17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Designing the muon system for a 10 TeV muon collider

19 Jul 2024, 09:04
Club H

Club H

Parallel session talk 13. Detectors for Future Facilities, R&D, Novel Techniques Detectors for Future Facilities, R&D, Novel Techniques


Chiara Aime' (INFN (IT))


A 10 TeV muon collider is a promising machine for the high energy frontier. However, the beam-induced background (BIB), originated from the interaction of leptons from muon decay with the machine, represents a big challenge. To deal with its high occupancy, new reconstruction algorithms and high performance detectors are required.
In this context, the studies concerning the muon spectrometer are presented. A new geometry has been designed with seven (five) layers of Gas Electron Multipliers in the barrel (endcap) as track-sensitive chambers. In the endcaps, a layer of Picosec is added to provide time information to reject BIB hits. Picosec achieves resolutions of tens of picoseconds by amplifying, via a Micromegas, electrons from Cherenkov light produced from an incident particle on a radiator crystal. The results for the muon reconstruction efficiency and BIB mitigation are presented with the R&D outcomes with different radiators, photocathodes, and new-generation gas mixtures.

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Chiara Aime' (INFN (IT)) Cristina Riccardi (Pavia University and INFN (IT)) Ilaria Vai (Pavia University and INFN (IT)) Matteo Brunoldi (Pavia University and INFN (IT)) Paola Salvini (Pavia University and INFN (IT)) Paolo Vitulo (Pavia University and INFN (IT)) Simone Calzaferri (Università degli studi di Pavia - INFN Pavia)

Presentation materials