17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Visiting CMS from your living room (virtually!)

18 Jul 2024, 09:30
Club C

Club C

Parallel session talk 15. Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Noemi Beni (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research (HU))


CMS Virtual Visits allow thousands of people each year to experience CMS from the comfort of their own homes or schools. These visits are hosted online where people interact with CMS scientists as they are shown the experimental areas in Cessy, France, often in their own language! Not everybody can visit the site in person, but this should not be a barrier to experiencing everything CMS has to offer and creating excitement for our audiences. Since its inception in 2006, we have created a system for running the virtual visits for many different audiences and languages. We will take you through the history of this initiative, how they are run today, the feedback we have received, and the exciting possibilities this online visit format can have in the coming years for CMS and other outreach teams.

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Noemi Beni (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research (HU)) Zoltan Szillasi (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research (HU))

Presentation materials