are an important component of the LHC physics program. With increasing mass bounds on MSSM scenarios other non-minimal variations of supersymmetry become increasingly interesting. This talk will present the latest results of searches conducted by the ATLAS experiment...
In the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) and most future colliders crab crossing is required to recuperate the significant geometric luminosity loss due to finite crossing angle at the collision point. In the framework of the HL-LHC, a decade long R&D program on ultra-compact superconducting crab cavities led to the successful demonstration of crabbing with high energy proton...
The LHC is a top factory and run 2 has delivered billions of top quarks to the experiments. In this contribution, the results are presented of searches by the ATLAS experiment for Charge Lepton Flavour Violation (cLFV), and lepton flavour universality where the ratio of the branching ratios of the W boson to muons and electrons is measured.
The VELO is the detector surrounding the interaction region of the LHCb experiment, responsible of reconstructing the proton-proton collision as well as the decay vertices of long-lived particles. It consists of 52 modules with hybrid pixel technology, with the first sensitive pixel being at 5.1 mm from the beam line. It operates in an extreme environment, which poses significant challenges to...
Next-generation experiments aim at ensuring high-precision measurements of the oscillation parameters to reveal the main unknowns in neutrino physics. Among them, validating the three-flavors paradigm remains one of the most stimulating because it allows for exploring new physics.
KM3NeT/ORCA is a water Cherenkov neutrino telescope, under construction in the Mediterranean Sea, whose...
Muon tomography has emerged as a powerful technique for non-invasive imaging in various fields, including nuclear security, geology, and archaeology. For ten years, genetic multiplexed resistive Micromegas (MultiGen) detectors, invented at CEA/Irfu, have been developed for muon tomography, aiming to enhance imaging resolution and efficiency. MultiGen detectors provide telescopes with high...
Launched in 2016 and confirmed by the Update of the European Strategy of Particle Physics, the Physics Beyond Colliders Initiative aims to exploit the scientific potential of CERN's accelerator complex and technical infrastructure, as well as its expertise in accelerator and detector science and technology. The diverse PBC projects, ranging from QCD to BSM searches and, in particular, searches...
The production of jets at hadron colliders provides stringent tests of perturbative QCD. The latest measurements by the ATLAS experiment are presented in this talk, using multijet events produced in the proton-proton collision data at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV delivered by the LHC. Jet cross-section ratios between inclusive bins of jet multiplicity are measured differentially in variables that are...
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a $1.4~\mathrm{ab}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. This sample contains approximately 1.3 billion $e^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^{-}$ events, which we use to search for lepton-flavour violating decays. We present searches for tau decay to three charged leptons, $\tau^-\to K_{\rm...
The speed of sound squared, $c_s^2$, a property of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) connected to the QCD equation of state, can be extracted from ultra-central heavy-ion collisions, where the medium maintains a fixed size and the initial-state and thermal fluctuations dominate. We present the first ALICE measurements of the event-by-event mean transverse momentum, $\langle[p_\mathrm{T}]\rangle$,...
We consider next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to Higgs boson pair production and to Higgs plus jet production in gluon fusion. This requires the computation of two-loop four-point amplitudes with massive internal particles such as top quarks, Higgs and gauge bosons. We perform analytic calculations in various kinematical limits and show that their combination covers the whole phase...
Since the classic searches for supersymmetry under R-parity conserving scenarios have not given any strong indication for new physics yet, more and more supersymmetry searches are carried out on a wider range of supersymmetric scenarios. This talk focuses on searches looking for signatures of stealth and R-parity-violating supersymmetry. The results are based on proton-proton collisions...
A storage ring proton electric dipole moment (EDM) experiment (pEDM) would be the first direct search for a proton EDM and would improve on the current (indirect) limit by 5 orders of magnitude. It would surpass the current sensitivity (set by neutron EDM experiments) to QCD CP-violation by 3 orders of magnitude, making it potentially the most promising effort to solve the strong CP problem,...
The LHCb detector has undergone a major upgrade, enabling the experiment to acquire data with an all software trigger, made possible by front-end readout in real-time and fast and efficient online reconstruction. At the heart of the real-time analysis is a fast and efficient track reconstruction, without spurious tracks composed of segments associated with hits from different charged...
The LHC is a top quark factory and provides a unique opportunity to look for top quark production and decay processes that are highly suppressed or forbidden in the SM. In this contribution results are presented of searches for Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) interactions of the top quark. These processes are beyond the experimental sensitivity in the SM, but can receive enhanced...
The build-up of electron clouds in accelerator beam chambers can lead to detrimental effects, such as transverse instabilities, emittance growth, beam loss, vacuum degradation, and heat load. Such effects are systematically observed in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during operation with proton beams, limiting the total intensity achievable in the collider. The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)...
A vast program of measurements of the strong coupling constant alpha_S is being undertaken by CMS. These measurements exploit several QCD dominated processes that are sensitive to alpha_S, and present different theoretical and experimental challenges. A review of the current public results and perspective is given.
We use particle physics as a prime example to engage young students to get involved in this subject area and gain a new, everyday perspective on STEM topics. Our strategy is designed to demystify physics, making it more accessible and attractive early in school.
In Germany, students usually decide whether or not to continue physics education around the age of 15. That's why our project is...
KM3NeT/ORCA is a water-Cherenkov neutrino telescope currently under construction in the Mediterranean sea, with the goal of measuring atmospheric neutrino oscillations and determining the neutrino mass ordering. The detector is located 40 km off-shore Toulon, France, and consists of a three-dimensional grid of detection units equipped with 18 digital optical modules, hosting 31...
The Belle$~$II experiment has collected a $424~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ sample of $e^+e^-$ collision data at centre-of-mass energies near the $\Upsilon(nS)$ resonances. This sample contains 389 million $e^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^{-}$ events, which we use for precision tests of the standard model. We present measurements of leptonic branching fractions, lepton-flavour universality between electrons and...
The ``Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications'', LhARA, is being developed to serve the Ion Therapy Research Facility (ITRF). ITRF/LhARA will be a novel, uniquely-flexible facility dedicated to the study of the biological impact of proton and ion beams. The technologies that will be demonstratedcan be developed to transform the clinical practice of proton and ion beam...
The elliptic flow ($v_2$) of identified hadrons is an observable sensitive to the early dynamics of heavy-ion collisions and to the equation of state (EoS) of the medium. In particular, strange and (multi-) strange baryons have small hadronic cross-sections, thus being clean probes of the early stages of the collision systems' evolution. Additionally, strange and multi-strange baryons are also...
