Jul 17 – 24, 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

CERN Diversity & Inclusion: Beyond Gender & Nationality and our Invisible Dimensions

Jul 20, 2024, 11:53 AM
Club B

Club B

Parallel session talk 16. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


Louise Carvalho (CERN)


As an International Organization, publicly funded, it is essential that CERN's personnel reflect the diverse nationality and gender populations of our Member and Associate Member States. As such, we record and report on these dimensions.

In this context, CERN's 25 by '25 initiative is yielding better than expected progress on gender. However, retaining this diversity is the next frontier.

And what about the invisible dimensions we do not record? Our cultural, ethnic, neuro, socio-econmoic, religious,(dis)ability, sexual orientation, and other gender diversity?

Our "in-group" privileges can mask our parallel "out-group" experiences, even to ourselves.

Beyond Gender and Nationality, CERN's Diversity & Inclusion Programme Leader invites the audience to participate in an Invisible Dimensions Poll. Shedding light on - and being curiuos about - less visibile characteristics may be key to nurturing and retaining the diversity we need.

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