17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Leveraging virtual reality for visualising the CMS detector

18 Jul 2024, 09:15
Club C

Club C

Parallel session talk 15. Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Muhammad Ansar Iqbal (University of California Los Angeles (US))


Virtual reality (VR) is emerging as a transformative tool across various disciplines, revolutionising the way we perceive and interact with objects, data, and their visualisation. In this talk, we present a novel CMS project wherein we use VR, utilising Meta Quest headsets, to create an immersive virtual experience. The virtual world features 3D models of the CMS detector and the underground hallways that lead to the cavern where the detector is located.

The experience is particularly useful for visitors during data taking phase of the LHC when access underground is possible, but entry to the detector cavern is forbidden. The concept is thus that visitors can "see through the walls" to the detector, whilst underground. Through this presentation we will demonstrate our VR project with the help of captured images and videos, and describe general workflows of how it is set up. After the talk, the attendees will also get a chance to experience the project themselves using our VR headsets.

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Muhammad Ansar Iqbal (University of California Los Angeles (US))


Jay Hauser (University of California Los Angeles (US))

Presentation materials