The proposed LHeC and the FCC in electron-hadron mode will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime. These facilities will provide electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around $10^{34}$($10^{33}$) cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ by colliding a 50-60 GeV electron beam from a highly innovative energy-recovery linac system with the LHC/FCC hadron beams,...
At the beginning of 2024 data taking of the Belle II experiment resumed after the Long Shutdown 1, primarily required to install a new two-layer DEPFET detector (PXD) and upgrade accelerator components. The whole silicon tracker (VXD) was extracted, the two halves of the outer strip detector (SVD) were split for the PXD insertion and reconnected again. The new VXD was commissioned for the...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) models with featuring small mass splittings between one or more particles and the lightest neutralino could solve the hierarchy problem as well as offer a suitable dark matter candidate consistent with the observed thermal-relic dark matter density. However, the detection of SUSY higgsinos at the LHC remains challenging especially if their mass-splitting is O(1 GeV) or...
We present a new simulation for Higgs boson production in association with bottom quarks ($bbH$) at next-to-leading order (NLO) matched to parton showers. The contributions proportional to the bottom-quark Yukawa coupling and top-quark Yukawa coupling (from gluon fusion) are both taken into account in a scheme with massive bottom quarks. The $bbH$ process constitutes a crucial background to...
SABRE aims to deploy arrays of ultra-low background NaI(Tl) crystals to carry out a model-independent search for dark matter through the annual modulation signature. SABRE will be a double-site experiment, made up of two separate detectors which rely on a joint crystal R&D activity, located in the North (LNGS) and Sout hemisphere (SUPL). SABRE has carried out, since more than 10 years, an...
The HL-LHC performance relies on handling safely and reliably high intensity beams of unprecedented stored energy. The 7TeV design target is compatible a factor 2 larger current than the LHC and levelled peak luminosities 5 times, and ultimately 7.5 times, larger. This goal requires a massive collimation system upgrade, both for the halo betatron collimation that must sustain beam losses up to...
The jet cross sections and azimuthal correlations among jets with large transverse momentum at CMS are measured, the results were compared to theory predictions, and the strong coupling constant was extracted.
The Hyper-Kamiokande experiment aims to discover the CP violation in
leptons by the precise measurement of $ \nu_{\mu} \to \nu_{e}$ and
$\bar{\nu}_{\mu}\to\bar{\nu}_{e}$ oscillations. It will be realized
by high statistics using the new 260 kiloton far-detector and the
intense neutrino beam from J-PARC, and by precise understand on the
neutrino-nucleus interaction using the new...
The European Researchers’ Night stands as a beacon of scientific outreach and engagement. It unfolds as a platform for dialogue, enabling researchers to share their passion and latest breakthroughs with a diverse audience. In this talk, we delve into the journey of the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) within this prestigious event. The INFN obtained so far a large number...
We discuss the use of Low Gain Avalanche (LGAD) silicon detectors for two specific applications, namely measuring cosmic rays in space in collaboration with NASA and beam properties and doses for patients undergoing cancer treatment in flash beam therapy. For the first time, the use of LGADs and fast sampling electronics will be used in space in order to identify the type of particles in...
The International Linear Collider (ILC) offers favorable low-background
environment as well as the high energy reach to measure properties of heavy
quarks and the top-quark in particular. As these particles are likely messengers of
new physics, precision measurements of their properties can be interpreted in the
context of search for beyond-the-Standard-Model (BSM) realizations. The...
Intense electromagnetic fields from ultrarelativistic heavy ions can trigger photonuclear reactions, which can be used to probe the nuclear gluon distribution at low Bjorken-$x$ and targets gluonic fluctuations. Our study examines ultra-peripheral and nuclear-overlap collisions, covering measurements of peripheral Pb--Pb collisions' $y$-differential cross section and coherent J/$\psi$...
A wide variety of searches for Supersymmetry have been performed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. In this talk, we focus on searches for electroweak production of Supersymmetric particles as well as third generation Supersymmetric particles. Some analyses are optimized for Supersymmetric particles in compressed spectra. The results are obtained from the proton-proton collision data...
SUB-Millicharge ExperimenT (SUBMET) searches for sub-millicharged particles from the proton fixed-target collisions at J-PARC. The detector, installed 280 m from the target, is composed of two layers of stacked scintillator bars and PMTs. The main background is expected to be a random coincidence between the two layers due to dark counts in PMTs and the radiation from the surrounding...
Higgs boson pair production plays an important role in the determination of the Higgs boson self coupling, a major element in the LHC physics program. The predictions based on next-to-leading order corrections show a large dependence on the renormalization scheme of the top quark mass, which requires a...
ALICE 3 is the next generation heavy-ion experiment proposed for the LHC Runs 5-6. Its tracking system includes a vertex detector, on a retractable structure inside the beam pipe to achieve a pointing resolution of better than 10 microns for $p_{\rm T}$>200 MeV/c, and a large-area tracker covering 8 units of pseudorapidity (|$\eta$|<4). The tracking system will be based on Monolithic Active...
Indirect dark matter detection experiments aim to observe the annihilation or decay products of dark matter. The flux of neutrinos produced by such processes in nearby dark matter containers, such as the Sun and the Galactic Centre, could be observed in neutrino telescopes. The KM3NeT observatory is composed of two undersea Čerenkov neutrino telescopes (KM3NeT-ORCA and ARCA) located offshore...
The ongoing feasibility study of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) comprises two distinct accelerators: a high-luminosity circular electron-positron collider known as FCC-ee and an energy-frontier hadron collider named FCC-hh. These two facilities are designed to take advantage of a common tunnel infrastructure. We present the new baseline design of FCC-hh, underlining the most recent...
Since 1960s nuclear polarised targets have been an essential tools for study of spin structure of nucleons. The solid state polarised targets make use of the Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP). Spin physics observables strongly depend on the degree of nuclear polarisation. This is similar issue for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and NMR Imaging, where the sensitivity also strongly...
The unparalleled production of beauty and charm hadrons and tau's in the $6\cdot 10^{12}$ Z boson decays expected at FCC-ee offers outstanding opportunities in flavour physics. A wide range of measurements will be possible in heavy-flavour spectroscopy, rare decays and CP violation, benefitting from a low-background environment, initial-state energy-momentum constraints, high Lorentz boost,...
It was the best of methods, it was the worst of methods... This talk will introduce and discuss the low-ν method for constraining the neutrino flux shape by isolating neutrino interactions with low energy transfer to the nucleus in two different contexts. Firstly, at few-GeV accelerator neutrino energies relevant for precision oscillation experiments where the method is well known, but we find...
