It is well known that inside an oriented crystal a strong acceleration of the e.m. shower development is observed, if a high energy ($> 10$ GeV) e$^\pm$ or photon impinges within 0.1$^\circ$ from one of its crystallographic axes. This phenomenon can be exploited to develop novel ultra-compact calorimeters, capable of containing the energy of the incident particles as efficiently as much thicker non-oriented detectors, with an improved particle identification capability. Such a calorimeter has never been developed before, but the INFN ORiEnted calOrimeter (OREO) project is now aiming at assembling a first prototype composed of oriented PbWO$_4$ crystals. This contribution will present the status of the OREO project and the results of both numerical simulations and beamtests, performed at the CERN PS and SPS with a 3x1 and a 2x2 matrix of oriented PbWO$_4$ crystals. We will also discuss the potential application of such a detector in fixed target experiments and $\gamma$-ray telescopes.
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