17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Observation of top-quark pair production in p+Pb collisions in the ATLAS experiment

18 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 07. Heavy Ions Poster Session 1


Santu Mondal (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))


Top quarks, the heaviest elementary particles carrying colour charges, are considered to be attractive candidates for probing the quark-gluon plasma produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In proton-lead collisions, top-quark production is expected to be sensitive to nuclear modifications of parton distribution functions at high Bjoerken-x values, which are difficult to access experimentally using other available probes. In 2016, the ATLAS exper- iment recorded proton-lead collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 8.16 TeV per nucleon pair, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 165 nb-1. In this poster, we present the final measurement of the top-quark pair production in dilepton and lepton+jet decay modes in the proton-lead system with the AT- LAS detector. The inclusive cross section is extracted using a profile-likelihood fit to data distributions in six signal regions. The nuclear modification factor is also measured.

Alternate track 04. Top Quark and Electroweak Physics
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Primary authors

Frederic Deliot (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Santu Mondal (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

Presentation materials