The ATLAS Collaboration has recently, for the first time, released a large volume of data for use in research publications. The entire 2015 and 2016 proton collision dataset has been made public, along with a large quantity of matching simulated data, in a light format, PHYSLITE, which is also used internally for ATLAS analysis. In order to allow detailed analyses of these data, all the...
We extend the existing NNPDF4.0 sets of parton distributions (PDFs) to approximate next-to-next-to-next-to-leading (aN3LO).
We construct an approximation to the N3LO splitting functions that includes all available partial information from both fixed-order computations and from small- and large-x resummation, and estimate the uncertainty on this approximation. We include known N3LO corrections...
The COmpact DEtector for EXotics at LHCb (CODEX-b) is a particle physics detector dedicated to displaced decays of exotic long-lived particles (LLPs), compelling signatures of dark sectors Beyond the Standard Model, which arise in theories containing a hierarchy of scales and small parameters. CODEX-b is planned to be installed near the LHCb interaction point and makes use of fast RPCs, which...
We analyse the sensitivity to beyond-the-Standard-Model effects of hadron-collider processes involving the interaction of two electroweak (V) and two Higgs (H) bosons, VVHH, with V being either a W or a Z boson.
We examine current experimental results by the CMS collaboration in the context of a dimension-8 extension of the Standard Model in an effective-field-theory formalism. We show that...
Magnet technology is a key enabler for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) and its hadron collider variant (FCC-hh). The European High-Field Magnet Program (HFM), hosted at CERN, implements a European research network for high-field accelerator magnets that is geared towards FCC-hh. The research network includes four national laboratories and CERN for magnet design and construction, as well as...
The electro-weak couplings of the top quark are directly accessible in rare "top+X" production processes at the LHC, where top quark pairs or single top quark are produced in associations with bosons. We present a new analysis of the top sector of the Standard Model EFT. The fit is based on a fully NLO parameterization and includes the most recent (differential) results from ATLAS and CMS. We...
The Belle II experiment considers upgrading its vertex detector with new pixel sensors to prepare for the target luminosity of 6 10^35 cm-2 s-1. The 5 layers of the new VTX detector are equipped with the same depleted monolithic active CMOS pixel sensor, featuring a 33 µm pitch, a 100 ns integration time and a trigger logic matching 30 kHz average rate and 10 µs trigger latency for a maximum...
The neutrino research program in the coming decades will require improved precision. A major source of uncertainty is the interaction of neutrinos with nuclei that serve as a target of many such experiments. Broadly speaking, this interaction often depends, e.g., for Charge-Current Quasi-Elastic (CCQE) scattering, on the combination of “nucleon physics” expressed by form factors and “nuclear...
Recent R&D work associated with upgrading the SuperKEKB $e^+e^−$ collider with polarized electron beams and Chiral Belle’s program of unique precision measurements using Belle II will be described. These include five values of $\sin^2\theta_W$ via left-right asymmetry measurements ($A_{LR}$) in $e^+e^- \rightarrow e^+e^-, \mu^+\mu^-, \tau^+\tau^-, c\bar{c},b\bar{b}$. $A_{LR}$ yields values of...
Scintillation materials can convert high-energy rays into visible light. Compared with crystal scintillator, the glass scintillator has many advantages, such as a simple preparation process, low cost and continuously adjustable components. Therefore, glass scintillator has long been conceived for application in the nuclear detection such as hadronic calorimeter. Given the deficiency of the...
The CEPC is a proposed electron-positron Higgs factory. It is expected to deliver millions of Higgs bosons, Teras of Z boson, Gigas of W boson, and potentially Teras of Z boson. On top of the precise Higgs property measurement, it could also conduct an intriguing flavor physics program that is highly complementary to other flavor physics facilities, as well as to other physics measurements at...
Photographic films are still used in a number of medical and industrial x-ray imaging applications need to reconstruct an image on a flexibile surface. We will present the FleX-RAY project, which aims to create an electronic X-ray detector with the flexibility of photographic film, suitable for a variety of applications.
FleX-RAY uses a sheet of flexible scintillating fibers to detect...
The Future Circular Collider physics programme is based on the sequence of a 90-365 GeV high luminosity e+e- collider (FCC-ee) followed by a 100 TeV hadron collider (FCC-hh). A main goal of the FCC is to fully study the Higgs boson properties. The FCC-ee makes use of the well-known c.m. energy by using Z tagging to perform a model-independent determination of the ZH cross-section at 240 GeV,...
The CERN Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a post-LHC project aiming at direct and indirect searches for physics beyond the SM in a new 91 km tunnel. In addition, the FCC-ee offers unique possibilities for high-precision studies of the strong interaction in the clean e+e- environment, thanks to its broad span of c.m. energies from the Z pole to the top-pair threshold, and its huge integrated...
Relativistic heavy-ion beams at the LHC are accompanied by a large flux of nearly-real photons, leading to a variety of photon-induced processes. This talk presents a series of measurements of dilepton production from photon fu- sion performed by the ATLAS Collaboration. Recent measurements of exclu- sive dielectron production in ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) are presented. These...
We study the possibility for large volume underground neutrino experiments
to detect the neutrino flux from captured inelastic dark matter in the Sun.
The neutrino spectrum has two components: a mono-energetic "spike" from
pion and kaon decays at rest and a broad-spectrum "shoulder" from prompt
primary meson decays. We focus on detecting the shoulder neutrinos
from annihilation of...
The high center-of-mass energy of proton-proton collisions and the large available datasets at the CERN Large Hadron Collider allow us to study rare processes of the Standard Model (SM) with unprecedented precision. Observation of the four-top-quark process is presented. This final state is combined with the Higgs to gammagamma final state and limites on the Higgs boson width is set.
The upgraded LHCb detector is taking data at a five times higher instantaneous luminosity than in Run 2. To cope with the harsher data taking conditions, LHCb deployed a purely software based trigger composed of two stages: in the first stage the selection is based on a fast and simplified event reconstruction, while in the second stage a full event reconstruction is used. This gives room to...
Realization of high intensity neutrino beam over 1 MW beam power is crucial to search for CP violation in Lepton sector. J-PARC accelerator and neutrino beamline are being upgraded towards 1.3 MW beam power for Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. Magnetic horns are used to focus secondary particles produced in a neutrino production target and can intensify the neutrino beam by more than an order of...
It is well known that inside an oriented crystal a strong acceleration of the e.m. shower development is observed, if a high energy ($> 10$ GeV) e$^\pm$ or photon impinges within 0.1$^\circ$ from one of its crystallographic axes. This phenomenon can be exploited to develop novel ultra-compact calorimeters, capable of containing the energy of the incident particles as efficiently as much...
