17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

High level reconstruction with deep learning at ILD full simulation

20 Jul 2024, 09:04
Club A

Club A

Parallel session talk 14. Computing, AI and Data Handling Computing and Data handling


Taikan Suehara (ICEPP, The University of Tokyo (JP))


Deep learning can give a significant impact on physics performance of electron-positron Higgs factories such as ILC and FCCee. We are working on two topics on event reconstruction to apply deep learning; one is jet flavor tagging. We apply particle transformer to ILD full simulation to obtain jet flavor, including strange tagging. The other one is particle flow, which clusters calorimeter hits and assigns tracks to them to improve jet energy resolution. We modified the algorithm developed in context of CMS HGCAL based on GravNet and Object Condensation techniques and add a track-cluster assignment function into the network. The overview and performance of these algorithms will be presented.
We believe the sophisticated simulation developed for long time in ILD context is essential to try these novel technologies in event reconstruction. Comparison with other Higgs factory results as well as primal consideration on impact to physics performance will also be discussed.

Alternate track 14. Computing, AI and Data Handling
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Primary authors

Taikan Suehara (ICEPP, The University of Tokyo (JP)) Risako Tagami (The University of Tokyo) Lai Gui (Imperial College London) Tatsuki Murata (University of Tokyo) Tomohiko Tanabe (MI-6, Ltd.) Wataru Ootani (ICEPP, University of Tokyo) Masaya Ishino (University of Tokyo (JP))

Presentation materials