The extension of the BESIII experiment (IHEP, Beijing) until 2030 has triggered a program to improve the accelerator and the detector. In particular, it is proposed to replace the current inner drift chamber with a cylindrical GEM detector.
The inner CGEM tracker consists of three coaxial layers of triple GEM and is expected to restore efficiency, improve z-determination and secondary vertex position reconstruction with a resolution of 130 μm in the xy-plane and better than 500 μm along the beam direction.
A special readout system was developed. The signals are processed by TIGER, a custom 64-channel 110 nm ASIC that provides an analog charge readout via a fully digital output to the GEM Read Out Card.
The three layers were assembled in October 2023 and a cosmic ray data collection campaign is underway to evaluate performance prior to installation in BESIII.
The general status of the CGEM-IT project will be presented, with a particular focus on the first cosmic ray detection results.
Alternate track | 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade (incl. HL-LHC) of Present Detectors |
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