The Observing Run 4 (O4) is the most recent period of data taking for the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) network of ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) interferometric detectors. Its first half, O4a, started in May 2023 and ended in January 2024 while its second part, O4b, is scheduled to start in April 2024 after a two-month commissioning break, and to end in January 2025. After an introduction...
This study explores the possibility of employing pure cesium iodide (CsI) crystals for a total-body positron emission tomography (TB-PET) device. When operated at cryogenic temperatures, these crystals exhibit an excellent light yield, up to 120 photons/keV, which is approximately four times larger than LYSO. Although CsI has a slightly smaller stopping power and a slower decay time compared...
The MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) experiment operated in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino (BNB) and Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beams from 2015-2021. Among the major physics goals of the experiment is a detailed investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions. MicroBooNE currently possesses the world's largest neutrino-argon scattering data set, with a number...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode [1] will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton (nucleus) collisions with per nucleon instantaneous luminosities around $10^{34}$ ($10^{33}$) cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. Following the renewal of the CERN mandate, in this talk we present the status of the studies on proton and...
The increased particle flux expected at the HL-LHC poses a serious challenge for the ATLAS detector performance, especially in the forward region which has reduced detector granularities. The High-Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD), featuring novel Low-Gain Avalanche Detector silicon technology, will provide pile-up mitigation and luminosity measurement capabilities, and augment the new...
At the Future e+e- Circular Collider a long data taking period is also foreseen at the ttbar production threshold and slightly above, up to $\sqrt{s}$=365 GeV, with more than 300 000 ZH events expected at these energies. We study the precision which can be reached with this dataset on the Higgs mass, and combine it with the measurement obtained with the same recoil mass technique in the e+e-...
Electroweak-inos, superpartners of the electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, play a special role in supersymmetric theories. Their intricate mixing into chargino and neutralino mass eigenstates leads to a rich phenomenology, which makes it difficult to derive generic limits from LHC data. We present a global analysis of LHC constraints for promptly decaying electroweak-inos in the context of the...
We will present the latest measurements of charmonia photoproduction and two-photon processes in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, using the ALICE detector. These processes probe the nuclear gluon distribution at low Bjorken-x and QED effects in strong fields. ALICE has an active program on UPC physics, which is benefiting from the Run 3 detector upgrades because of a continuous...
LUXE experiment: For the measurements of positrons, a tracker and an
electromagnetic calorimeter are foreseen. Since the expected number of positrons
varies over five-orders of magnitude, and has to be measured over a widely spread
low energy background, the calorimeter must be compact and finely segmented. The
concept of a sandwich calorimeter made of tungsten absorber plates...
A plethora of ideas for exploiting the full scientific potential at the fixed-target complex has been brought forward within the Physics Beyond Colliders Initiative (PBC) at CERN seeking to exploit the full intensity the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) can provide. Out of the findings of a PBC Task Force, a new project has been mandated to prepare the technical design for a new high-intensity...
The high center-of-mass energy of proton-proton collisions and the large available datasets at the CERN Large Hadron Collider allow to study rare processes of the Standard Model with unprecedented precision. Measurements of rare SM processes provide new tests of the SM predictions with the potential to unveil discrepancies with the SM predictions or provide important input for the improvement...
The CREMA project investigates channeling for low energy carbon ions interacting with bent crystals in
the hundreds MeV/u energy range. The experimental setup to assess the process efficiency will be operated
in the experimental area (XPR) of the CNAO accelerator complex in Pavia (Italy). The project's aim consists on
optimising a bent crystal that could be installed at a later stage in a...
The Belle and Belle$~$II experiments have collected a 1.1$~$ab$^{-1}$ sample of $e^+ e^- \to B\bar{B}$ collisions at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. These data, with low particle multiplicity and constrained initial state kinematics, are an ideal environment to study semileptonic and leptonic decays of the $B$ meson. Combined with theoretical inputs, measurements of both inclusive and exclusive...
MicroBooNE is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC), able to image neutrino interactions with excellent spatial resolution, enabling the identification of complex final states resulting from neutrino-nucleus interactions. MicroBooNE currently possesses the world's largest neutrino-argon scattering data set, with a number of published cross section measurements and more than thirty...
We evaluate the unintegrated gluon distribution of the proton starting from a parametrization of the color dipole cross section including Dokshitzer--Gribov--Lipatov--Altarelli--Parisi (DGLAP) evolution and saturation effects. To this end, we perform the Fourier-Bessel transform of $\sigma(x,r)/\alpha(r)$. At large transverse momentum of gluons we match the so-obtained distribution to the...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase 2 upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A new timing detector for CMS will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of ~30-40 ps. The precise timing information from the MIP timing detector (MTD) will...
A muon collider is being proposed as a next generation facility. The incredible physics potential comes at the cost of technological challenges due to the short muon lifetime. The beam-induced background, produced by the muon decays in the beams and subsequent interactions, may limit the detector performance. A diffused flux of photons and neutrons passes through the calorimeter, which thus...
We will present the latest measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment (g – 2) of the tau lepton at CMS. These are obtained from photon-induced processes in heavy-ion collisions, or in proton-proton collisions.
The top-quark pair production in association with heavy-flavour jets (b/c) is a difficult process to calculate and model and is one of the leading sources of background to ttH and 4tops in 1l/2LOS channel. To improve our understanding of this process, a new inclusive and differential measurement of this process was performed. Results from ATLAS using the full run 2 dataset will be presented.
The Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) study at CERN explores, among other topics, the potential of extending the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) physics program by Fixed-Target (FT) experiments. One option is to use two bent crystals (double-crystal setup): the first crystal deflects particles from the beam halo onto an in-vacuum target. Another crystal deflects short-lived particles created in the...
So far, high frequency gravitational waves (GWs) remain unexplored messengers of new physics. Proposed sources in the MHz - GHz band include primordial black hole (PBH) mergers, PBH superradiance and several stochastic backgrounds.
Our collaboration is working on tapping into this source by employing superconducting radio frequency cavities for high precision measurements.
The detection...
Next generation high energy physics experiments will feature high-granularity detectors with thousands of readout channels, thus requiring ASICs (low power and dimension).
CAEN FrontEnd Readout System (FERS) integrates ASICs on small, synchronizable and distributable systems with Front and Back Ends. The A5203 FERS houses the recently released CERN picoTDC ASIC and provides high-resolution...
The need of percent precision in high energy physics requires the inclusion of QED effects in theoretical predictions, for example like the contributions coming from photon initiated processes. It is trivial then, to correctly determine the photon content of the proton.
