17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Searches for long-lived particles with ANUBIS: sensitivity projections

20 Jul 2024, 17:36
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Oleg Brandt (University of Cambridge (GB))


Many extensions of the Standard Model with Dark Matter candidates predict new long-lived particles (LLP). The LHC provides an unprecedented possibility to search for such LLP produced at the electroweak scale and above. The ANUBIS concept foresees instrumenting the ceiling and service shafts above the ATLAS experiment with tracking stations in order to search for LLPs with decay lengths of O(10m) and above. In this contribution, we will present the latest findings from our intensive recent studies of ANUBIS’ sensitivity for several BSM models predicting long-lived particle signatures, with a particular focus on challenging Heavy Neutral Lepton scenarios.

Alternate track 11. Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities
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Anna Jane Mullin (University of Cambridge (GB)) Prof. MARTIN BAUER (IPPP Durham) Oleg Brandt (University of Cambridge (GB)) Paul Nathaniel Swallow (University of Cambridge (GB)) SOFIE,NORDAHL ERNER Theo Reymermier Théo REYMERMIER

Presentation materials