Intense electromagnetic fields from ultrarelativistic heavy ions can trigger photonuclear reactions, which can be used to probe the nuclear gluon distribution at low Bjorken-$x$ and targets gluonic fluctuations. Our study examines ultra-peripheral and nuclear-overlap collisions, covering measurements of peripheral Pb--Pb collisions' $y$-differential cross section and coherent J/$\psi$ photoproduction polarization. We present new Run 2 measurements, including $p_T$ spectra of incoherent J/$\psi$ in Pb--Pb UPCs at both forward and midrapidity, revealing lead nucleus substructure. Additionally, we observe J/$\psi$ photoproduction with proton dissociation in p--Pb collisions, offering fresh insights into proton sub-nucleonic fluctuations. Combining forward and midrapidity data offers a robust test of theoretical models.
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