In this work, we extend the NNPDF4.0 NNLO determination of parton distribution functions (PDFs) with a photon PDF,...
NOvA is a long-baseline accelerator-based neutrino experiment based in the USA. For its physics goals, NOvA uses two functionally-identical detectors. The Near Detector is situated at Fermilab, 1 km from the neutrino target and the Far Detector is located at Ash River, MN, a distance of 810 km from the neutrino source. The ND sees high intensity of the neutrino beam due to its close proximity...
We investigate the role of different schemes in deciding at what order to truncate form factor expansions for semileptonic decays and how to determine the appropriate combination of truncations when multiple form factors are involved. The specific choice of truncation orders can significantly impact the reported values of exclusive $|V_{cb}|$. Additionally, we explore whether and how unitarity...
As one of the future collider experiments, CEPC aims to achieve extremely precise measurements of Standard Model particles. This necessitates a high granularity imaging calorimeter system and a dedicated Particle Flow reconstruction. In CEPC’s reference detector, a homogeneous crystal ECAL is proposed, offering optimal EM resolution, a low photon energy threshold and a promising jet energy...
We review the current plans for the EIC Electron Injector chain. These include and overview of the accelerator chain necessary to deliver 5, 10 and 18 GeV polarized electrons to the Electron Storage Ring (ESR), the charge accumulation and polarized electron transport approach.
At a center-of-mass energy of 10 TeV, muon collisions copiously produce Higgs bosons, enabling the measurement of their couplings with bosons and fermions with unprecedented accuracy, achievable with just 10 ab$^{−1}$ of data. Additionally, pairs of Higgs bosons are produced with a significant cross-section, enabling the determination of the second term of the Higgs potential through...
The interpretation of LHC data, and the assessment of possible hints of new physics (NP), require precise knowledge of the proton structure in terms of parton distribution functions (PDFs). These are usually extracted with a data-driven approach, assuming that the underlying theory is the SM, and later used as inputs for theoretical predictions in searches for NP. The evident inconsistency of...
We will present the state-of-the-art full off-shell NLO QCD results for the $pp \to t\bar{t}W^+\, j+X$ process. The multi-lepton top-quark decay channel at the LHC with $\sqrt{s}= 13$ TeV will be analysed. In our calculation off-shell top quarks and gauge bosons are described by Breit-Wigner propagators. Furthermore, double-, single- as well as non-resonant top-quark contributions along with...
Diagrammatic approaches to perturbation theory transformed the practicability of calculations in particle physics. In the case of extended theories of gravity, however, obtaining the relevant diagrammatic rules is non-trivial: we must expand in metric perturbations and around (local) minima of the scalar field potentials, make multiple field redefinitions, and diagonalise kinetic and mass...
In ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions, intense electromagnetic fields enable the generation of magnetic monopole pairs via the Schwinger mechanism. Due to their high ionization and unique trajectories in a solenoidal magnetic field, monopoles are expected to leave a large number of clusters in the innermost ATLAS pixel detector without associated reconstructed charged-particle tracks or...
The ALICE Collaboration proposed a completely new apparatus, ALICE 3, for the LHC Runs 5 and 6, which will enable novel studies of the QGP focusing on low-pT heavy-flavour production and on precise multi-differential measurements of dielectron emission. The detector consists of a large pixel tracker covering eight units of pseudorapidity and a comprehensive particle identification (PID)...
The Euclid mission satellite was launched on July 1st, 2023 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with a Space X Falcon 9 rocket . After one month journey it is set in its orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 point and has already finished its commissioning period. Euclid survey started in February 2024 and will map 15000 deg2 of the sky in the following six years observing more than 1 billion galaxies with...
We present recent results based on the IR-improvement of unintegrable singularities in the infrared regime via amplitude-based resummation in $QED\times QCD ⊂ SU(2)_L \times U_1 \times SU(3)^c$. In the context of precision LHC/FCC physics, we focus on specific examples, such as the removal of QED contamination in PDF’s evolved from data at $Q_0^2\sim 2 GeV^2$ and used in evaluating precision...
It is long known that interference effects play an important role in understanding the shape of the $\pi^+\pi^-$ spectrum of resonances near the threshold. In this manuscript, we investigate the role of the $\rho-\omega$ interference in the study of semileptonic $B \to \pi^+ \pi^- \ell \bar \nu_\ell$ decays. We determine for the first time the strong phase difference between $B \to \rho \ell...
During the second LHC long shutdown, the LHCb experiment underwent a major upgrade in order to be able to operate at the instantaneous luminosity of 2 × 10−33 cm−2 s−1, reading data at the full LHC bunch crossing rate. The RICH system of LHCb has been completely refurbished installing new photon detectors (Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes) equipped with a custom developed read-out chain. In...
Sterile neutrinos are well-motivated and simple dark matter (DM) candidates. However, sterile neutrino DM produced through oscillations by the Dodelson-Widrow mechanism is excluded by current X-ray observations and bounds from structure formation. One minimal extension, that preserves the attractive features of this scenario, is self-interactions among sterile neutrinos. In this work, we...
The Drell Yan (DY) scattering is an highly sensitive probe for new physics. Indeed, being a well measured phenomenon, any deviation between experimental and theoretical results could point at new physics beyond the Standard Model. To enable precise comparisons between theory and experimental data, extensive calculations have been performed in both the electroweak and QCD sectors of the...
The Mu2e experiment will search for the charged-lepton flavor violating conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus, planning to reach a single event sensitivity of 3x10$^{−17}$. The conversion electron has a monoenergetic signature at ~105 MeV and is identified by a high-resolution tracker and an electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC). The EMC is composed of 1348 CsI crystals,...
Operating in the Higgs factory mode and beyond at center-of-mass energies up to
1 TeV, ILC offers plethora of measurements in the Higgs sector to address open
questions of the Standard Model of particle physics and cosmology. This will be
discussed from the perspective of global fits and individual measurements of the
Higgs properties, including its exotic and CP violating interactions as...
Leveraging the novel concept of ERLs, we present the LHeC and FCC-eh that allow the exploration of electron-hadron interactions above TeV scale. The presented design of the electron accelerator is based on two superconducting linear accelerators in a racetrack configuration that can produce lepton beam energies in excess of 50 GeV. In energy recovery mode, the accelerator is capable of...
Observed anomalies in the flavor sector as displayed by the LFU ratios $R_{D^{(*)}}$ in the tree level $b\rightarrow c \tau\nu_\tau$ transitions motivate the search for new physics beyond the standard model. The semileptonic tree level $b\rightarrow u$ sector may hide similar unexplored new physics. Considering a model-dependent approach, we explore the decay channel $B_c\rightarrow D...
