17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Quantum: an innovative exhibition to tell the public about Quantum Mechanics

19 Jul 2024, 15:30
Club D

Club D

Parallel session talk 15. Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Francesca Scianitti


Today we can design infrastructure the size of a metropolis and space missions millions of miles away, thanks to Galileo's and Newton's classical mechanics and to Maxwell’s electromagnetism, which represents a solid castle and undisputed cause-effect laws. However, at the beginning of the new century, the exploration of the microscopic world has provoked a crisis and shaken the seemingly unwavering order, revealing that reality is unpredictable and, even today, counterintuitive.
Inaugurated in December in Italy, at the Science Museum of Trento (MUSE), "Quantum. The revolution in a leap" is an exhibition of 400 square meters made of interactive multimedia installations, texts, videos, animations, historical and scientific objects. Designed for the general public, "Quantum" is based on a rigorous and experiential narrative focused on the ideas and perceptions that made scientists build the theory that changed the paradigm we use to look at atoms and particles and the entire universe.

Alternate track 16. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
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