17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

First NA62 search for long-lived new physics particle hadronic decays

20 Jul 2024, 17:02
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Samet Lezki (Max Planck Society (DE))


The NA62 experiment at CERN, designed to measure the highly-suppressed decay $K^{+} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$, has the capability to collect data in a beam-dump mode, where 400 GeV protons are dumped on an absorber. In this configuration, New Physics (NP) particles, including dark photons, dark scalars and axion-like particles, may be produced and reach a decay volume beginning 80 m downstream of the absorber.A search for NP particles decaying in flight to hadronic final states is reported, based on a blind analysis of a sample of $1.4 \times 10^{17}$ protons on dump collected in 2021.

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Samet Lezki (Max Planck Society (DE))

Presentation materials