17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Particle Pâtisserie: Communicating Particle Physics with Cakes

18 Jul 2024, 10:45
Club C

Club C

Parallel session talk 15. Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Katharine Leney (Southern Methodist University (US))


A novel approach to science communication is presented, using cake to explain particle physics ideas to engage new audiences. This talk will present a public engagement strategy where baking has been used to engage the general public, both at in-person events and with online platforms such as social media and virtual science fairs. This innovative approach using the juxtaposition of cake and physics makes for a fun and memorable experience, and has been demonstrated to engage new and low science capital audiences and spark their interest in particle physics.

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Katharine Leney (Southern Methodist University (US)) Kathryn Grimm (California State University (US))

Presentation materials