17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Promoting usable skills and analysis methods via introductory physics labs

18 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 15. Education and Outreach Poster Session 1


Dmitriy Beznosko (Clayton State University)


Science students encounter multiple challenges with employment or upper level courses thus teaching them solid lab skills and analysis provide needed solid foundation. The lab for intro-level Physics I and II must provide students with practical experience and laboratory skills that would be further developed by upper-level courses.
A new approach was instituted to provide meaningful lab experience to students. This presentation will overview the experiments and the innovative methodology using open-source tracker software physlets.org/tracker. This new approach expanded the number of possible experiments, provided students with ability to conduct some of the simple experiments at home using common household items, and gives a backup option in the case of possible restrictions to students access of lab facilities. The lab topics make a progression that introduces additional skills to students such as use of software for data analysis, error analysis methods, making a presentation, etc.

Alternate track 16. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
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Dmitriy Beznosko (Clayton State University)


Mr Alexander Iakovlev (Woodward Academy) Prof. Tatiana Krivosheev (Clayton State University)

Presentation materials