The ATLAS experiment is gearing up for the HL-LHC upgrade, with an all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). The ITk will feature a pixel detector surrounded by a strip detector, with the strip system consisting of 4 barrel layers and 6 endcap disks. The strip tracker will consist of 11,000 silicon sensor modules in the central region and 7,000 modules in the end-cap region, which are mounted onto...
The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment, located at the LHC, plays a crucial role in high-energy particle physics research, specifically in measuring neutral particle production in the forward pseudorapidity region, to improve the understanding of ultra-high energy cosmic ray interactions with the Earth atmosphere. Our presentation will summarize the latest advancements from LHCf,...
ProtoDUNE-SP was a large-scale prototype of the single phase DUNE far detector which took test beam data in Fall 2018. The beam consisted of positive pions, kaons, muons, and protons, and this data is being used to measure the various hadron-Ar interaction cross sections. Uncertainties in these interaction cross sections are a significant systematic uncertainty in long baseline neutrino...
We measure proton structure parameters sensitive primarily to valence quarks using $8.6~{\rm fb}^{−1}$ of data collected by the D0 detector in $\sqrt{s} = 1.96~{\rm TeV}$ ${\rm p\bar{p}}$ collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron. We exploit the property of the forward-backward asymmetry in dilepton events to be factorized into distinct structure parameters and electroweak quark-level asymmetries....
TORCH is a novel particle identification detector for the high-luminosity Upgrade-II of LHCb. This research also contributes to CERN’s DRD4 programme. TORCH is designed to provide 15 ps timing resolution for charged particles, resulting in K/pi (p/K) particle identification up to 10 (15) GeV/c momentum over a 10 m flight path. Cherenkov photons radiated from a 1cm thick quartz plate are...
The Large Hadron-electron Collider and the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron mode will make possible the study of DIS in the TeV regime providing electron-proton collisions with instantaneous luminosities of $10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. With a charged current cross section around 200 (1000) fb at the LHeC (FCC-eh), Higgs bosons will be produced abundantly. We examine the...
The commissioning work of a Cosmic Muon Veto detector (CMVD)
on top of the mini-ICAL detector at Madurai, India is continued using extruded plastic scintillators, embedded
WLS fibers and the SiPM as a photo-transducer. The CMVD is being built to study the
feasibility of a cosmic muon veto for a shallow-depth neutrino experiment. An experimental setup was
designed to characterise...
The associated top-quark pair production with a photon $t\bar{t}\gamma$ represents an important process to further test the Standard Model. Among others, it allows to directly probe the electric charge of the top quark, as well as the top-photon coupling. Therefore, precise predictions are of utmost importance.
In this talk, I will discuss the application of QCD resummation techniques to...
The internal motion of partons has been studied through its impact on
very low transverse momentum spectra of Drell Yan pairs
created in hadron-hadron collisions at NLO using the Parton Branching
(PB) Method which describes the evolution of transverse momentum
dependent (TMD) parton distributions. The main focus is on studying the
dependence of the intrinsic transverse momentum of partons...
Water distribution systems can experience high levels of leakage, causing financial losses, supply problems, as well as being a risk for public health.
In this talk we present a non-invasive water leakage detection technique based on cosmic ray neutrons, that exploits the difference in the above ground thermal neutron flux between dry and wet soil conditions. The potential of the technique...
We will report on our study focusing on developing a logical circuit for the Leven-0 (L0) Endcap Muon Trigger in the HL-LHC ATLAS experiment. We aim to achieve systematic and efficient firmware validation through a comprehensive study across hardware, software, and databases. Specific approaches include conducting systematic tests using benchmarking artificial track data, high-statistics...
SAND, System for on-Axis Neutrino Detection, will be one of the three components of the DUNE Near Detector complex and it will be placed permanently on the axis of the neutrino beam. It consists of a solenoidal magnet, an electromagnetic calorimeter, an inner Straw Tube Tracker, and finally GRAIN (GRanular Argon for Interaction of Neutrinos) a 1-ton liquid argon target, placed in the upstream...
We propose here a set of new methods to directly detect light mass DM through its scattering with abundant atmospheric muons or accelerator beams. Firstly, we plan to use the free cosmic muons interacting with dark matter in a volume surrounded by tracking detectors, to trace possible interaction between dark matter and muons. Secondly, we will interface our device with domestic or...
We present an innovative charge detector designed with high resolution and a wide dynamic range to fulfill ion beam monitoring requirements. The detector prototype, constructed using HERD Si photodiodes and Calo PD readout electronics, underwent rigorous testing during HERD and AMS beam tests at CERN SPS facilities. Initial testing showcased the detector's exceptional performance, emphasizing...
Monolithic Water Cherenkov Neutrino detectors are crucial for understanding neutrino astrophysics and oscillations. Traditional calibration involves analyzing calibration data sequentially, which may overlook parameter correlations and necessitates frequent retuning of reconstruction algorithms. This leads to duplicated efforts and increased detector-related uncertainties in next-generation...
The ALICE data-taking concept for the LHC Run 3 and Run 4 allows the collection of minimum bias collisions in a continuous readout mode, their subsequent asynchronous reconstruction, and the final offline selection of events for permanent storage. This design enables the implementation of dedicated event selection schemes, tailored for a given observable, and avoids the need for dedicated...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. This sampling device is made of plastic scintillating tiles alternated with iron plates and its response is calibrated to electromagnetic scale by means of several dedicated systems. The accurate time calibration is important for the energy reconstruction, non-collision...
Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments are pushing their sensitivities to reach half-lives on the order of $10^{28}$ years. A promising approach involves detecting the daughter ion generated in the decay. The NEXT collaboration is testing chemical sensors to identify the Ba$^{2+}$ ion produced in the double beta decay of $^{136}$Xe, coinciding with the emission of two electrons. This...
The Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment has measured the positive muon magnetic anomaly to an unprecedented precision of 0.2 ppm, based on the data taken in the first three years. The magnetic anomaly is derived from the ratio between the muon anomalous spin precession frequency in a magnetic storage ring and the magnetic field experienced by the muon ensemble. In addition, systematic effects on the...
The demands of HL-LHC data processing and the challenges of future colliders are pushing to re-think High Energy Physics (HEP) computing models.
This talk aims at providing transparent resources for users and experiments, with suitable tools and environment, coupled with flexible and cloud-independent deployment in the framework of the ICSC project (Italian National Centre on HPC, Big Data...
