17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

The DAQ system development for the T2K new near detector Super-FGD

19 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade (incl. HL-LHC) of Present Detectors Poster Session 2


Shunta Arimoto (Kyoto University)


The T2K experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. A muon (anti-)neutrino beam produced at J-PARC is detected at the near detector ND280 and the far detector Super-Kamiokande (SK). The ND280 detects neutrino interaction candidates before oscillation to predict the neutrino flux in SK and constrain neutrino-nucleus interaction models.

To reduce systematic uncertainties, a new detector Super-FGD was installed in ND280 in October 2023. It consists of about 2 million 1 cm^3 scintillator cubes and fibers inserted in the cubes in three directions. Signals detected by photo detectors attached to the fiber ends are digitized and transmitted in custom electronics boards. A DAQ system was developed to read out this data in a way that minimizes system complexity while also accepting data at a high rate. We report on this DAQ system which was integrated to the conventional ND280 DAQ system successfully and detected the first neutrino candidate event in December 2023.

Alternate track 02. Neutrino Physics
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Shunta Arimoto (Kyoto University)

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