17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Z' boson mass reach and discrimination at muon colliders

20 Jul 2024, 12:10
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Maximilian Loeschner


BSM theories extending the Standard Model gauge group are well motivated by grand unification, compositeness or flavor symmetries, and naturally introduce additional gauge bosons. Existing experimental bounds coming from LHC exclude the existence of an additional neutral gauge boson Z' with masses of up to about 5 TeV, depending on the model. The reach could be extended at future lepton colliders due to a cleaner collision environment. In our contribution, we show that a muon collider operating at 10 TeV could extend this reach by an order of magnitude for a vast set of BSM scenarios, far beyond the collider energy. We also present a framework to efficiently discriminate between different Z' models due to their vector and axial vector couplings using leptonic observables. We briefly discuss the impact of systematic uncertainties as well as beam polarization if available at a muon collider.

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Jürgen Reuter Ms Kateryna Korshynska (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig) Mr Krzysztof Mekala Ms Mariia Marinichenko (Leiden University) Maximilian Loeschner

Presentation materials