The DANSS detector is placed under the reactor core of Kalinin NPP and collects up to 5000 ν events per day. Experiment is aimed to scrutinize the sterile ν hypothesis, and obtained limits exclude practically all sterile neutrino parameters preferred by BEST experiment. The main goal of the energy calibration is the determination of the energy scale coefficient $K_Е$, however, the Birks and...
A new front-end ASIC named "PIST" (pico-second timing) has been successfully developed using 55 nm CMOS technology for the silicon photomulplier (SiPM) readout with a single channel with a major aim of fast timing. We performed extensive tests to evaluate the timing performance of a dedicated test stand. The results show that the system timing resolution can reach sub 10 ps, while the PIST...
The ATLAS Inner Detector will be completely replaced with an all-silicon tracking detector (ITk) to cope with the new challenging conditions arising with the HL-LHC. The pixel detector will be located in the innermost part of the ITk and consists of five layers of detectors, with different thickness and sensor technology. n-in-p planar hybrid modules 150 μm thick and 100 μm thick will...
In the context of the CMS improved Resistive Plate Chambers (iRPC) upgrade, a strategy has developed that leverages cosmic muon triggers along with web-based automation for Quality Control (QC) steps. A key aspect of this approach was finding a way to bridge slow and fast control parameters, a crucial step towards achieving full automation. This integration not only enhances the efficiency and...
This poster presents the efforts to boost the performance and the reliability of the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) of the muon system of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The focus is on both, maintenance of the existing RPC chambers and the installation of the improved RPC detectors (iRPC) for the Phase-2 upgrade. The RPC system consolidation is based on the cooling system upgrade...
Improving the identification of jets initiated from gluon or quark will impact the precision of several analysis in the ATLAS collaboration physics program. Using jet constituents as inputs for developing quark/gluon taggers gives the models access to a superset of information with respect to the use of high-level variables. Transformer architecture is used to learn long-range dependencies...
Darkside-20k is an underground direct dark matter search experiment designed to reach a total exposure of 200 tonne-years nearly free from instrumental backgrounds. The detector's core is a dual-phase Time Projection Chamber filled with 50 tonnes of low-radioactivity liquid argon. The TPC wall is surrounded by PMMA acting as a neutron veto, immersed in an argon bath.
The key technological...
To study the feasibility of a shallow-depth neutrino detector, a Cosmic Muon Veto Detector (CMVD) is being built around the mini-ICAL detector at the IICHEP in Madurai, India. CMVD will use extruded plastic scintillators for muon detection and wavelength-shifting fibres coupled with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for signal readout. A power supply source is needed for biasing the SIPMs,...
Core-collapse supernova bursts are among the most energetic phenomena known in the universe. PandaX-4T, a dark matter and neutrino experiment that employs a dual-phase xenon TPC as the detector, has the ability to detect neutrinos from supernova bursts via the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering process. In this study, the total number of supernova neutrino events in PandaX-4T is...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a neutrino detector currently under construction in China. It will use 20 ktons of liquid scintillator as the target medium, which will be surrounded by 45,000 photomultiplier tubes to collect the scintillation light produced by the interacting particles. The JUNO physics program encompasses a comprehensive range of measurements,...
We study detection possibilities of the Odderon interaction in the elastic meson-nucleon scattering, by measuring K0s regeneration at CERN, using the planned HIKE (Phase II) and existing LHCf infrastructures. Basic geometrical requirements and kinematic constraints of such experimental efforts at CERN are considered and the published predictions of the Odderon signatures in K0s regeneration...
We present an updated set of SKMHS diffractive parton distribution functions (PDFs). In addition to the diffractive deep-inelastic scattering (diffractive DIS) datasets, the recent diffractive dijet cross-section measurement by the H1 experiment from the HERA collider are added to the data sample. The new set of diffractive PDFs, entitled SKMHS23 and SKMHS23-dijet, are presented at NLO and...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most interesting theories for Physics beyond the Standard Model and LHC experiments have searched for its evidence during Run1 and Run2. The search for direct production of top squark pairs in which each stop decays in two, three or four bodies depending on the hypotheses on its mass was performed, on data collected during Run2, in final states with two...
Domain walls are a type of topological defects that can arise in the
early universe after the spontaneous breaking of a discrete symmetry. This occurs in several beyond Standard Model theories with an
extended Higgs sector such as the Next-to-Two-Higgs-Doublet model
(N2HDM). In this talk I will discuss the domain wall solution related
to the singlet scalar of the N2HDM as well as...
Tau leptons serve as an important tool for analyzing the production of Higgs and electroweak bosons in the context of the Standard Model as well as for physics phenomena beyond the Standard model. Therefore, an accurate reconstruction and identification of the hadronically decaying tau leptons is a crucial for contemporary and future high energy physics experiments. Building on the results of...
The ATLAS hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is one of the sub-systems of the ATLAS detector installed at the LHC. The calorimeter is composed of alternating iron plates and plastic scintillating tiles. Our study aims to determine the azimuthal uniformity of the energy response and intercalibration of the TileCal longitudinal layers using isolated muons. The muons from the decay of the W...
The ATLAS Collaboration has developed a variety of Education and Outreach activities designed to engage young minds at home and in the classroom. This material ranges from an original particle physics baby book to colouring books, onlne printable information sheets and a challenging Masterclass program using real data from LHC proton collisions. Here we present our most recent developments...
The ATLAS Collaboration hosts several popular programmes bringing visitors to our detector at CERN or via video conference from remote locations. ATLAS physicists take advantage of technical stops and shutdowns to show off the world’s largest collider detector to local audiences via guided visits and to remote audiences via virtual visits. Throughout the year, local visitors join guided tours...
The ESSnuSB project aims to measure the leptonic CP violation at the second neutrino oscillation maximum using an intense neutrino beam.
ESSnuSB+ is a continuation of this study which focuses on neutrino interaction cross-section measurement at the low neutrino energy region as well as the study of the sensitivity of the experimental set-up to additional physics scenarios. Among them, it...
Event-by-event fluctuations of mean transverse momentum, $\langle p_{\rm{T}}\rangle$, help to characterize the properties of the system created in heavy-ion collisions and are linked to the phase transition dynamics from quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to a hadron gas. In this contribution, $\langle p_{\rm{T}}\rangle$ fluctuations of charged particles produced in pp at $\sqrt{s}= 5.02$ TeV, Xe-Xe and...
The INO-ICAL collaboration has built a prototype detector called miniICAL at IICHEP, Madurai, India. A Cosmic Muon Veto detector (CMVD) based on an extruded plastic scintillator (EPS) is being built on top of the miniICAL detector to investigate the feasibility of constructing a large-scale neutrino experiment at shallow depths. All the individual components of the veto walls, e.g, SiPM $\&$...
