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17–24 Jul 2024
Europe/Prague timezone

Challenging exclusive top quark pair production at low and high luminosity LHC

19 Jul 2024, 19:00
Foyer Floor 2

Foyer Floor 2

Poster 04. Top Quark and Electroweak Physics Poster Session 2


Daniel Ernani Martins Neto (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))


We investigate the elastic production of top quark pairs ($t\bar{t}$) in $pp$ collisions at low and high luminosities. We extend the study of the sum of two semi-exclusive $t\bar{t}$ production modes, namely in photon--Pomeron ($\gamma-\!IP$) and Pomeron--Pomeron ($\!IP-\!IP$) interactions. We consider semi-leptonic $t\bar{t}$ decay, tagging of both forward protons, and low pile-up. We find that the measuring the sum of $\!IP-\!IP$ and $\gamma-\!IP$ is feasible. Separating individual channels is challenging at high-luminosities. The $\gamma-\!IP$ signal is separable from backgrounds at low pile-up, allowing to probe the $\gamma-\!IP$ interactions.

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Primary author

Daniel Ernani Martins Neto (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))


Marek Tasevsky (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)) Victor Gonçalves (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)

Presentation materials

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