We will discuss possible future studies of $\gamma\gamma\to\gamma\gamma$ process using two future detectors. We include different $\gamma\gamma\to\gamma\gamma$ scattering mechanisms, such as double-hadronic photon fluctuations, t/u-channel neutral pion exchange or resonance excitations and deexcitation. Low mass resonant contributions will be included here. The resonance contributions give intermediate photon transverse momenta. We study and quantify individual leptonic and quarkish contributions.
We predict cross section in the mb-b range for typical ALICE3 cuts, a few orders of magnitude larger than for the current ATLAS/CMS experiments. We have also explored an option to use the planned FoCal detector. When used simultaneously with the ALICE main detector, it may allow the study of the $\gamma\gamma\to\gamma\gamma$ scattering for $M_{\gamma\gamma}<1$GeV, a new unexplored region of the subsystem energies.
The talk will be based on research published in Phys.Rev.D109 014004 (2024).
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