17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

BSM physics and Heavy neutral lepton searches at FCC-ee

20 Jul 2024, 14:30
South Hall 1A

South Hall 1A

Parallel session talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Nicolo Valle (INFN Sezione di Pavia (IT))


The origin of the neutrinos masses, baryon asymmetry in the universe, and the nature 
of dark matter remain fundamental open problems in HEP. The FCC-ee provides exciting opportunities to resolve these mysteries with the discovery of heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) via e+e- → Z → vN by exploiting a huge sample ($5\cdot 10^{12}$) of Z bosons. The expected very small mixing between light and heavy neutrinos leads to tiny mixing angles, resulting in very long HNL lifetimes and a spectacular signal topology. Recent work based on a parametrised simulation of the IDEA detector will be described. The sensitivity region in the HNL parameter space will be mapped for prompt and long-lived signatures, with emphasis on background reduction, and detector requirements. A percent-level mass resolution can be achieved with inner-detector timing over large part of the HNL parameter space. Results of models with HNLs oscillations inside the detector will be also presented.

Alternate track 02. Neutrino Physics
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