Within the framework of the Standard Model, the Higgs sector is minimally composed of one doublet of complex scalar fields, essential for achieving spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking. Nevertheless, a myriad of advanced theories transcending the Standard Model envision more intricate Higgs sectors, leading to the prediction of charged Higgs bosons. Notably, the Georgi- Machacek(GM) model...
Resonances play a crucial role in probing the characteristic of the hadronic phase, created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Rescattering and regeneration processes influence the measurable resonance yields and $p_{\rm T}$ spectra shapes. Measurements of resonance productions in high-multiplicity pp collisions could provide insight into the possible presence of a hadronic phase in...
Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations play a key role in high energy physics, for example at the ATLAS experiment. MC generators evolve continuously, so a periodic validation is indispensable for obtaining reliable and reproducible physics simulations. For that purpose, an automated and central validation system was developed: PMG Architecture for Validating Evgen with Rivet (PAVER). It provides an MC...
We studied the CP violating phases in the neutral kaon oscillations and decays in the effective field theory of kaons, without going into the quark level, and connected the CP violating parameters to the Bargmann invariants and hence to the geometrical phases. We extended this approach to demonstrate how the CP violating parameters appearing in the processes of baryogenesis and leptogenesis...
The study of nucleon pairs momentum correlations can provide input for describing the formation of light nuclei, such as deuterons, through the coalescence of protons and neutrons into bound states. The femtoscopy technique is applied to measure the correlation in momentum among protons emitted after the hadronization phase of a hadronic collision. The spatial properties of the proton-emitting...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a next-generation large liquid-scintillator neutrino detector, which is designed to determine the neutrino mass ordering. Moreover, high-energy atmospheric neutrino measurements could also improve its sensitivity to mass ordering via matter effects on oscillations, which depend on the capability to identify the flavors of neutrinos....
The DeepTau tau identification algorithm, based on Deep Neural Network techniques, has been developed to reduce the fraction of jets, muons and electrons misidentified as hadronically decaying tau leptons by the Hadron-plus-strip algorithm. Its recently deployed version 2.5 for Run3 has brought several improvements to the existing algorithm, e.g. the addition of domain adaptation to reduce...
A fundamental aspect of CMS researches concerns the identification and characterisation of jets originating from quarks and gluons produced in high-energy pp collisions. Electroweak scale resonances (Z/W bosons), Higgs bosons and top quarks are often produced with high Lorentz-boosts, where their products become highly collimated large and massive jets, usually reconstructed as AK8 jets....
The T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment in Japan harnesses its sensitivity to search for CP violation in neutrino sector by observing the appearance of electron (anti-)neutrinos from a beam of muon (anti-)neutrinos at its far detector, Super-Kamiokande (SK). For the next iteration of T2K's oscillation analysis, a new $\nu_e$ appearance sample was developed, targeting charged-current single...
Mu2e will search for the neutrinoless coherent μ^-→e^- conversion in the field of an Al nucleus and improve the current limit by 4 orders of magnitude. Mu2e consists of a straw-tube tracker and crystal calorimeter in a 1T B field complemented by a plastic scintillation counter veto to suppress cosmic ray backgrounds. Tracker geometry makes track reconstruction a quite unique problem. The first...
The poster collects measures adopted by the ERC over the years in order to facilitate the participation of diverse groups, and it presents some of the main results of these, with a focus on gender and physical sciences.
We integrated the detector and the readout electronics for a new inner-station TGC system at the ATLAS experiment and evaluated the performance. The TGC detectors installed in the endcap inner stations of the ATLAS detector will be upgraded from the doublet to triplet chambers for an improved selectivity of the first-level muon trigger at the HL-LHC. The challenging structure of fitting a...
The flagship activity of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) is the International Masterclasses (IMC) in particle physics. This very successful programme brings cutting-edge science to high-school students. Invited to a university or laboratory, the students spend a day of immersion in particle physics, learning about the standard model and beyond, about experimental...
In this talk, we report recent progress on the development of a local renormalisation formalism based on Causal Loop-Tree Duality. By performing an expansion around the UV-propagator in an Euclidean space, we manage to build counter-terms to cancel the non-integrable terms in the UV limit. This procedure is then combined with the so-called causal representation, and the UV expansion is...
We investigate the effects of parameters in the Bestest Little Higgs Model (BLHM) on rare flavor-changing decays of the top quark. In this study, we incorporate new flavor mixing terms between the light quarks of the Standard Model (SM) and the fermions and bosons of the BLHM. We compute the one-loop contributions from the heavy quark $(B)$ and the heavy bosons $(W^{\prime\pm}, \phi^{\pm},...
The ATLAS physics program at HL-LHC calls for a precision in the luminosity measurement of 1%. To fulfill such requirement in an environment characterized by up to140 simultaneous interactions per crossing (200 in the ultimate scenario), ATLAS will feature several luminosity detectors. LUCID-3, the upgrade of the present ATLAS luminometer (LUCID-2), will fulfill such a condition. In this...
Precise luminosity determination is of paramount importance for the ATLAS physics program. A set of complementary luminometers is crucial to ensure high stability and precision of the luminosity measurement. In 2018, two Timepix3 detector setups were installed to study their capabilities of measuring luminosity. The detectors benefit from a fine segmentation and a narrow per-pixel time...
Searches for beyond the SM physics can involve heavy resonances identified by multi-prong jets. Calibration techniques rely on SM candles, which makes it challenging to calibrate jets with more than three prongs. This talk will highlight a new method for calibrating the tagging of multi-prong jets using the Lund Jet Plane to correct the substructure of simulated jets. The technique is based on...
Tau leptons are very important objects for testing the predictions of the standard model, such as the characterization of the Higgs boson. Tau leptons are also vital in the search for beyond the standard model physics, as many models predict new particles which decay into final states with tau leptons. An efficient tau lepton trigger is therefore essential to maximize the physics reach of the...
The second MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles (MAPP-2) is proposed for deployment at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) a large instrumented tunnel decay volume adjacent to IP8 with a volume of 1200m3. The detector utilizes large area scintillator panels with x-y WLS fibres readout by SiPMs arranged in a “Russian Doll configuration to measure the vertices of very Long-Lived Particles...
Analysis of the high-multiplicity triggered pp data at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV, obtained by the ALICE detector, is carried out to study the event-by-event fluctuations of mean transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) using two particle correlator, $\sqrt{C_m}/M(p_{\rm T})_m$. The driving force behind these studies is the search for dynamical fluctuations that may be associated with the formation of QGP...