Monte Carlo (MC) generators are at the core of LHC data analyses, and will also play a paramount role at future lepton colliders offering high energies and luminosities. With an $e^+e^-$ Higgs factory at the horizon and studies on the physics potential of a muon collider ongoing, the development of MC generators has to be continuously improved to match the projected experimental precision.
We give a status report on new developments within the WHIZARD event generator, an efficient tool for simulating exclusive and inclusive multi-particle processes, which is one of the major codes used within the lepton-collider community. Important new features comprise NLO electroweak automation (incl. extension to BSM processes like SMEFT), loop-induced processes and new developments in the UFO interface. We highlight work in progress and further plans, such as the implementation of electroweak PDFs, photon radiation, the exclusive top threshold and features for exotic new physics searches.
Alternate track | 03. Beyond the Standard Model |
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