17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

The MoEDAL-MAPP New Physics Search Facility at the LHC - Transcending the Standard Model

20 Jul 2024, 17:19
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Aditya Upreti (The University of Alabama)


The MoEDAL experiment at IP8 on the LHC ring is the 7th LHC experiment and the 1st dedicated to the search for BSM physics. It took data at LHC’s Run-1&2. The MoEDAL detector is an unconventional and mostly passive detector dedicated to the search for Highly Ionizing Particle (HIP) avatars of new physics. An upgraded MoEDAL detector, installed for Run-3, is currently taking data allowing us to also search for massive singly & multiply charged Long-Lived Particles (LLPs).

MoEDAL-MAPP is currently installing the MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles (MAPP-1) in the UA83 tunnel ~100m from IP8 as part of MoEDAL-MAPP’s New Physics Search Facility (MNPSF) at the LHC. MAPP-1 extends MoEDAL’s reach to include sensitivity to Feebly Ionizing Particles (FIPs) such as milli-charged particles, with sensitivity to LLPs. The MoEDAL-MAPP Collaboration is planning to add the MAPP-2 detector to the MNPSF for data taking at the High Luminosity to greatly enhance our sensitivity to neutral LLPs.

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Aditya Upreti (The University of Alabama) James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))

Presentation materials