17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Transverse Collective Effects studies for a Muon Collider

19 Jul 2024, 11:39
Club D

Club D

Parallel session talk 11. Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities Accelerators: Physics, Performance, and R&D for future facilities


David Amorim (CERN)


The International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC) is investigating the key challenges of a 10 TeV center-of-mass muon collider ring, along with its injector complex and an intermediate 3 TeV collider stage. Muon and anti-muon bunches are produced via a proton driver complex and then undergo 6D cooling. The bunches are then accelerated before entering the collider ring by a series of Linacs, recirculating Linacs and Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons (RCS).

Collective effects are a concern due to the high charge of the muon bunches. The RCS require a significant number of RF cavities to rapidly accelerate the beams and keep a 90% survival rate in each ring. The effect of the cavity high-order modes was evaluated using start-to-end simulations that included collective effects. The collider would be an isochronous ring to preserve a short bunch length. The study also examined the impact of this operation on transverse coherent stability, and potential methods for mitigating instabilities.

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Antoine Chance (CEA Irfu) Christian Carli (CERN) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Elias Metral (CERN) Erik Kvikne (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (NO)) Fabian Batsch (CERN) Heiko Damerau (CERN) Dr Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL)

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