17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Optimization of fast parallel operations with large disk arrays

18 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 14. Computing, AI and Data Handling Poster Session 1


Martin Zemko (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))


This contribution addresses the need for reliable and efficient data storage in the high-energy physics experiment called AMBER. The experiment generates sustained data rates of up to 10 GB/s, requiring optimization of data storage. The study investigates single-disk performance, including random and sequential disk operations, highlighting the impact of parallel access and disk geometry. A comparison with SSD drives reveals important differences. Various RAID configurations are assessed, considering their reliability, data rates, and capacity. Probability analysis is used to evaluate the RAID rebuilding procedure in the event of disk failure. In addition, an innovative approach of alternating disk access is proposed to ensure uninterrupted performance. Finally, the study identifies the most suitable RAID configuration for the AMBER experiment. The results of this study contribute to the design of high-performance storage solutions for data-intensive scientific experiments.

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Martin Zemko (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))


Benjamin Moritz Veit (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Dominik Steffen (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE)) Igor Konorov (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE)) Josef Novy (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)) Miroslav Virius (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)) Stephan Huber (Unknown) Vladimir Frolov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Vladimir Jary (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))

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